Based in Málaga, Spain
Founding date:
Marzo, 2015
Press / Business contact:
San Juan de Letrán 2
(+34) 634501804
POWERNAUTS is the first curricular video game that combines the mathematical teachings of the acclaimed Singapore Method and the fun of video games to enjoy learning. Each level adapts the teaching methods to entertaining puzzles and mini-games that will turn the experience of learning into an adventure, while the player explores a mysterious planet and knows its inhabitants, the curious and friendly Blublus that will help him in his mission.
Curricular Video GamePOWERNAUTS is designed for children between 5 and 11 years old, and is based on the curricular contents of Primary Education. Mathematical challenges and mental challenges integrated into a classic platform adventure where skill and ingenuity will have to be used to advance. Learning can be fun ... and very rewarding! The more content the player learns, the more rewards he will receive for his Powernaut to be unique and personal. The challenges of each level will vary in each game so that the learning experience never ends and you can enjoy again and again your challenges: You will never get bored learning with the Powernauts!
Monitor app for parents and teachersThe application for families and teachers allows to follow the educational progress of the child, as well as all aspects of the game: achievements, contents exceeded, etc. This allows the adult to evaluate the player in real time.
POWERNAUTS: Trailer YouTube
POWERNAUTS: Gameplay de los niveles 1, 2, 3 y 4. YouTube
There are far more images available for TeachLabs, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
Awards & Recognition
- "London Game Financial Market (official selection)" - Londres, Marzo de 2019
- "Mejor Startup SIMO EDUCACION" - Madrid, Octubre de 2016
- "7º proyecto más innovador de España" - Madrid, Septiembre de 2015
Selected Articles
- "Powernauts: La aplicación móvil ideal para aprender matemáticas ‘como jugando‘"
- , TEC.COM.PE - "Con este juego infantil aprenderán matemáticas sin que se den cuenta"
- , El Androide Libre - "Matemáticas, un juego muy serio"
- , La Opinión de Málaga - "Una firma malagueña diseña videojuegos para fomentar el aprendizaje en las aulas"
- , Diario Sur - "Las mejores apps nuevas para iPhone del mes (febrero 2019)"
- , iPadizate - "Powernauts, el primer videojuego para aprender matemáticas"
- , Generación Apps - "Powernauts, el primer videojuego para aprender matemáticas"
- , 101 TV: Llegó la hora - "Powernauts"
- , Padres Gamers - "El videojuego educativo desarrollado en Málaga, premiado en la feria SIMO"
- , Diario Sur - "Powernauts, un videojuego infantil para aprender matemáticas"
- , Gaptain - "Con estos juegos infantiles, aprenderás matemáticas sin darte cuenta."
- , TodoTech - "Análsis: Powernauts."
- , ReliveAndPplay
Team & Repeating Collaborator
Román Muñoz
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks