¿Qué información recabamos de menores de 13 años?

  • Alias o nombre de usuario (apodo o sobrenombre para identificarse en la plataforma) que no sirve ni es utilizado como información de contacto online o, en su defecto,
  • Dato técnico para identificar el dispositivo (ID de dispositivo)
  • Para más información, consultar más abajo el apartado “CATEGORIA DE DATOS TRATADOS”

¿Por qué se recaba información?

  • Para soporte interno y uso de la aplicación (por ejemplo, analítica de usuarios)
  • Para ofrecer a los padres o tutores legales el seguimiento de la evolución de aprendizaje de sus hijos
  • Para más información, consultar más abajo el apartado “FINALIDAD DEL TRATAMIENTO”.

¿Con quién se comparte la información?

  • Con proveedores de servicios externos: por ejemplo, medios de pago, y alojamiento web, para poder prestar los servicios ofrecidos por Teachlabs.
  • Con el padre o tutor legal, para que pueda realizar el seguimiento de la evolución de aprendizaje de sus hijos, mientras se divierten utilizando las Aplicaciones de Teachlabs

Para la prestación de sus servicios, y en concreto a través de sus aplicaciones móviles(en adelante, “Aplicaciones”), Teachlabs S.L. (en adelante Teachlabs) recopila datos de carácter personal, que son tratados de acuerdo con la legislación vigente: el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016, relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos (RGPD), así como la normativa española de aplicación en vigor, en materia de protección de datos. Teachlabs S.L. presta además especial atención y realiza un cumplimiento estricto de la normativa internacional en vigor para el tratamiento de datos personales para menores de 13 años, en sus Aplicaciones y servicios orientados a dicho público.

Al hacer uso de las Aplicaciones de Teachlabs, usted acepta nuestra política de privacidad. Si no acepta nuestra Política de Privacidad, por favor no use nuestras Aplicaciones.



  • Titular: Teachlabs S.L. (en adelante, “Teachlabs”)
  • Domicilio social: Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga. Registro 760/2015.
  • CIF: B93399871
  • Teléfono: (+34) 684 11 70 49
  • Correo Electrónico: privacy@teachlabs.com



Teachlabs tratará los datos de usuario que recopila a través de sus Aplicaciones de forma manual y/o automatizada, con las siguientes finalidades:

  • Para niños menores de 13 años:
    • Proporcionar el soporte para las operaciones internas de nuestras Aplicaciones, única y exclusivamente.
  • Para adultos y niños mayores de 13 años:
    • Obtener informes estadísticos anónimos de acceso y uso de Aplicaciones.
    • Obtener el pago de mayores de edad, que compran contenidos dentro de las Aplicaciones de Teachlabs, para sus hijos menores de edad, o menores de 13 años, para poder realizar la gestión económico-administrativa correspondiente a dichas compras.
    • Elaborar información estadística correspondiente a la evolución de aprendizaje de los niños, mientras aprenden jugando, para que sus padres puedan consultarla.

Teachlabs recaba también datos no personales de los usuarios de sus Aplicaciones. Esta información es usada únicamente para entender mejor el comportamiento y preferencias de nuestros usuarios anónimos, y poder así mejorar nuestros productos y servicios.

La base jurídica de los tratamientos de datos mencionados se basa en el interés legítimo de Teachlabs en ofrecer los servicios descritos, así como en la aceptación de las condiciones de uso, con carácter contractual, que aceptan previamente los usuarios de las Aplicaciones de Teachlabs.



Teachlabs toma especiales precauciones a la hora de proteger la privacidad online de niños menores de 13 años. En ese sentido, cuando Teachlabs se refiere a “niños” en esta política de privacidad, se refiere en todos los casos a niños menores de 13 años. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que su hijo, menor de 13 años, no debería compartir sus datos personales (nombre, cuenta de correo electrónico, dirección postal, número de teléfono, etc) con ninguna otra persona sin su permiso.

Para garantizar la privacidad y protección online de los niños, Teachlabs cumple rigurosamente la Ley de Protección de la Privacidad de los niños en línea (COPPA, en inglés, en adelante) en todas sus aplicaciones orientadas a niños. Esta ley estadounidense, COPPA, fue creada para proteger la privacidad online de los niños. Si desea saber más de COPPA, puede dirigirse a la sección online de la Comisión Federal de Comercio estadounidense.

Como se indica a continuación, en el apartado de “categoría de datos tratados”, la única información que se recaba de niños es la correspondiente a un identificador (alias o nombre en pantalla) para poder proporcionar la funcionalidad y el soporte de las operaciones internas de nuestras Aplicaciones, no representando en ningún caso información personal de los niños. En resumen, Teachlabs no recopila ninguna información personal de niños en sus Aplicaciones, y únicamente se limita a recabar aquella información que se supone una “excepción” permitida por la ley COPPA, para facilitar la provisión de servicios a niños en Aplicaciones. Dicha información, incluida en las “excepciones” de datos que sí permite la ley COPPA recopilar de niños, representa identificadores persistentes. Toda la información que Teachlabs recopila de niños en sus aplicaciones, lo realiza en todo caso tras obtener el consentimiento parental mediante el pago online que realiza el padre a través de la aplicación. Tras dicho consentimiento parental, Teachlabs recopila información del niño, relativa al progreso que su hijo realiza mientras aprende jugando. Dicha información de progreso es compartida con el padre a través de la aplicación que usted puede descargar.

En la actualidad, las Aplicaciones de Teachlabs no contienen anuncios. Además, ninguno de los productos de terceros que pueda utilizar Teachlabs en sus Aplicaciones permiten anuncios dirigidos a niños, basándose en su comportamiento.

Si cree que de forma no intencionada estamos recabando información personal de su niño sin su consentimiento previo, no dude en ponerse en contacto con el responsable de tratamiento de datos de Teachlabs por los siguientes cauces:

  • Por correo electrónico: Correo Electrónico: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • Por correo postal:

Pérez Parras Economistas y Abogados.

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga, España. Registro 760/2015.



En consonancia con las finalidades anteriores, Teachlabs recaba los siguientes datos:

Para el caso de menores de 13 años, en nuestras Aplicaciones única y exclusivamente se recogen los siguientes datos, que en ningún caso representan información personal del niño, y que no permite ni es utilizada para contactar online con el niño:

  • Alias o nombre de usuario (apodo o sobrenombre para identificarse en la plataforma) que no sirve ni es utilizado como información de contacto online o, en su defecto,
  • Dato técnico para identificar el dispositivo (ID de dispositivo)
  • Información de la evolución de aprendizaje del niño, mientras se divierte jugando

Cuando un usuario utiliza nuestras Aplicaciones, también recopilamos información no personal sobre el uso de la Aplicación, para ayudarnos a mejorar nuestros servicios. En ese sentido, se recopilan los siguientes datos, con el único interés de mejorar nuestros productos y servicios, y de comprender mejor el comportamiento y preferencias de nuestros usuarios:

  • Actividades a las que puede acceder el usuario
  • Número de accesos (logins) a la aplicación
  • Duración de tiempo de la sesión online



El usuario de estas Aplicaciones se compromete a que toda la información que facilite sea veraz, completa y actualizada. El no envío de los datos solicitados como obligatorios impedirá que Teachlabs preste el servicio solicitado.

El usuario será el único responsable de cualquier daño o perjuicio que pueda causar por la aportación de datos falsos o inexactos, y por los daños o perjuicios que con ello pueda causar a Teachlabs o a terceros.



La información personal de los usuarios que Teachlabs recaba a través de sus Aplicaciones será conservada durante el tiempo necesario para llevar a cabo las finalidades por las que fueron recogidos, salvo que el usuario revoque el consentimiento otorgado.

Teachlabs eliminará posteriormente dicha información, salvo en los casos que contempla la ley, para el cumplimiento de exigencias legales, reglamentarias, resolver disputas, o para garantizar el cumplimiento de las Condiciones de Uso, previamente aceptadas por el usuario.



Teachlabs es una empresa tecnológica que desarrolla productos basados en las últimas tecnologías. En su interés por proteger la información personal de sus usuarios, Teachlabs utiliza las medidas de seguridad actuales y adecuadas para dichos fines, evitando la pérdida, alteración, acceso no autorizado o robo de dichos datos. Entre dichas medidas se encuentran:

  • Comunicaciones basadas en protocolos seguros y encriptación de datos entre el usuario y los servidores que proveen el servicio.
  • Otras medidas que garantizan la seguridad de la información ante ataques informáticos actuales.

Teachlabs implementa las medidas técnicas de seguridad adecuadas para mantener la seguridad, integridad, privacidad y exactitud de la información que usted le suministra.



Teachlabs no transferirá a terceros -salvo en aquellos casos que así lo estipule la normativa vigente en protección de datos personales, o en los momentos puntuales imprescindibles que se describen a continuación – la información y datos personales de los usuarios, recabados a través de sus Aplicaciones, siendo únicamente tratados con las finalidades anteriormente indicadas.

Teachlabs tan sólo compartirá alguna de la información obtenida en nuestras Aplicaciones puntualmente, con proveedores de servicios que actúan en nuestro nombre, ya sean proveedores de medios de pago o empresas de alojamiento, por ejemplo, para que podamos cumplir con las finalidades que se detallan en el correspondiente apartado anterior “Finalidad del tratamiento”.

Teniendo en cuenta que algunos de nuestros proveedores de servicio pueden estar ubicados fuera de la Unión Europea, no teniendo por tanto que cumplir la legislación en vigor en España y la Unión Europea, Teachlabs toma las medidas y escoge sus proveedores de servicio externos para garantizar la protección de la información y de todos sus datos.

Los datos que reflejan la evolución de aprendizaje del niño, mientras se divierte jugando, es mostrada en la aplicación del padre, que puede realizar, de ese modo, el seguimiento del estudio de su hijo.



La base que legitima el tratamiento de datos personales en nuestras Aplicaciones es el consentimiento del usuario interesado, que acepta dicho tratamiento al enviarnos sus datos.

La finalidad del tratamiento de datos que realiza Teachlabs será siempre acorde con la “finalidad del tratamiento” indicada en el apartado del mismo nombre, en esta Política de Privacidad.

El usuario tiene derecho a retirar su consentimiento, lo cuál no afectará a la licitud de los tratamientos efectuados con antelación.

Para el caso de la recolección, almacenamiento o tratamiento de datos personales de niño menores de 13 años, si se diera el caso, sería siempre previo consentimiento demostrable del tutor legal, a menos que dicha información sea considerada una excepción de las permitidas por la ley COPPA.



El usuario puede ejercer los siguientes derechos que se enumeran a continuación, en cumplimiento con la normativa vigente en materia protección de datos personales, a través de los siguientes canales de información:

  • Enviando un correo electrónico a la dirección de correo privacy@teachlabs.com
  • Enviando un escrito a la dirección postal:

Pérez Parras Economistas y Abogados.

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB. CP: 29015. Málaga, España

Los derechos que puede ejercitar cualquier usuario legitimado en relación con el tratamiento de datos personales que Teachlabs esté realizando son:

  • Acceder a sus datos personales
  • Solicitar la rectificación de datos inexactos o incompletos
  • Revocar el consentimiento otorgado
  • Obtener confirmación expresa de si Teachlabs está tratando sus datos personales, o no
  • Solicitar la supresión de sus datos personales cuando, entre otros motivos, sus datos ya no sean necesarios para los fines que fueron recogidos
  • Solicitar la limitación del tratamiento de sus datos en relación con la casuística prevista por la normativa de protección de datos
  • Oponerse al tratamiento de sus datos, en función de determinadas circunstancias o motivos relacionados con su situación particular, dejando Teachlabs de tratar sus datos, salvo por motivos legítimos, o en el ejercicio o defensa de posibles reclamaciones.
  • Impugnar las acciones automatizadas de tratamiento de datos realizadas por Teachlabs
  • Portar sus datos, solicitando a Teachlabs que los facilite al Responsable del tratamiento de datos que el usuario indique.

Si Teachlabs hubiera recopilado y almacenado de forma no intencionada datos personales de niños menores de 13 años, los padres pueden solicitar en todo momento el acceso a los datos personales para revisar dicha información, solicitar su supresión u oponerse al tratamiento o recolección de dichos datos a través de los canales de comunicación habilitados al comienzo de este apartado.

En todo caso, el usuario de nuestras Aplicaciones podrá reclamar ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (www.agpd.es) cuando considere que Teachlabs ha vulnerado sus derechos en materia de protección de datos.



Las aplicaciones y servicios de Teachlabs utilizar Cookies y otras tecnologías similares (en adelante, Cookies). Una cookie es un fichero pequeño que se almacena en el disco duro de su dispositivo, y que contiene información relativa a diferentes aspectos relacionados con nuestro servicio, para poder mejorarlo, adaptarlo y personalizarlo a nuestros clientes.

Podemos modificar la política de cookies para reflejar cambios en el uso de nuestras cookies en nuestras aplicaciones y servicios. De ese modo, nuestros clientes saben en todo momento la información exacta que recopilamos, y cómo la usamos.

La política actualizada de cookies es efectiva desde la fecha efectiva de su publicación.

¿Por qué usamos cookies?

Nuestros servicios web recopilan cierta información estadística de cómo los usuarios de nuestros servicios interaccionan con ellos, y para analizar nuestro tráfico. Las cookies son generadas a través de aplicaciones desarrolladas por terceros, que se indican a continuación, y que nos prestan servicios de publicidad y análisis de tráfico en nuestras campañas publicitarias, así como en el modo de interacción de los usuarios con nuestras aplicaciones. Igualmente, estas terceras empresas pueden utilizar dichos datos para mejorar sus propios servicios.

Estas herramientas no almacenan información personal relacionada con el nombre o apellidos, correo electrónico o datos de la dirección postal desde donde se conectan. Los datos obtenidos se relacionan con el grado de avance de los usuarios en las aplicaciones y servicios de Teachlabs y la red social en la que han interaccionado con nuestra publicidad.

Esta información la utilizamos y tratamos siempre de manera anónima, sin identificar a nuestros usuarios ni crear ningún tipo de perfil de ellos, ni la utilizamos para contactarlos en ningún caso posteriormente, ni tomar decisiones sobre ellos. Únicamente usamos esta información con la finalidad de prestar un mejor servicio en base a los datos analíticos estadísticos generales recabados.

Usted da el consentimiento a nuestras cookies si continúa usando nuestros servicios.


Analíticas Appsflyer Usamos Appsflyer, una servicio de analítica web suministrado por Appsflyer Ltd. (‘Appsflyer’). Appsflyer usa cookies para ayudarnos a analizar las actividades en nuestros servicios online mediante la secuenciación de eventos. Appsflyer también nos permite obtener informes de tráfico orgánico y el origen de nuestros usuarios en nuestras campañas publicitarias.

Puede conseguir información general de la política de privacidad de Appsflyer aquí.

Unity3d Usamos Unity3d, una plataforma para desarrollar nuestros juegos y experiencias provistas por Unity. Unity usa cookies para ayudarnos a personalizar y adaptar nuestros servicios al uso que de ellos realizan nuestros usuarios. Obtenemos, mediante Unity, información estadística de nuestros usuarios que nos permite mejorar la experiencia de uso.


Puede conseguir información general de la política de privacidad de Unity aquí.




Teachlabs se reserva a modificar la presente Política de Privacidad, siempre respetando el cumplimiento normativo y el respeto a los derechos de los usuarios de este Sitio Web. Dichos cambios serán notificados a través de esta página web, que contiene todos los aspectos relacionados con nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Fecha de última actualización: 27 de noviembre de 2018.




Las presentes condiciones de uso (en adelante, “Condiciones”) rigen la prestación de servicios (en adelante, “Servicios”) de formación gamificada -formación mientras el niño se divierte- de Teachlabs S.L. (en adelante, Teachlabs), ofrecidos a través de sus aplicaciones (en adelante, Aplicaciones).

Teachlabs S.L. es una sociedad mercantil, con sede social en Málaga, España, con domicilio social en Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga, con número de registro 760/22015, C.I.F B93399871. Puede contactarnos en la dirección de correo electrónico hello@teachlabs.como en el teléfono  (+34) 684 11 70 49.

Teachlabs ofrece servicios de formación digital gamificada para niños, en los que el tutor legal (o su padre en posesión de la tutoría legal) -en adelante, el “Tutor”- puede contratar para sus hijos (en adelante, “Alumnos”) dichos servicios en forma de aplicaciones (en adelante, Aplicaciones).

El tratamiento de los datos que Teachlabs recaba a través de sus Aplicaciones, se basan en las finalidades y condiciones detalladas en la Política de Privacidad.

El Tutor acepta las presentes Condiciones de Uso al contratar los servicios que Teachlabs ofrece a través de sus Aplicaciones.

  1. Objeto de las Condiciones

Teachlabs ofrece Aplicaciones que los Tutores pueden contratar para mejorar el grado de aprendizaje de sus hijos en diferentes materias, mientras éstos se divierten aprendiendo. Las Aplicaciones de Teachlabs se adaptan progresivamente a la evolución del Alumno. La interacción y evolución del Alumno puede ser seguida por usted, su Tutor, a través de una aplicación que también usted puede descargar.

Las presentes Condiciones tendrán validez mientras Teachlabs no las modifique o suprima, derecho que se reserva Teachlabs en todo momento. Estos Condiciones aplican a todas las Aplicaciones de Teachlabs.

Para que los servicios que provee Teachlabs a través de sus Aplicaciones se puedan usar, es necesario que el Tutor y los Alumnos dispongan de conexión a internet, y que igualmente dispongan de los equipos terminales adecuados para descargar y usar estos servicios. Teachlabs no se responsabilizará en ningún caso de los costes asociados a estas cuestiones mencionadas, ni de cualquier otro coste derivado, al margen de los que directamente suponen la contratación de nuestras Aplicaciones.

Queda, por tanto, bajo la responsabilidad exclusiva del Tutor asegurarse de disponer de los medios adecuados, así como de asumir los costes asociados ya mencionados y la verificación de la idoneidad de los servicios que provee Teachlabs a usted y a sus hijos, como paso previo a la contratación de nuestros servicios, ofrecidos a través de nuestras Aplicaciones.

  1. Registro de Alumnos en las Aplicaciones de Teachlabs.

El Tutor, que será mayor de edad y contará con la capacidad de representación de los Alumnos, menores de edad, comprará tanto su Aplicación (Aplicación del Tutor), como aquellos contenidos bajo pago que la Aplicación del hijo pueda contener.

Una vez que el Tutor realiza el pago para descargar y usar la Aplicación del Tutor, éste ha otorgado el consentimiento parental para que se comparta con su Aplicación los datos que se recopilan a través de la Aplicación del Alumno, descritos en nuestra Política de Privacidad, que reflejan la evolución de los Alumnos que tutela dicho Tutor. Además, al efectuar el Tutor la compra de su App (Aplicación del Tutor), recibe un código que deberá introducir en la Aplicación del Alumno, para confirmar que tiene la plena capacidad de tutela y representación de dichos Alumnos. Tanto Tutor como Alumnos quedan sometidos tanto a estas Condiciones de Uso, como a la Política de Privacidad descritas en las Aplicaciones de Teachlabs. El Tutor será, en todo caso, el responsable del cumplimiento de estas Condiciones, y de las actuaciones que los Alumnos realicen a través del uso de las Aplicaciones de Teachlabs.

El Tutor es responsable de la veracidad, exactitud y actualización de los datos que proporciona e introduce en cada Aplicación (del Tutor y del Alumno), así como del consentimiento que otorga para que los Alumnos, de los que asume la plena capacidad de representación, interaccionen con las Aplicaciones de Teachlabs de manera adecuada.

Queda bajo la potestad de Teachlabs suspender o revocar la relación que el Tutor asume con Teachlabs, y acepta bajo estas Condiciones de Uso y Política de Privacidad, en el caso de que el Tutor proporcione información falsa, inexacta o incompleta de él o de los Alumnos bajo su tutela, o de que Teachlabs presuma tal situación. En todo caso, el Tutor será responsable de los perjuicios que con ello pueda causar a Teachlabs.

El Tutor se compromete a:

  • No revelar los datos ni compartir la evolución de aprendizaje de sus hijos con terceros que no tenga la tutoría legal del Alumno.
  • Que ningún otro usuario acceda ni utilice la cuenta de usuario de los Alumnos, ni la del Tutor, salvo los destinatarios y usuarios directos para los que se crearon dichas cuentas. Por ello, el Tutor será el responsable de la confidencialidad de los datos de acceso a su cuenta, y a la de los Alumnos que tutela.
  • El Tutor será responsable del mal uso que cualquier usuario, ya sea él mismo, el Alumno al que representa, o un tercero que acceda indebidamente a los datos que permiten usar las Aplicaciones de Teachlabs, puedan llevar a cabo. El Tutor tiene la obligación de notificar de inmediato a Teachlabs si detecta cualquier situación de mal uso de sus Aplicaciones.

Queda, nuevamente, bajo la potestad de Teachlabs, suspender o eliminar las cuentas de los diferentes usuarios (Tutor y Alumnos) de sus Aplicaciones, en el que caso de detectar un mal uso de éstas, incumpliendo las presentes Condiciones de Uso.

Dado que la Aplicación de Teachlabs correspondiente a los Alumnos no almacena información personal, salvo un identificador persistente, el Alumno puede inicialmente usar su aplicación (Aplicación del Alumno) libremente. En la Aplicación del Alumno se podrán comprar contenidos previo pago.

El Tutor se responsabilizará de:

  • ser él, directamente, quien realice la compra electrónica de dichos contenidos, a través de la Aplicación del Alumno,
  • de comprar él, directamente, la Aplicación que, previo pago electrónico, puede adquirir y descargar para recibir datos estadísticos correspondientes a la evolución de aprendizaje de sus hijos, o Alumnos sobre los que tiene la capacidad de tutela y representación legal,
  • almacenar el código que la Aplicación del Tutor le proporcionará, previo pago y descarga, así como de introducir dicho código en la Aplicación del Alumno, para, con ello, dar el consentimiento de que los datos que el Alumno genera al aprender mientras juega, se compartan con la Aplicación del Tutor.
  1. Contratación y uso de los Servicios ofrecidos por Teachlabs.

Teachlabs prohíbe expresamente la suplantación de usuarios en los servicios que ofrece a través de sus Aplicaciones, ya sea en las Aplicaciones de Tutores o de Alumnos. Cualquier mal uso que pueda causar daños o perjuicios a Teachlabs, o a terceros, por el mal uso de las Aplicaciones del Tutor o del Alumno, habilitarán a Teachlabs a resolver esta relación de provisión de servicios.


3.1. Contratación de los Servicios ofrecidos por Teachlabs.

Los Alumnos, inicialmente, podrán descargar y usar libremente la Aplicación de Alumnos de Teachlabs. Dado que la Aplicación de Alumnos no almacena información personal que identifique a menores de edad, ni a menores de 13 años, salvo un identificador de persistencia, tal como detalla nuestra Política de Privacidad, Teachlabs garantiza de este modo el cumplimiento de las leyes de protección de datos de menores de 13 años.

Únicamente cuando el Alumno desee acceder a contenidos previo pago en la Aplicación del Alumno, será el Tutor quien contrate dichos servicios, previo pago electrónico, aportando la información necesaria para los medios de pago disponibles en nuestras Aplicaciones. Es responsabilidad del Tutor no compartir información de sus medios de pago, de los que es titular, con Alumnos ni con terceros.

Por otra parte, el Tutor puede, en cualquier momento, pagar y descargar la Aplicación de Tutor, que le permitirá acceder a los datos de los Alumnos a los que identifique bajo su representación, asumiendo el Tutor la responsabilidad y veracidad de disponer de la capacidad legal tales Alumnos. Para ello, el tutor pagará y descargará la Aplicación de Tutor, con la que podrá generar un código que podrá introducir en cualquier momento en las Aplicaciones de sus Alumnos, vinculando de ese modo tales Aplicaciones bajo la relación Tutor-Alumnos a partir de ese momento. El Tutor se responsabilizará de conservar dicho código bajo su exclusivo conocimiento, no compartiéndolo con ningún tercero, ni con Alumnos. El Tutor podrá volver a generar dicho código en la Aplicación del Tutor en cualquier momento. El Tutor se responsabilizará de no facilitar el acceso a su Aplicación de Tutor a ningún tercero, ni a ningún Alumno.

Una vez que el Tutor introduce el código en una Aplicación de Alumno para que lo vincule en la citada relación Tutor-Alumno, el Tutor podrá acceder a los datos estadísticos de evolución de aprendizaje de aquellos Alumnos que tutela, ya que las Aplicaciones de Alumnos compartirán con la Aplicación de Tutor tales datos, a partir de ese momento. La finalidad de dicha relación, tal como se indica en nuestra Política de Privacidad, es la de facilitar el seguimiento del Alumno a los Tutores, para conocer la evolución del aprendizaje de aquellos, mientras aprenden jugando con las Aplicaciones de Teachlabs.

Las compras que el Tutor realiza a través de la Aplicación de los Alumnos, o la propia adquisición de la Aplicación del Tutor, tienen una validez y duración ilimitadas en el tiempo, y mientras Teachlabs mantenga operativos dichos servicios.


3.2. Derecho de desistimiento.

Aplica en este caso, para los Tutores, el derecho de ejercer el desistimiento que la regulación ofrece para la contratación de servicios electrónicos en general. Por lo tanto, el plazo de desistimiento del servicio contratado será de 14 días naturales desde la contratación del servicio en cuestión, que ofrezca Teachlabs a través de la meritada Aplicación. El Tutor acepta que, en todo caso, si inicia la ejecución del servicio previo al ejercicio de desistimiento que le asiste, no podrá ejercer en ningún caso tal derecho, por tratarse en este caso de la provisión de un servicio electrónico.


3.3. Precio y pago de las compras ofrecidas a través de los servicios de Teachlabs.

Los precios serán aquellos que, con antelación al proceso de compra, Teachlabs mostrará a los Tutores, responsables de las compras que se efectúen, a través de cada Aplicación, ya sea de la Aplicación del Tutor para realizar su compra, o de contenidos previo pago en la Aplicación de cada Alumno que tutele.

Mientras no se indique lo contrario a través de las Condiciones Particulares que puedan afectar a cada Servicio, los precios incluirán los impuestos indirectos que pudieran ser de aplicación en cada caso, a los respectivos Servicios.

El Tutor podrá realizar el pago de los servicios que desea contratar con Teachlabs mediante PayPal, o mediante tarjeta de crédito o débito. Es responsabilidad exclusiva del Tutor garantizar el uso adecuado y la privacidad de los medios de pago utilizados para contratar los Servicios con Teachlabs. Igualmente, el Tutor se responsabiliza en exclusiva de utilizar únicamente medios de pago aceptados por Teachlabs, así como de la veracidad, exactitud y actualización de la información de los métodos de pago que aquel utilice, comprometiéndose al pago competo del precio asociado al Servicio que desea adquirir, impuestos asociados incluidos.

Es potestad de Teachlabs el derecho a modificar en cualquier momento el precio que aplica a sus Servicios. Dicha modificación se notificará por los medios más oportunos a sus clientes.


3.4. Cancelación de los servicios.

Los tutores, clientes de Teachlabs, podrán ejercitar en cualquier momento su derecho a la cancelación y supresión de los datos que Teachlabs pueda tener almacenados de ellos, y de sus Alumnos tutelados, sin por ello afectar a los a los pagos previamente realizados, no devolviéndose por tanto las cantidades ya pagadas, salvo en los casos que contempla la ley, en cuanto al derecho de desistimiento de clientes de servicios electrónicos (ver el apartado anterior, Derecho de desistimiento).


  1. Derechos sobre los Servicios y sus contenidos.

Los contenidos de los Servicios de Teachlabs son contenidos propios, propiedad de Teachlabs o, en todo caso, contenido licenciado en favor de Teachlabs, amparados y protegidos por las leyes de propiedad intelectual.

Queda expresamente prohibida la alteración, modificación, reproducción, distribución, comercialización, divulgación pública, ingeniería inversa para la extracción del código fuente o funcionalidades internas de las Aplicaciones, desensamblado, descompilación o uso de cualquier otra técnica que tenga por objeto la obtención del código de fuente de las Aplicaciones con las que Teachlabs presta sus Servicios. Teachlabs se reserva el derecho de ejercer las acciones legales oportunas, ante la vulneración del derecho de propiedad intelectual o industrial que ostenta sobre sus Aplicaciones, incluyendo el contenido y el código fuente que las soportan.

Los clientes de Teachlabs, mediante el pago del precio correspondiente que les habilita a la obtención de los Servicios prestados por Teachlabs a través de las respectivas aplicaciones de Tutor y Alumno, obtienen una licencia no exclusiva, pero sí intransferible para utilizar las Aplicaciones y percibir los Servicios meritados. Dicha licencia no faculta en ningún caso a los clientes, usuario de las Aplicaciones de Teachlabs, ya sean Tutores o Alumnos, a realizar una explotación comercial de éstas, o a disponer de la información y contenidos que estas Aplicaciones contienen, ya que únicamente Teachlabs ostenta los derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial de tales contenidos e información.


  1. Responsabilidad de Teachlabs por la prestación de sus Servicios.

Teachlabs pone todos los medios posibles para mantener la corrección, actualización y pertinencia de los contenidos e información que provee a través de sus Aplicaciones, utilizando las técnicas, la diligencia y los recursos humanos necesarios para dotar de unos altos estándares de calidad a sus Servicios, acordes a la finalidad para los que estos se prestan.

Con todo, Teachlabs no puede garantizar en todos los casos y bajo cualquier circunstancia la calidad, fiabilidad, corrección, precisión o moralidad de las Aplicaciones, y las informaciones, utilidades y programas que éstas contienen. Por lo tanto, Teachlabs no se responsabiliza de ningún daño o perjuicio de cualquier índole que pueda generar el uso de sus Aplicaciones a los clientes de sus Servicios, salvo en actuaciones dolosas u otras circunstancias que expresamente pueda prever la ley de aplicación.

Por tanto, el Tutor y los Alumnos aceptan utilizar y acceder a la prestación de servicios contratados bajo su propio riesgo y responsabilidad. Además, Teachlabs hace saber a sus clientes que no asume ninguna responsabilidad ni garantiza que los Servicios prestados y las Aplicaciones que pone a disposición de Tutores y Alumnos puedan cumplir los requisitos y expectativas que ellos puedan tener.

Teachlabs tampoco garantiza a sus usuarios, Tutores y Alumnos, que sus servicios no puedan ser interrumpidos por motivos técnicos o por decisión de Teachlabs.

Igualmente, Teachlabs tampoco puede garantizar resultados en la evolución de aprendizaje de cada Alumno particular, ni que los contenidos a los que acceden los Alumnos, o la información que reciben los Tutores, pueda estar libre de errores, sea exacta o actualizada.

El mal uso por parte de Tutores o Alumnos de los Servicios y Aplicaciones con las que Teachlabs presta sus servicios, habilita a Teachlabs a la cancelación de dicha prestación, eliminando los medios de acceso con los que los clientes (Tutores) y sus alumnos tutelados, puedan contar para acceder a los Servicios y Aplicaciones en cuestión. Los Tutores y Alumnos reconocen dicho derecho ante Teachlabs, y se comprometen a indemnizar y compensar a Teachlabs y su personal, directivos, agentes, socios u accionistas, ante cualquier incumplimiento de estas Condiciones de Uso en relación con la prestación de Servicio y las Aplicaciones para ello utilizadas por Teachlabs, o por cualquier daño o perjuicio que ello pueda provocar.

Teachlabs se reserva el derecho a modificar los contenidos de sus Aplicaciones y funcionalidad de sus Servicios sin previo aviso a sus usuarios, Tutores o Alumnos, disponiendo libremente, y sin asumir ningún tipo de responsabilidad, de la facultad de interrumpir la prestación de cualesquiera Servicios o de eliminar cualquier información, incluida la que hablita a los usuarios de las Aplicaciones a acceder a los servicios prestados por Teachlabs, salvo por la sujeción a las leyes que obligan a conservar información de usuarios y clientes durante los plazos legales oportunos.


  1. Resolución de los Servicios prestados por Teachlabs

Teachlabs se reserva, de forma unilateral y expresa, el derecho a resolver los Servicios que presta a sus usuarios, Tutores y Alumnos, sin previo aviso. Si la resolución viene motivada por el mal uso o incumplimiento del usuario de estas Condiciones, bastará para ello a Teachlabs la mera comunicación al Tutor de la decisión de resolución del Servicio.

El Tutor acepta expresamente que Teachlabs no asumirá ninguna responsabilidad si ésta última decide resolver la prestación de sus Servicios, en los términos expresados en estas Condiciones de Uso, así como que Teachlabs tampoco se obligará a devolver ningún importe que haya sido abonado en el pasado.


  1. Jurisdicción y leyes aplicables en caso de disputa

Teachlabs se somete expresamente a los tribunales españoles y a la legislación española en caso de disputa motivadas por estas Condiciones de Uso, exceptuando aquellos casos en que, de forma imperativa, resulte de aplicación cualquier otra ley o jurisdicción de aplicación a los usuarios de los Servicios prestados y operados por Teachlabs.




What information do we collect from children under 13?

  • Alias or username (or nickname to be identified with on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical data to identify the device (device ID)

For more information, consult the section “CATEGORY OF TREATED DATA” below.

Why do we collect the information?

  • For internal support and use of the application (for example, user analytics)
  • To offer parents or legal guardians the follow-up of the learning progress of their children

For more information, consult the section “PURPOSE OF TREATMENT” below.

With whom is the information shared?

  • With external service providers: for example, payment methods and web hosting, in order to provide the services offered by Teachlabs.
  • With the parent or legal guardian, to track their children´s learning progress, while they are having fun using the Teachlabs Applications.

For the provision of its services, and specifically through their mobile applications (hereinafter, “Applications”), Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter Teachlabs) collect personal data, which are treated in accordance with current legislation: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of April 27th, 2016, concerning the protection of private individuals as regards the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (GRPD), as well as the Spanish regulations of application in force, in terms of data protection. Teachlabs S.L. also pay special attention to and strictly complies with the international regulations in force for the processing of personal data for children under 13 years of age, in their Applications and services aimed at said public.

By using the Teachlabs Applications, you accept our privacy policy. If you do not accept our Privacy Policy, please do not use our Applications.



  • Owner: Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, “Teachlabs”)
  • Registered office: Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga. Registration 760/2015.
  • CIF: B93399871
  • Phone: (+34) 684 11 70 49
  • Email: privacy@teachlabs.com



Teachlabs will treat the user data that they collect through their Applications manually and / or by automation, with the following purposes:

  • For children under 13 and over:
    • Provide support for the internal operations of our Applications, only and exclusively.
  • For adults:
    • Obtain anonymous statistical reports on access and use of Applications.
    • Obtain the payment of adults, who buy content within the Teachlabs Applications, for their children under age, or under 13, to be able to carry out the economic-administrative management corresponding to said purchases.
    • Develop statistical information corresponding to the learning progress of children, who learn while playing, so that their parents can consult it.

Teachlabs also collect non-personal data from users of their Applications. This information is used only to understand better the behaviour and preferences of our anonymous users, and thus improve our products and services.

The legal basis of the aforementioned data processing is based on the legitimate interest of Teachlabs in offering the services described, as well as in the acceptance of the conditions of use, with a contractual nature, previously accepted by users of the Teachlabs Applications.



Teachlabs take special precautions when it comes to protecting the online privacy of children under 13 years of age. In that sense, when Teachlabs refer to “children” in this privacy policy, they refer in all cases to children under 13 years of age. Please note that your child, under the age of 13, should not share your personal information (name, email address, postal address, telephone number, etc.) with any other person without your permission.

To guarantee the privacy and online protection of children, Teachlabs strictly comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA, in English, hereinafter) in all their applications aimed at children. This U.S. law, COPPA, was created to protect children’s online privacy. If you want to know more about COPPA, you can go to the online section of the US Federal Trade Commission.

As indicated below, in the “category of treated data” section, the only information collected from children is that corresponding to an identifier (alias or name on screen) in order to provide functionality and support for internal operations of our Applications, not representing in any case personal information of children. In summary, Teachlabs do not collect any personal information from children in their Applications, and only limit themselves to collect that information that is supposed to be an “exception” allowed by the COPPA law, to facilitate the provision of services to children in Applications. Such information, included in the “exceptions” of data that the COPPA law allows to compile on children, represents persistent identifiers. In any case, all the information that Teachlabs collect from children in their applications comes after obtaining parental consent through online payment made by the father/parent through the application. After this parental consent, Teachlabs collect information about the child, related to the progress the child makes while learning by playing. This progress information is shared with the parent through the application that you can download.

At present, the Teachlabs Applications do not contain advertisements. In addition, none of the third-party products that Teachlabs may use in their Applications allow advertisements targeting children, based on their behaviour.

If you believe that we are unintentionally collecting your child’s personal information without your prior consent, do not hesitate to contact the data processing head of Teachlabs through the following channels:

  • By email: Email: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • By postal mail:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers. 

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Malaga, Spain. Registration 760/2015



In keeping with the previous purposes, Teachlabs collect the following data:

In the case of children under 13 years of age, our applications only and exclusively collect the following data, which in no case represent the child’s personal information, and which does not allow to or is used to contact the child online:

  • Alias or username (nickname to be identified on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical detail to identify the device (device ID)
  • Information about the child’s learning progress, having fun while playing

When a user uses our Applications, we also collect non-personal information about the use of the Application, to help us improve our services. In this sense, the following data is collected, with the sole interest to improve our products and services, and to better understand the behaviour and preferences of our users:

  • Activities that the user can access
  • Number of accesses (logins) to the application
  • Time duration of the online session



The user of these Applications agrees that all the information provided is true, complete and updated. Failure to send the requested data as mandatory will prevent Teachlabs from providing the requested service.

The user will be solely responsible for any loss or damage that may be caused by the provision of false or inaccurate information, and for any damages or losses that this may cause to Teachlabs or to third parties.



The personal information of users that Teachlabs collect through their Applications will be kept for the time necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected, unless the user revokes the consent granted.

Teachlabs will subsequently eliminate said information, except in the cases stipulated by law, for the fulfillment of legal requirements, regulations, resolve disputes, or to guarantee compliance with the Conditions of Use, previously accepted by the user.



Teachlabs is a technology company that develops products based on the latest technologies. In their interest to protect the personal information of their users, Teachlabs use current and appropriate security measures for such purposes, avoiding the loss, alteration, unauthorized access or theft of said data. Among these measures are:

  • Communications based on secure protocols and data encryption between the user and the servers that provide the service.
  • Other measures that guarantee the security of information against current computer attacks.

Teachlabs implement the appropriate technical security measures to maintain the security, integrity, privacy and accuracy of the information you provide.



Teachlabs will not transfer to third parties – except in those cases stipulated in the current regulations about personal data protection, or in the occasional moments that are described below – the information and personal data of the users, collected through their Applications, being only treated with the purposes previously indicated.

Teachlabs will only share some of the information obtained in their Applications, punctually, with service providers that act on our behalf, whether they are providers of payment methods or hosting companies, for example, so that we may fulfill the purposes detailed in the corresponding previous section “Purpose of the treatment”.

Bearing in mind that some of our service providers may be located outside the European Union, therefore not having to comply with the legislation in force in Spain and the European Union, Teachlabs take the necessary measures and choose their external service providers to guarantee the Protection of information and all your data.

The data that reflect the progress of the child’s learning, while having fun playing, is shown in the application of the parent, who can then follow up on the study of their child.



The basis that legitimates the processing of personal data in our Applications is the consent of the interested user, who accepts such treatment when sending us their data.

The purpose of the data processing performed by Teachlabs will always be in accordance with the “purpose of the treatment” indicated in the section of the same name, in this Privacy Policy.

The user has the right to withdraw his consent, which will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out in advance.

In the case of the collection, storage or processing of personal data of a child under 13 years of age, if this were the case, it would always be the demonstrable consent of the legal guardian, unless such information is considered an exception to those permitted by the COPPA law.



The user can exercise the following rights listed below, in compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, through the following channels of information:

  • Sending an email to the email address: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • Sending a letter to the postal address:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers.

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB. Postcode: 29015. Málaga, Spain


The rights that any legitimate user can exercise in relation to the processing of personal data that Teachlabs are processing are:

  • Access your personal data
  • Request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete data
  • Revoke the consent granted
  • Obtain express confirmation of whether Teachlabs are treating your personal data, or not
  • Request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, your data is no longer necessary for the purposes they were collected for.
  • Request the limitation of the processing of your data in relation to the casuistry provided by the data protection regulations
  • Oppose the processing of your data, depending on certain circumstances or reasons related to your particular situation, leaving Teachlabs to process your data, except for legitimate reasons, or in the exercise or defense of possible claims.
  • Challenge the automated actions of data processing performed by Teachlabs
  • Carrying your data, requesting Teachlabs to provide them to the person responsible for the data processing that the user indicates.

If Teachlabs had unintentionally collected and stored personal data of children under 13 years of age, parents can request access to personal data at any time to review said information, request its deletion or oppose the processing or collection of such data. through the communication channels enabled at the beginning of this section.

In any case, the user of our Applications may complain to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (www.agpd.es) when it considers that Teachlabs have violated their rights in terms of data protection.



A cookie is a small file that is stored on the hard drive of your device, and contains information related to different aspects concerning our service, in order to improve it, adapt it and customize it to our customers.

We can modify the cookies policy to reflect changes in the use of our cookies in our applications and services. In this way, our customers know at all times the exact information we collect, and how we use it.

The updated cookie policy is effective from the effective date of its publication.

¿Why do we use cookies?

Teachlabs’ applications and services use Cookies as well as other similar technologies (hereinafter, “Cookies”). Our web services collect certain statistical information of how the users of our services interact with them, and to analyze our traffic. The cookies are generated through applications developed by third parties, which are indicated below, and that provide us with advertising and traffic analysis services in our advertising campaigns, as well as in the way users interact with our applications. Likewise, these third companies can use said data to improve their own services.

These tools do not store personal information related to the name or last names, email or postal address data from where they are connected. The data obtained is related to the degree of advancement of users in Teachlabs applications and services, and the social network in which they have interacted with our advertising.

We use this information and we always treat it anonymously, without identifying our users or creating any type of profile of them, nor do we use it to contact them in any case later, nor make decisions about them. We only use this information in order to provide a better service based on general statistical analytical data.

You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our services.

Third Party Cookies
Analíticas Appsflyer We use Appsflyer, a web analytics service provided by Appsflyer Ltd. (‘Appsflyer’). Appsflyer uses cookies to help us analyse activies on our mobile application by sequence of events. Appsflyer also provides us with reports on organic traffic and the media source of the user.

General information on the Appsflyer privacy policy can be found here.

  Unity3d We use Unity3d, a platform to develop our games and experiencies provided by Unity. Unity uses cookies to help us personalize and adapt experiencies to users. We obtain, through Unity, statistical information from our users that allows us to improve the user experience. 

General information on the Appsflyer privacy policy can be found here.




Teachlabs reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy, always respecting regulatory compliance and respecting the rights of the users of this Website. These changes will be notified through this website, which contains all aspects related to our Privacy Policy.

Date of last update: November 27, 2018.






The present conditions of use (hereinafter, “Conditions”) govern the provision of services (hereinafter, “Services”) of gamified training -learning while the child is having fun- of Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, Teachlabs), offered through their applications (hereinafter, Applications).

Teachlabs S.L. are a mercantile company, with a registered head office in Málaga, Spain, at Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga, and with registration number 760/22015, C.I.F B93399871. You can contact us at the email address hello@teachlabs.com or by phone (+34) 684 11 70 49.

Teachlabs offer gamified digital training services for children, in which the legal guardian (or his parent in possession of legal guardianship) -from now on, the “Tutor” – can contract for his children (hereinafter, “Students”) services in the form of applications (hereinafter, Applications).

The processing of data collected by Teachlabs through their Applications is based on the purposes and conditions detailed in the Privacy Policy.

The Tutor accepts these Terms of Use when contracting the services that Teachlabs offer through their Applications.

  1. Purpose of the Terms

Teachlabs offer Applications that the Tutors can hire to improve the degree of learning of their children in different subjects, while they have fun learning. The Teachlabs Applications are progressively adapted to the student’s development. You, the Tutor, can follow the Student’s interaction and progress through an application that you can also download.

These Terms will be valid as long as Teachlabs do not modify or delete them, which is the right Teachlabs reserve at all times. These Conditions apply to all Teachlabs Applications.

To use the services provided by Teachlabs through their Applications, the Tutor and the Students must have an Internet connection, and they must also have the appropriate terminal equipment to download and use these services. Under no circumstances will Teachlabs be responsible for the costs associated with these mentioned issues, nor for any other derived cost, apart from those that directly involve the hiring of our Applications.

Therefore, it is the Tutor’s exclusive responsibility to ensure that they have the appropriate means. The Tutor must also assume the associated costs already mentioned and verify the suitability of the services Teachlabs provide for you and your children. This is the step preliminary to the hiring of our services, offered through our Applications.

  1. Students’ Registration in Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor, who must be of legal age and who must have the capacity of representation of the under-age Students, will buy both his Application (Application of the Tutor), as well as the contents under payment that the Application of the child may contain.

With the payment to download and use the Tutor Application is done, the Tutor has granted parental consent so that the data collected through the Student Application, as described in our Privacy Policy, is shared with his Application, reflecting the progress of the Students supervised by the Tutor. In addition, when the Tutor makes the purchase of his App (Application of the Tutor), he receives a code that he must enter in the Student Application, to confirm that he has the full capacity of guardianship and representation of said Students. Both Tutor and Students are subject to all the Terms of Use and to the Privacy Policy described in the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor will, in any case, be responsible for the compliance of these Terms, and of the actions that the Students carry out through the use of the Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and updating of the data provided and introduced in each Application (Tutor and Student), as well as the consent granted for the Students, of whom he has full capacity of representation, to interact with the Teachlabs Applications in an appropriate way.

It is under the power of Teachlabs to suspend or revoke the relationship that the Tutor enters with Teachlabs and accepts, under the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, in the event that the Tutor provides false, inaccurate or incomplete information about him or the Students under his tutelage, or if Teachlabs suspect such a situation. In any case, the Tutor will be responsible for the damages that this may cause to Teachlabs.

The Tutor agrees:

  • Not to disclose nor share the data related to the learning progress of their children with third parties who do not have the legal guardianship of the Student.
  • That no other user accesses or uses the user account of the Students, or of the Tutor, except for the recipients and direct users for whom these accounts were created. Therefore, the Tutor will be responsible for the confidentiality of the access data to his account, and to the account of the Students he protects.
  • The Tutor will be responsible for the misuse of any user, whether it is himself, the Student he represents, or a third party that inappropriately accesses the data that allows the use of the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor is obliged to notify Teachlabs immediately if he detects any situation of misuse of their Applications.

Again, Teachlabs have the power to suspend or eliminate the accounts of the different users (Tutor and Students) of their Applications, when they detect their misuse, in breach of the current Terms of Use.

Since the Students Teachlabs Application does not store personal information, except for a persistent identifier, the Student can freely use his application (Student Application) at the beginning. In the Student Application, content under payment will be avilable.

The Tutor will be responsible for:

  • being directly responsible for the electronic purchase of said contents, through the Student Application,
  • buying directly the Application that, after online payment, he can acquire and download to receive statistical data corresponding to the learning progress of the children or Students over whom he has the capacity of guardianship and legal representation,
  • storing the code that the Tutor Application will provide, after payment and download, as well as entering such code in the Student Application, in order to give consent that the data generated by the student who is learning while playing, be shared with the Tutor Application.
  1. Contracting and use of Teachlabs’ Services

Teachlabs expressly prohibit the impersonation of users in the services offered through their Applications, whether in the Applications of Tutors or Students. Any misuse that may cause damage or harm to Teachlabs, or to third parties, due to the misuse of the Tutor or Student Applications, will enable Teachlabs to address this issue and resolve the provision of services.

3.1. Contracting Services offered by Teachlabs.

Students, initially, will be able to freely download and use the Teachlabs Student Application. Since the Student Application does not store personal information that identifies minors, nor children under 13, except for a persistent identifier, as detailed in our Privacy Policy, Teachlabs thus guarantee compliance with the laws of protection of data for children under 13 years of age.

When the Student wishes to access content prior to payment in the Student Application, the Tutor will have to hire those services through electronic payment, providing the necessary information for the payment methods available in our Applications. It is the responsibility of the Tutor not to share information about his means of payment, of which he is the owner, with students or with third parties.

On the other hand, the Tutor can, at any time, pay and download the Tutor Application, which will allow him to access the data of the Students that he identifies under his representation, assuming the responsibility and veracity of having the legal capacity over such Students. To do this, the tutor will pay and download the Tutor Application, which will generate a code that can be entered at any time in the Applications of the Students, thereby linking such Applications under the tutor-student relationship, from that time onwards. The Tutor will be responsible for keeping said code under his exclusive knowledge, not sharing it with any third party, nor with Students. The Tutor may re-generate said code in the Tutor Application at any time. The Tutor will be responsible for not facilitating access to his Tutor Application to any third party, nor to any Student.

Once the Tutor enters the code in a Student Application to link it to the aforementioned Tutor-Student relationship, the Tutor will be able to access the statistical data of the learning progress of those students that he is guardian of, since the Student Applications will share such data with the Tutor Application, from then on. The purpose of this relationship, as indicated in our Privacy Policy, is to facilitate the follow-up of the Student with the Tutors, to be aware of their learning progress, while they learn by playing with the Teachlabs Applications.

The purchases that the Tutor makes through the Student Application, or their own hired Tutor Application, have an unlimited validity and duration over time, and as long as Teachlabs keep these services operational.

3.2. Right of withdrawal.

The Tutors have the right to exercise the withdrawal that the regulation offers for the contracting of electronic services in general. Therefore, the withdrawal period of the service contracted will be 14 calendar days from the hiring of the service in question, provided by Teachlabs through the aforementioned Application. The Tutor accepts that, in any case, if he initiates the execution of the service prior to his exercise of withdrawal, he cannot exercise such right at all, because in this case it concerns the provision of an electronic service.

3.3. Price and payment of purchases offered through Teachlabs services.

The prices will be those that, prior to the purchase process, Teachlabs will show the Tutors responsible for the purchases to be made through each Application, either the Tutor’s Application to make their purchase, or of contents prior payment in the Application of each Student that he supervises.

Unless otherwise indicated through the Particular Conditions that may affect each Service, the prices will include indirect taxes that may be applicable in each case, to the respective Services.

The Tutor can make the payment of services that want to contract with Teachlabs through PayPal, or by credit or debit card. It is the sole responsibility of the Tutor to guarantee the adequate use and privacy of the means of payment used to contract the Services with Teachlabs. Likewise, the Tutor is exclusively responsible for using means of payment only accepted by Teachlabs, as well as for the veracity, accuracy and updating of the information of the payment methods that he uses, committing himself to the full payment of the price associated with the Service that he wishes to acquire, with associated taxes included.

Teachlabs have the right to modify at any time the price applicable to their Services. Their clients will be notified by the most effective means of such modification.

3.4. Cancellation of services.

The tutors, clients of Teachlabs, can at any time exercise their right to the cancellation and deletion of the data that Teachlabs may have stored about them and their tutored students, without affecting the previously made payments, not refunding therefore, the amounts already paid, except in cases stipulated by law, with regard to the right of withdrawal of customers of electronic services (see the previous section, Right of withdrawal).


  1. Rights on the Services and their contents.

The contents of the Teachlabs Services are their own contents, property of Teachlabs or, otherwise, contents licensed in favour of Teachlabs, protected and preserved by the laws of intellectual property.

The alteration, modification, reproduction, distribution, commercialization, public disclosure, reverse engineering for the extraction of the source code or internal functionalities of the Applications, disassembly, decompilation or use of any other technique with the purpose of obtaining the source code of the Applications with which Teachlabs provide their Services are expressly prohibited. Teachlabs reserve the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions when the intellectual or industrial property rights they hold over their Applications are violated, including the content and the source code that supports them.


By paying the corresponding price that enables the customers of Teachlabs to obtain the services provided by Teachlabs through the respective Tutor and Student applications, Teachlabs customers obtain a non-exclusive but non-transferable license to use the Applications and receive the deserved Services. Said license does not authorise in any case the clients, users of the Teachlabs Applications, whether they are Tutors or Students, to exploit them commercially, or to dispose of the information and contents of these Applications, since only Teachlabs hold the intellectual or industrial property rights of such content and information.


  1. Teachlabs’ Responsibility for their provision of Services.

Teachlabs make every effort to maintain the correctness, update and relevance of the contents and information they furnish through their Applications, by using the techniques, diligence and human resources necessary to procure high quality standards to their Services, according to the framework of their objectives.

However, Teachlabs cannot guarantee in all cases and under any circumstances the quality, reliability, correctness, accuracy or morality of the Applications, and the information, utilities and programs they contain. Therefore, Teachlabs is not responsible for any damage or prejudice of any kind that may arise from the use of their Applications to the clients of their Services, except in fraudulent actions or other circumstances that may explicitly be foreseen by the legislation that applies.

Therefore, the Tutor and the Students accept to use and access the provision of contracted services at their own risk and responsibility. In addition, Teachlabs inform their clients that they do not assume any responsibility nor guarantee that the services provided and the applications available to tutors and students can meet the requirements and expectations that they may have.

Teachlabs do not guarantee their users, tutors and students that their services cannot be interrupted for technical reasons or by Teachlabs’ decision.

Likewise, Teachlabs cannot guarantee the results in the learning progress of each individual student, nor that the contents accessed by the students, or the information received by the tutors, can be free of errors, be inaccurate or not updated.

The misuse by Tutors or Students of the Services and Applications with which Teachlabs provide their services, enables Teachlabs to cancel said service, eliminating the means of access with which the clients (tutors) and their tutored students, rely on to access the Services and Applications in question. The Tutors and Students acknowledge Teachlabs’ right and agree to indemnify and compensate Teachlabs and their staff, officers, agents, partners or shareholders, for any breach of these Terms of Use in relation to the provision of Service and the Applications used by Teachlabs for this Service, or for any damage or harm that this may cause.

Teachlabs reserve the right to modify the contents of their Applications and the functionality of their Services without prior notice to their users, Tutors or Students. Without assuming any liability, Teachlabs may freely use their power to interrupt the provision of any Services or to eliminate any information, including that which enables the users of the Applications to access the services provided by Teachlabs. However, Teachlabs will remain subject to the laws that require the preservation of user and client information during the appropriate legal deadlines.


  1. Termination of the Services provided by Teachlabs

Teachlabs reserves, unilaterally and expressly, the right to terminate the Services provided to their users, tutors and students, without prior notice. If the termination is motivated by the misuse or non-compliance of the user to these Conditions, Teachlabs will merely communicate their termination of Service to the Tutor.

The Tutor expressly accepts that Teachlabs will not assume any responsibility if the latter decide to terminate their provision of Services, following the terms expressed in the Terms of Use, and also that Teachlabs will not be obliged to refund any amount of money paid in the past.


  1. Jurisdiction and applicable laws in case of dispute

Teachlabs expressly submit themselves to Spanish courts and Spanish law in the event of a dispute motivated by the Terms of Use, except in those cases in which, imperatively, any other law or jurisdiction appropriate to users of the services operated by Teachlabs is applicable.




What information do we collect from children under 13?

  • Alias or username (or nickname to be identified with on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical data to identify the device (device ID)

For more information, consult the section “CATEGORY OF TREATED DATA” below.

Why do we collect the information?

  • For internal support and use of the application (for example, user analytics)
  • To offer parents or legal guardians the follow-up of the learning progress of their children

For more information, consult the section “PURPOSE OF TREATMENT” below.

With whom is the information shared?

  • With external service providers: for example, payment methods and web hosting, in order to provide the services offered by Teachlabs.
  • With the parent or legal guardian, to track their children´s learning progress, while they are having fun using the Teachlabs Applications.

For the provision of its services, and specifically through their mobile applications (hereinafter, “Applications”), Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter Teachlabs) collect personal data, which are treated in accordance with current legislation: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of April 27th, 2016, concerning the protection of private individuals as regards the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (GRPD), as well as the Spanish regulations of application in force, in terms of data protection. Teachlabs S.L. also pay special attention to and strictly complies with the international regulations in force for the processing of personal data for children under 13 years of age, in their Applications and services aimed at said public.

By using the Teachlabs Applications, you accept our privacy policy. If you do not accept our Privacy Policy, please do not use our Applications.



  • Owner: Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, “Teachlabs”)
  • Registered office: Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga. Registration 760/2015.
  • CIF: B93399871
  • Phone: (+34) 684 11 70 49
  • Email: privacy@teachlabs.com



Teachlabs will treat the user data that they collect through their Applications manually and / or by automation, with the following purposes:

  • For children under 13 and over:
    • Provide support for the internal operations of our Applications, only and exclusively.
  • For adults:
    • Obtain anonymous statistical reports on access and use of Applications.
    • Obtain the payment of adults, who buy content within the Teachlabs Applications, for their children under age, or under 13, to be able to carry out the economic-administrative management corresponding to said purchases.
    • Develop statistical information corresponding to the learning progress of children, who learn while playing, so that their parents can consult it.

Teachlabs also collect non-personal data from users of their Applications. This information is used only to understand better the behaviour and preferences of our anonymous users, and thus improve our products and services.

The legal basis of the aforementioned data processing is based on the legitimate interest of Teachlabs in offering the services described, as well as in the acceptance of the conditions of use, with a contractual nature, previously accepted by users of the Teachlabs Applications.



Teachlabs take special precautions when it comes to protecting the online privacy of children under 13 years of age. In that sense, when Teachlabs refer to “children” in this privacy policy, they refer in all cases to children under 13 years of age. Please note that your child, under the age of 13, should not share your personal information (name, email address, postal address, telephone number, etc.) with any other person without your permission.

To guarantee the privacy and online protection of children, Teachlabs strictly comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA, in English, hereinafter) in all their applications aimed at children. This U.S. law, COPPA, was created to protect children’s online privacy. If you want to know more about COPPA, you can go to the online section of the US Federal Trade Commission.

As indicated below, in the “category of treated data” section, the only information collected from children is that corresponding to an identifier (alias or name on screen) in order to provide functionality and support for internal operations of our Applications, not representing in any case personal information of children. In summary, Teachlabs do not collect any personal information from children in their Applications, and only limit themselves to collect that information that is supposed to be an “exception” allowed by the COPPA law, to facilitate the provision of services to children in Applications. Such information, included in the “exceptions” of data that the COPPA law allows to compile on children, represents persistent identifiers. In any case, all the information that Teachlabs collect from children in their applications comes after obtaining parental consent through online payment made by the father/parent through the application. After this parental consent, Teachlabs collect information about the child, related to the progress the child makes while learning by playing. This progress information is shared with the parent through the application that you can download.

At present, the Teachlabs Applications do not contain advertisements. In addition, none of the third-party products that Teachlabs may use in their Applications allow advertisements targeting children, based on their behaviour.

If you believe that we are unintentionally collecting your child’s personal information without your prior consent, do not hesitate to contact the data processing head of Teachlabs through the following channels:

  • By email: Email: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • By postal mail:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers. 

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Malaga, Spain. Registration 760/2015



In keeping with the previous purposes, Teachlabs collect the following data:

In the case of children under 13 years of age, our applications only and exclusively collect the following data, which in no case represent the child’s personal information, and which does not allow to or is used to contact the child online:

  • Alias or username (nickname to be identified on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical detail to identify the device (device ID)
  • Information about the child’s learning progress, having fun while playing

When a user uses our Applications, we also collect non-personal information about the use of the Application, to help us improve our services. In this sense, the following data is collected, with the sole interest to improve our products and services, and to better understand the behaviour and preferences of our users:

  • Activities that the user can access
  • Number of accesses (logins) to the application
  • Time duration of the online session



The user of these Applications agrees that all the information provided is true, complete and updated. Failure to send the requested data as mandatory will prevent Teachlabs from providing the requested service.

The user will be solely responsible for any loss or damage that may be caused by the provision of false or inaccurate information, and for any damages or losses that this may cause to Teachlabs or to third parties.



The personal information of users that Teachlabs collect through their Applications will be kept for the time necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected, unless the user revokes the consent granted.

Teachlabs will subsequently eliminate said information, except in the cases stipulated by law, for the fulfillment of legal requirements, regulations, resolve disputes, or to guarantee compliance with the Conditions of Use, previously accepted by the user.



Teachlabs is a technology company that develops products based on the latest technologies. In their interest to protect the personal information of their users, Teachlabs use current and appropriate security measures for such purposes, avoiding the loss, alteration, unauthorized access or theft of said data. Among these measures are:

  • Communications based on secure protocols and data encryption between the user and the servers that provide the service.
  • Other measures that guarantee the security of information against current computer attacks.

Teachlabs implement the appropriate technical security measures to maintain the security, integrity, privacy and accuracy of the information you provide.



Teachlabs will not transfer to third parties – except in those cases stipulated in the current regulations about personal data protection, or in the occasional moments that are described below – the information and personal data of the users, collected through their Applications, being only treated with the purposes previously indicated.

Teachlabs will only share some of the information obtained in their Applications, punctually, with service providers that act on our behalf, whether they are providers of payment methods or hosting companies, for example, so that we may fulfill the purposes detailed in the corresponding previous section “Purpose of the treatment”.

Bearing in mind that some of our service providers may be located outside the European Union, therefore not having to comply with the legislation in force in Spain and the European Union, Teachlabs take the necessary measures and choose their external service providers to guarantee the Protection of information and all your data.

The data that reflect the progress of the child’s learning, while having fun playing, is shown in the application of the parent, who can then follow up on the study of their child.



The basis that legitimates the processing of personal data in our Applications is the consent of the interested user, who accepts such treatment when sending us their data.

The purpose of the data processing performed by Teachlabs will always be in accordance with the “purpose of the treatment” indicated in the section of the same name, in this Privacy Policy.

The user has the right to withdraw his consent, which will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out in advance.

In the case of the collection, storage or processing of personal data of a child under 13 years of age, if this were the case, it would always be the demonstrable consent of the legal guardian, unless such information is considered an exception to those permitted by the COPPA law.



The user can exercise the following rights listed below, in compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, through the following channels of information:

  • Sending an email to the email address: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • Sending a letter to the postal address:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers.

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB. Postcode: 29015. Málaga, Spain


The rights that any legitimate user can exercise in relation to the processing of personal data that Teachlabs are processing are:

  • Access your personal data
  • Request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete data
  • Revoke the consent granted
  • Obtain express confirmation of whether Teachlabs are treating your personal data, or not
  • Request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, your data is no longer necessary for the purposes they were collected for.
  • Request the limitation of the processing of your data in relation to the casuistry provided by the data protection regulations
  • Oppose the processing of your data, depending on certain circumstances or reasons related to your particular situation, leaving Teachlabs to process your data, except for legitimate reasons, or in the exercise or defense of possible claims.
  • Challenge the automated actions of data processing performed by Teachlabs
  • Carrying your data, requesting Teachlabs to provide them to the person responsible for the data processing that the user indicates.

If Teachlabs had unintentionally collected and stored personal data of children under 13 years of age, parents can request access to personal data at any time to review said information, request its deletion or oppose the processing or collection of such data. through the communication channels enabled at the beginning of this section.

In any case, the user of our Applications may complain to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (www.agpd.es) when it considers that Teachlabs have violated their rights in terms of data protection.



Teachlabs reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy, always respecting regulatory compliance and respecting the rights of the users of this Website. These changes will be notified through this website, which contains all aspects related to our Privacy Policy.

Date of last update: November 27, 2018.






The present conditions of use (hereinafter, “Conditions”) govern the provision of services (hereinafter, “Services”) of gamified training -learning while the child is having fun- of Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, Teachlabs), offered through their applications (hereinafter, Applications).

Teachlabs S.L. are a mercantile company, with a registered head office in Málaga, Spain, at Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga, and with registration number 760/22015, C.I.F B93399871. You can contact us at the email address hello@teachlabs.com or by phone (+34) 684 11 70 49.

Teachlabs offer gamified digital training services for children, in which the legal guardian (or his parent in possession of legal guardianship) -from now on, the “Tutor” – can contract for his children (hereinafter, “Students”) services in the form of applications (hereinafter, Applications).

The processing of data collected by Teachlabs through their Applications is based on the purposes and conditions detailed in the Privacy Policy.

The Tutor accepts these Terms of Use when contracting the services that Teachlabs offer through their Applications.

  1. Purpose of the Terms

Teachlabs offer Applications that the Tutors can hire to improve the degree of learning of their children in different subjects, while they have fun learning. The Teachlabs Applications are progressively adapted to the student’s development. You, the Tutor, can follow the Student’s interaction and progress through an application that you can also download.

These Terms will be valid as long as Teachlabs do not modify or delete them, which is the right Teachlabs reserve at all times. These Conditions apply to all Teachlabs Applications.

To use the services provided by Teachlabs through their Applications, the Tutor and the Students must have an Internet connection, and they must also have the appropriate terminal equipment to download and use these services. Under no circumstances will Teachlabs be responsible for the costs associated with these mentioned issues, nor for any other derived cost, apart from those that directly involve the hiring of our Applications.

Therefore, it is the Tutor’s exclusive responsibility to ensure that they have the appropriate means. The Tutor must also assume the associated costs already mentioned and verify the suitability of the services Teachlabs provide for you and your children. This is the step preliminary to the hiring of our services, offered through our Applications.

  1. Students’ Registration in Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor, who must be of legal age and who must have the capacity of representation of the under-age Students, will buy both his Application (Application of the Tutor), as well as the contents under payment that the Application of the child may contain.

With the payment to download and use the Tutor Application is done, the Tutor has granted parental consent so that the data collected through the Student Application, as described in our Privacy Policy, is shared with his Application, reflecting the progress of the Students supervised by the Tutor. In addition, when the Tutor makes the purchase of his App (Application of the Tutor), he receives a code that he must enter in the Student Application, to confirm that he has the full capacity of guardianship and representation of said Students. Both Tutor and Students are subject to all the Terms of Use and to the Privacy Policy described in the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor will, in any case, be responsible for the compliance of these Terms, and of the actions that the Students carry out through the use of the Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and updating of the data provided and introduced in each Application (Tutor and Student), as well as the consent granted for the Students, of whom he has full capacity of representation, to interact with the Teachlabs Applications in an appropriate way.

It is under the power of Teachlabs to suspend or revoke the relationship that the Tutor enters with Teachlabs and accepts, under the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, in the event that the Tutor provides false, inaccurate or incomplete information about him or the Students under his tutelage, or if Teachlabs suspect such a situation. In any case, the Tutor will be responsible for the damages that this may cause to Teachlabs.

The Tutor agrees:

  • Not to disclose nor share the data related to the learning progress of their children with third parties who do not have the legal guardianship of the Student.
  • That no other user accesses or uses the user account of the Students, or of the Tutor, except for the recipients and direct users for whom these accounts were created. Therefore, the Tutor will be responsible for the confidentiality of the access data to his account, and to the account of the Students he protects.
  • The Tutor will be responsible for the misuse of any user, whether it is himself, the Student he represents, or a third party that inappropriately accesses the data that allows the use of the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor is obliged to notify Teachlabs immediately if he detects any situation of misuse of their Applications.

Again, Teachlabs have the power to suspend or eliminate the accounts of the different users (Tutor and Students) of their Applications, when they detect their misuse, in breach of the current Terms of Use.

Since the Students Teachlabs Application does not store personal information, except for a persistent identifier, the Student can freely use his application (Student Application) at the beginning. In the Student Application, content under payment will be avilable.

The Tutor will be responsible for:

  • being directly responsible for the electronic purchase of said contents, through the Student Application,
  • buying directly the Application that, after online payment, he can acquire and download to receive statistical data corresponding to the learning progress of the children or Students over whom he has the capacity of guardianship and legal representation,
  • storing the code that the Tutor Application will provide, after payment and download, as well as entering such code in the Student Application, in order to give consent that the data generated by the student who is learning while playing, be shared with the Tutor Application.
  1. Contracting and use of Teachlabs’ Services

Teachlabs expressly prohibit the impersonation of users in the services offered through their Applications, whether in the Applications of Tutors or Students. Any misuse that may cause damage or harm to Teachlabs, or to third parties, due to the misuse of the Tutor or Student Applications, will enable Teachlabs to address this issue and resolve the provision of services.

3.1. Contracting Services offered by Teachlabs.

Students, initially, will be able to freely download and use the Teachlabs Student Application. Since the Student Application does not store personal information that identifies minors, nor children under 13, except for a persistent identifier, as detailed in our Privacy Policy, Teachlabs thus guarantee compliance with the laws of protection of data for children under 13 years of age.

When the Student wishes to access content prior to payment in the Student Application, the Tutor will have to hire those services through electronic payment, providing the necessary information for the payment methods available in our Applications. It is the responsibility of the Tutor not to share information about his means of payment, of which he is the owner, with students or with third parties.

On the other hand, the Tutor can, at any time, pay and download the Tutor Application, which will allow him to access the data of the Students that he identifies under his representation, assuming the responsibility and veracity of having the legal capacity over such Students. To do this, the tutor will pay and download the Tutor Application, which will generate a code that can be entered at any time in the Applications of the Students, thereby linking such Applications under the tutor-student relationship, from that time onwards. The Tutor will be responsible for keeping said code under his exclusive knowledge, not sharing it with any third party, nor with Students. The Tutor may re-generate said code in the Tutor Application at any time. The Tutor will be responsible for not facilitating access to his Tutor Application to any third party, nor to any Student.

Once the Tutor enters the code in a Student Application to link it to the aforementioned Tutor-Student relationship, the Tutor will be able to access the statistical data of the learning progress of those students that he is guardian of, since the Student Applications will share such data with the Tutor Application, from then on. The purpose of this relationship, as indicated in our Privacy Policy, is to facilitate the follow-up of the Student with the Tutors, to be aware of their learning progress, while they learn by playing with the Teachlabs Applications.

The purchases that the Tutor makes through the Student Application, or their own hired Tutor Application, have an unlimited validity and duration over time, and as long as Teachlabs keep these services operational.

3.2. Right of withdrawal.

The Tutors have the right to exercise the withdrawal that the regulation offers for the contracting of electronic services in general. Therefore, the withdrawal period of the service contracted will be 14 calendar days from the hiring of the service in question, provided by Teachlabs through the aforementioned Application. The Tutor accepts that, in any case, if he initiates the execution of the service prior to his exercise of withdrawal, he cannot exercise such right at all, because in this case it concerns the provision of an electronic service.

3.3. Price and payment of purchases offered through Teachlabs services.

The prices will be those that, prior to the purchase process, Teachlabs will show the Tutors responsible for the purchases to be made through each Application, either the Tutor’s Application to make their purchase, or of contents prior payment in the Application of each Student that he supervises.

Unless otherwise indicated through the Particular Conditions that may affect each Service, the prices will include indirect taxes that may be applicable in each case, to the respective Services.

The Tutor can make the payment of services that want to contract with Teachlabs through PayPal, or by credit or debit card. It is the sole responsibility of the Tutor to guarantee the adequate use and privacy of the means of payment used to contract the Services with Teachlabs. Likewise, the Tutor is exclusively responsible for using means of payment only accepted by Teachlabs, as well as for the veracity, accuracy and updating of the information of the payment methods that he uses, committing himself to the full payment of the price associated with the Service that he wishes to acquire, with associated taxes included.

Teachlabs have the right to modify at any time the price applicable to their Services. Their clients will be notified by the most effective means of such modification.

3.4. Cancellation of services.

The tutors, clients of Teachlabs, can at any time exercise their right to the cancellation and deletion of the data that Teachlabs may have stored about them and their tutored students, without affecting the previously made payments, not refunding therefore, the amounts already paid, except in cases stipulated by law, with regard to the right of withdrawal of customers of electronic services (see the previous section, Right of withdrawal).


  1. Rights on the Services and their contents.

The contents of the Teachlabs Services are their own contents, property of Teachlabs or, otherwise, contents licensed in favour of Teachlabs, protected and preserved by the laws of intellectual property.

The alteration, modification, reproduction, distribution, commercialization, public disclosure, reverse engineering for the extraction of the source code or internal functionalities of the Applications, disassembly, decompilation or use of any other technique with the purpose of obtaining the source code of the Applications with which Teachlabs provide their Services are expressly prohibited. Teachlabs reserve the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions when the intellectual or industrial property rights they hold over their Applications are violated, including the content and the source code that supports them.


By paying the corresponding price that enables the customers of Teachlabs to obtain the services provided by Teachlabs through the respective Tutor and Student applications, Teachlabs customers obtain a non-exclusive but non-transferable license to use the Applications and receive the deserved Services. Said license does not authorise in any case the clients, users of the Teachlabs Applications, whether they are Tutors or Students, to exploit them commercially, or to dispose of the information and contents of these Applications, since only Teachlabs hold the intellectual or industrial property rights of such content and information.


  1. Teachlabs’ Responsibility for their provision of Services.

Teachlabs make every effort to maintain the correctness, update and relevance of the contents and information they furnish through their Applications, by using the techniques, diligence and human resources necessary to procure high quality standards to their Services, according to the framework of their objectives.

However, Teachlabs cannot guarantee in all cases and under any circumstances the quality, reliability, correctness, accuracy or morality of the Applications, and the information, utilities and programs they contain. Therefore, Teachlabs is not responsible for any damage or prejudice of any kind that may arise from the use of their Applications to the clients of their Services, except in fraudulent actions or other circumstances that may explicitly be foreseen by the legislation that applies.

Therefore, the Tutor and the Students accept to use and access the provision of contracted services at their own risk and responsibility. In addition, Teachlabs inform their clients that they do not assume any responsibility nor guarantee that the services provided and the applications available to tutors and students can meet the requirements and expectations that they may have.

Teachlabs do not guarantee their users, tutors and students that their services cannot be interrupted for technical reasons or by Teachlabs’ decision.

Likewise, Teachlabs cannot guarantee the results in the learning progress of each individual student, nor that the contents accessed by the students, or the information received by the tutors, can be free of errors, be inaccurate or not updated.

The misuse by Tutors or Students of the Services and Applications with which Teachlabs provide their services, enables Teachlabs to cancel said service, eliminating the means of access with which the clients (tutors) and their tutored students, rely on to access the Services and Applications in question. The Tutors and Students acknowledge Teachlabs’ right and agree to indemnify and compensate Teachlabs and their staff, officers, agents, partners or shareholders, for any breach of these Terms of Use in relation to the provision of Service and the Applications used by Teachlabs for this Service, or for any damage or harm that this may cause.

Teachlabs reserve the right to modify the contents of their Applications and the functionality of their Services without prior notice to their users, Tutors or Students. Without assuming any liability, Teachlabs may freely use their power to interrupt the provision of any Services or to eliminate any information, including that which enables the users of the Applications to access the services provided by Teachlabs. However, Teachlabs will remain subject to the laws that require the preservation of user and client information during the appropriate legal deadlines.


  1. Termination of the Services provided by Teachlabs

Teachlabs reserves, unilaterally and expressly, the right to terminate the Services provided to their users, tutors and students, without prior notice. If the termination is motivated by the misuse or non-compliance of the user to these Conditions, Teachlabs will merely communicate their termination of Service to the Tutor.

The Tutor expressly accepts that Teachlabs will not assume any responsibility if the latter decide to terminate their provision of Services, following the terms expressed in the Terms of Use, and also that Teachlabs will not be obliged to refund any amount of money paid in the past.


  1. Jurisdiction and applicable laws in case of dispute

Teachlabs expressly submit themselves to Spanish courts and Spanish law in the event of a dispute motivated by the Terms of Use, except in those cases in which, imperatively, any other law or jurisdiction appropriate to users of the services operated by Teachlabs is applicable.




What information do we collect from children under 13?

  • Alias or username (or nickname to be identified with on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical data to identify the device (device ID)

For more information, consult the section “CATEGORY OF TREATED DATA” below.

Why do we collect the information?

  • For internal support and use of the application (for example, user analytics)
  • To offer parents or legal guardians the follow-up of the learning progress of their children

For more information, consult the section “PURPOSE OF TREATMENT” below.

With whom is the information shared?

  • With external service providers: for example, payment methods and web hosting, in order to provide the services offered by Teachlabs.
  • With the parent or legal guardian, to track their children´s learning progress, while they are having fun using the Teachlabs Applications.

For the provision of its services, and specifically through their mobile applications (hereinafter, “Applications”), Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter Teachlabs) collect personal data, which are treated in accordance with current legislation: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of April 27th, 2016, concerning the protection of private individuals as regards the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (GRPD), as well as the Spanish regulations of application in force, in terms of data protection. Teachlabs S.L. also pay special attention to and strictly complies with the international regulations in force for the processing of personal data for children under 13 years of age, in their Applications and services aimed at said public.

By using the Teachlabs Applications, you accept our privacy policy. If you do not accept our Privacy Policy, please do not use our Applications.



  • Owner: Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, “Teachlabs”)
  • Registered office: Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga. Registration 760/2015.
  • CIF: B93399871
  • Phone: (+34) 684 11 70 49
  • Email: privacy@teachlabs.com



Teachlabs will treat the user data that they collect through their Applications manually and / or by automation, with the following purposes:

  • For children under 13 and over:
    • Provide support for the internal operations of our Applications, only and exclusively.
  • For adults:
    • Obtain anonymous statistical reports on access and use of Applications.
    • Obtain the payment of adults, who buy content within the Teachlabs Applications, for their children under age, or under 13, to be able to carry out the economic-administrative management corresponding to said purchases.
    • Develop statistical information corresponding to the learning progress of children, who learn while playing, so that their parents can consult it.

Teachlabs also collect non-personal data from users of their Applications. This information is used only to understand better the behaviour and preferences of our anonymous users, and thus improve our products and services.

The legal basis of the aforementioned data processing is based on the legitimate interest of Teachlabs in offering the services described, as well as in the acceptance of the conditions of use, with a contractual nature, previously accepted by users of the Teachlabs Applications.



Teachlabs take special precautions when it comes to protecting the online privacy of children under 13 years of age. In that sense, when Teachlabs refer to “children” in this privacy policy, they refer in all cases to children under 13 years of age. Please note that your child, under the age of 13, should not share your personal information (name, email address, postal address, telephone number, etc.) with any other person without your permission.

To guarantee the privacy and online protection of children, Teachlabs strictly comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA, in English, hereinafter) in all their applications aimed at children. This U.S. law, COPPA, was created to protect children’s online privacy. If you want to know more about COPPA, you can go to the online section of the US Federal Trade Commission.

As indicated below, in the “category of treated data” section, the only information collected from children is that corresponding to an identifier (alias or name on screen) in order to provide functionality and support for internal operations of our Applications, not representing in any case personal information of children. In summary, Teachlabs do not collect any personal information from children in their Applications, and only limit themselves to collect that information that is supposed to be an “exception” allowed by the COPPA law, to facilitate the provision of services to children in Applications. Such information, included in the “exceptions” of data that the COPPA law allows to compile on children, represents persistent identifiers. In any case, all the information that Teachlabs collect from children in their applications comes after obtaining parental consent through online payment made by the father/parent through the application. After this parental consent, Teachlabs collect information about the child, related to the progress the child makes while learning by playing. This progress information is shared with the parent through the application that you can download.

At present, the Teachlabs Applications do not contain advertisements. In addition, none of the third-party products that Teachlabs may use in their Applications allow advertisements targeting children, based on their behaviour.

If you believe that we are unintentionally collecting your child’s personal information without your prior consent, do not hesitate to contact the data processing head of Teachlabs through the following channels:

  • By email: Email: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • By postal mail:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers. 

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Malaga, Spain. Registration 760/2015



In keeping with the previous purposes, Teachlabs collect the following data:

In the case of children under 13 years of age, our applications only and exclusively collect the following data, which in no case represent the child’s personal information, and which does not allow to or is used to contact the child online:

  • Alias or username (nickname to be identified on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical detail to identify the device (device ID)
  • Information about the child’s learning progress, having fun while playing

When a user uses our Applications, we also collect non-personal information about the use of the Application, to help us improve our services. In this sense, the following data is collected, with the sole interest to improve our products and services, and to better understand the behaviour and preferences of our users:

  • Activities that the user can access
  • Number of accesses (logins) to the application
  • Time duration of the online session



The user of these Applications agrees that all the information provided is true, complete and updated. Failure to send the requested data as mandatory will prevent Teachlabs from providing the requested service.

The user will be solely responsible for any loss or damage that may be caused by the provision of false or inaccurate information, and for any damages or losses that this may cause to Teachlabs or to third parties.



The personal information of users that Teachlabs collect through their Applications will be kept for the time necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected, unless the user revokes the consent granted.

Teachlabs will subsequently eliminate said information, except in the cases stipulated by law, for the fulfillment of legal requirements, regulations, resolve disputes, or to guarantee compliance with the Conditions of Use, previously accepted by the user.



Teachlabs is a technology company that develops products based on the latest technologies. In their interest to protect the personal information of their users, Teachlabs use current and appropriate security measures for such purposes, avoiding the loss, alteration, unauthorized access or theft of said data. Among these measures are:

  • Communications based on secure protocols and data encryption between the user and the servers that provide the service.
  • Other measures that guarantee the security of information against current computer attacks.

Teachlabs implement the appropriate technical security measures to maintain the security, integrity, privacy and accuracy of the information you provide.



Teachlabs will not transfer to third parties – except in those cases stipulated in the current regulations about personal data protection, or in the occasional moments that are described below – the information and personal data of the users, collected through their Applications, being only treated with the purposes previously indicated.

Teachlabs will only share some of the information obtained in their Applications, punctually, with service providers that act on our behalf, whether they are providers of payment methods or hosting companies, for example, so that we may fulfill the purposes detailed in the corresponding previous section “Purpose of the treatment”.

Bearing in mind that some of our service providers may be located outside the European Union, therefore not having to comply with the legislation in force in Spain and the European Union, Teachlabs take the necessary measures and choose their external service providers to guarantee the Protection of information and all your data.

The data that reflect the progress of the child’s learning, while having fun playing, is shown in the application of the parent, who can then follow up on the study of their child.



The basis that legitimates the processing of personal data in our Applications is the consent of the interested user, who accepts such treatment when sending us their data.

The purpose of the data processing performed by Teachlabs will always be in accordance with the “purpose of the treatment” indicated in the section of the same name, in this Privacy Policy.

The user has the right to withdraw his consent, which will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out in advance.

In the case of the collection, storage or processing of personal data of a child under 13 years of age, if this were the case, it would always be the demonstrable consent of the legal guardian, unless such information is considered an exception to those permitted by the COPPA law.



The user can exercise the following rights listed below, in compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, through the following channels of information:

  • Sending an email to the email address: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • Sending a letter to the postal address:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers.

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB. Postcode: 29015. Málaga, Spain


The rights that any legitimate user can exercise in relation to the processing of personal data that Teachlabs are processing are:

  • Access your personal data
  • Request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete data
  • Revoke the consent granted
  • Obtain express confirmation of whether Teachlabs are treating your personal data, or not
  • Request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, your data is no longer necessary for the purposes they were collected for.
  • Request the limitation of the processing of your data in relation to the casuistry provided by the data protection regulations
  • Oppose the processing of your data, depending on certain circumstances or reasons related to your particular situation, leaving Teachlabs to process your data, except for legitimate reasons, or in the exercise or defense of possible claims.
  • Challenge the automated actions of data processing performed by Teachlabs
  • Carrying your data, requesting Teachlabs to provide them to the person responsible for the data processing that the user indicates.

If Teachlabs had unintentionally collected and stored personal data of children under 13 years of age, parents can request access to personal data at any time to review said information, request its deletion or oppose the processing or collection of such data. through the communication channels enabled at the beginning of this section.

In any case, the user of our Applications may complain to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (www.agpd.es) when it considers that Teachlabs have violated their rights in terms of data protection.



Teachlabs reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy, always respecting regulatory compliance and respecting the rights of the users of this Website. These changes will be notified through this website, which contains all aspects related to our Privacy Policy.

Date of last update: November 27, 2018.






The present conditions of use (hereinafter, “Conditions”) govern the provision of services (hereinafter, “Services”) of gamified training -learning while the child is having fun- of Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, Teachlabs), offered through their applications (hereinafter, Applications).

Teachlabs S.L. are a mercantile company, with a registered head office in Málaga, Spain, at Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga, and with registration number 760/22015, C.I.F B93399871. You can contact us at the email address hello@teachlabs.com or by phone (+34) 684 11 70 49.

Teachlabs offer gamified digital training services for children, in which the legal guardian (or his parent in possession of legal guardianship) -from now on, the “Tutor” – can contract for his children (hereinafter, “Students”) services in the form of applications (hereinafter, Applications).

The processing of data collected by Teachlabs through their Applications is based on the purposes and conditions detailed in the Privacy Policy.

The Tutor accepts these Terms of Use when contracting the services that Teachlabs offer through their Applications.

  1. Purpose of the Terms

Teachlabs offer Applications that the Tutors can hire to improve the degree of learning of their children in different subjects, while they have fun learning. The Teachlabs Applications are progressively adapted to the student’s development. You, the Tutor, can follow the Student’s interaction and progress through an application that you can also download.

These Terms will be valid as long as Teachlabs do not modify or delete them, which is the right Teachlabs reserve at all times. These Conditions apply to all Teachlabs Applications.

To use the services provided by Teachlabs through their Applications, the Tutor and the Students must have an Internet connection, and they must also have the appropriate terminal equipment to download and use these services. Under no circumstances will Teachlabs be responsible for the costs associated with these mentioned issues, nor for any other derived cost, apart from those that directly involve the hiring of our Applications.

Therefore, it is the Tutor’s exclusive responsibility to ensure that they have the appropriate means. The Tutor must also assume the associated costs already mentioned and verify the suitability of the services Teachlabs provide for you and your children. This is the step preliminary to the hiring of our services, offered through our Applications.

  1. Students’ Registration in Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor, who must be of legal age and who must have the capacity of representation of the under-age Students, will buy both his Application (Application of the Tutor), as well as the contents under payment that the Application of the child may contain.

With the payment to download and use the Tutor Application is done, the Tutor has granted parental consent so that the data collected through the Student Application, as described in our Privacy Policy, is shared with his Application, reflecting the progress of the Students supervised by the Tutor. In addition, when the Tutor makes the purchase of his App (Application of the Tutor), he receives a code that he must enter in the Student Application, to confirm that he has the full capacity of guardianship and representation of said Students. Both Tutor and Students are subject to all the Terms of Use and to the Privacy Policy described in the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor will, in any case, be responsible for the compliance of these Terms, and of the actions that the Students carry out through the use of the Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and updating of the data provided and introduced in each Application (Tutor and Student), as well as the consent granted for the Students, of whom he has full capacity of representation, to interact with the Teachlabs Applications in an appropriate way.

It is under the power of Teachlabs to suspend or revoke the relationship that the Tutor enters with Teachlabs and accepts, under the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, in the event that the Tutor provides false, inaccurate or incomplete information about him or the Students under his tutelage, or if Teachlabs suspect such a situation. In any case, the Tutor will be responsible for the damages that this may cause to Teachlabs.

The Tutor agrees:

  • Not to disclose nor share the data related to the learning progress of their children with third parties who do not have the legal guardianship of the Student.
  • That no other user accesses or uses the user account of the Students, or of the Tutor, except for the recipients and direct users for whom these accounts were created. Therefore, the Tutor will be responsible for the confidentiality of the access data to his account, and to the account of the Students he protects.
  • The Tutor will be responsible for the misuse of any user, whether it is himself, the Student he represents, or a third party that inappropriately accesses the data that allows the use of the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor is obliged to notify Teachlabs immediately if he detects any situation of misuse of their Applications.

Again, Teachlabs have the power to suspend or eliminate the accounts of the different users (Tutor and Students) of their Applications, when they detect their misuse, in breach of the current Terms of Use.

Since the Students Teachlabs Application does not store personal information, except for a persistent identifier, the Student can freely use his application (Student Application) at the beginning. In the Student Application, content under payment will be avilable.

The Tutor will be responsible for:

  • being directly responsible for the electronic purchase of said contents, through the Student Application,
  • buying directly the Application that, after online payment, he can acquire and download to receive statistical data corresponding to the learning progress of the children or Students over whom he has the capacity of guardianship and legal representation,
  • storing the code that the Tutor Application will provide, after payment and download, as well as entering such code in the Student Application, in order to give consent that the data generated by the student who is learning while playing, be shared with the Tutor Application.
  1. Contracting and use of Teachlabs’ Services

Teachlabs expressly prohibit the impersonation of users in the services offered through their Applications, whether in the Applications of Tutors or Students. Any misuse that may cause damage or harm to Teachlabs, or to third parties, due to the misuse of the Tutor or Student Applications, will enable Teachlabs to address this issue and resolve the provision of services.

3.1. Contracting Services offered by Teachlabs.

Students, initially, will be able to freely download and use the Teachlabs Student Application. Since the Student Application does not store personal information that identifies minors, nor children under 13, except for a persistent identifier, as detailed in our Privacy Policy, Teachlabs thus guarantee compliance with the laws of protection of data for children under 13 years of age.

When the Student wishes to access content prior to payment in the Student Application, the Tutor will have to hire those services through electronic payment, providing the necessary information for the payment methods available in our Applications. It is the responsibility of the Tutor not to share information about his means of payment, of which he is the owner, with students or with third parties.

On the other hand, the Tutor can, at any time, pay and download the Tutor Application, which will allow him to access the data of the Students that he identifies under his representation, assuming the responsibility and veracity of having the legal capacity over such Students. To do this, the tutor will pay and download the Tutor Application, which will generate a code that can be entered at any time in the Applications of the Students, thereby linking such Applications under the tutor-student relationship, from that time onwards. The Tutor will be responsible for keeping said code under his exclusive knowledge, not sharing it with any third party, nor with Students. The Tutor may re-generate said code in the Tutor Application at any time. The Tutor will be responsible for not facilitating access to his Tutor Application to any third party, nor to any Student.

Once the Tutor enters the code in a Student Application to link it to the aforementioned Tutor-Student relationship, the Tutor will be able to access the statistical data of the learning progress of those students that he is guardian of, since the Student Applications will share such data with the Tutor Application, from then on. The purpose of this relationship, as indicated in our Privacy Policy, is to facilitate the follow-up of the Student with the Tutors, to be aware of their learning progress, while they learn by playing with the Teachlabs Applications.

The purchases that the Tutor makes through the Student Application, or their own hired Tutor Application, have an unlimited validity and duration over time, and as long as Teachlabs keep these services operational.

3.2. Right of withdrawal.

The Tutors have the right to exercise the withdrawal that the regulation offers for the contracting of electronic services in general. Therefore, the withdrawal period of the service contracted will be 14 calendar days from the hiring of the service in question, provided by Teachlabs through the aforementioned Application. The Tutor accepts that, in any case, if he initiates the execution of the service prior to his exercise of withdrawal, he cannot exercise such right at all, because in this case it concerns the provision of an electronic service.

3.3. Price and payment of purchases offered through Teachlabs services.

The prices will be those that, prior to the purchase process, Teachlabs will show the Tutors responsible for the purchases to be made through each Application, either the Tutor’s Application to make their purchase, or of contents prior payment in the Application of each Student that he supervises.

Unless otherwise indicated through the Particular Conditions that may affect each Service, the prices will include indirect taxes that may be applicable in each case, to the respective Services.

The Tutor can make the payment of services that want to contract with Teachlabs through PayPal, or by credit or debit card. It is the sole responsibility of the Tutor to guarantee the adequate use and privacy of the means of payment used to contract the Services with Teachlabs. Likewise, the Tutor is exclusively responsible for using means of payment only accepted by Teachlabs, as well as for the veracity, accuracy and updating of the information of the payment methods that he uses, committing himself to the full payment of the price associated with the Service that he wishes to acquire, with associated taxes included.

Teachlabs have the right to modify at any time the price applicable to their Services. Their clients will be notified by the most effective means of such modification.

3.4. Cancellation of services.

The tutors, clients of Teachlabs, can at any time exercise their right to the cancellation and deletion of the data that Teachlabs may have stored about them and their tutored students, without affecting the previously made payments, not refunding therefore, the amounts already paid, except in cases stipulated by law, with regard to the right of withdrawal of customers of electronic services (see the previous section, Right of withdrawal).


  1. Rights on the Services and their contents.

The contents of the Teachlabs Services are their own contents, property of Teachlabs or, otherwise, contents licensed in favour of Teachlabs, protected and preserved by the laws of intellectual property.

The alteration, modification, reproduction, distribution, commercialization, public disclosure, reverse engineering for the extraction of the source code or internal functionalities of the Applications, disassembly, decompilation or use of any other technique with the purpose of obtaining the source code of the Applications with which Teachlabs provide their Services are expressly prohibited. Teachlabs reserve the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions when the intellectual or industrial property rights they hold over their Applications are violated, including the content and the source code that supports them.


By paying the corresponding price that enables the customers of Teachlabs to obtain the services provided by Teachlabs through the respective Tutor and Student applications, Teachlabs customers obtain a non-exclusive but non-transferable license to use the Applications and receive the deserved Services. Said license does not authorise in any case the clients, users of the Teachlabs Applications, whether they are Tutors or Students, to exploit them commercially, or to dispose of the information and contents of these Applications, since only Teachlabs hold the intellectual or industrial property rights of such content and information.


  1. Teachlabs’ Responsibility for their provision of Services.

Teachlabs make every effort to maintain the correctness, update and relevance of the contents and information they furnish through their Applications, by using the techniques, diligence and human resources necessary to procure high quality standards to their Services, according to the framework of their objectives.

However, Teachlabs cannot guarantee in all cases and under any circumstances the quality, reliability, correctness, accuracy or morality of the Applications, and the information, utilities and programs they contain. Therefore, Teachlabs is not responsible for any damage or prejudice of any kind that may arise from the use of their Applications to the clients of their Services, except in fraudulent actions or other circumstances that may explicitly be foreseen by the legislation that applies.

Therefore, the Tutor and the Students accept to use and access the provision of contracted services at their own risk and responsibility. In addition, Teachlabs inform their clients that they do not assume any responsibility nor guarantee that the services provided and the applications available to tutors and students can meet the requirements and expectations that they may have.

Teachlabs do not guarantee their users, tutors and students that their services cannot be interrupted for technical reasons or by Teachlabs’ decision.

Likewise, Teachlabs cannot guarantee the results in the learning progress of each individual student, nor that the contents accessed by the students, or the information received by the tutors, can be free of errors, be inaccurate or not updated.

The misuse by Tutors or Students of the Services and Applications with which Teachlabs provide their services, enables Teachlabs to cancel said service, eliminating the means of access with which the clients (tutors) and their tutored students, rely on to access the Services and Applications in question. The Tutors and Students acknowledge Teachlabs’ right and agree to indemnify and compensate Teachlabs and their staff, officers, agents, partners or shareholders, for any breach of these Terms of Use in relation to the provision of Service and the Applications used by Teachlabs for this Service, or for any damage or harm that this may cause.

Teachlabs reserve the right to modify the contents of their Applications and the functionality of their Services without prior notice to their users, Tutors or Students. Without assuming any liability, Teachlabs may freely use their power to interrupt the provision of any Services or to eliminate any information, including that which enables the users of the Applications to access the services provided by Teachlabs. However, Teachlabs will remain subject to the laws that require the preservation of user and client information during the appropriate legal deadlines.


  1. Termination of the Services provided by Teachlabs

Teachlabs reserves, unilaterally and expressly, the right to terminate the Services provided to their users, tutors and students, without prior notice. If the termination is motivated by the misuse or non-compliance of the user to these Conditions, Teachlabs will merely communicate their termination of Service to the Tutor.

The Tutor expressly accepts that Teachlabs will not assume any responsibility if the latter decide to terminate their provision of Services, following the terms expressed in the Terms of Use, and also that Teachlabs will not be obliged to refund any amount of money paid in the past.


  1. Jurisdiction and applicable laws in case of dispute

Teachlabs expressly submit themselves to Spanish courts and Spanish law in the event of a dispute motivated by the Terms of Use, except in those cases in which, imperatively, any other law or jurisdiction appropriate to users of the services operated by Teachlabs is applicable.




What information do we collect from children under 13?

  • Alias or username (or nickname to be identified with on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical data to identify the device (device ID)

For more information, consult the section “CATEGORY OF TREATED DATA” below.

Why do we collect the information?

  • For internal support and use of the application (for example, user analytics)
  • To offer parents or legal guardians the follow-up of the learning progress of their children

For more information, consult the section “PURPOSE OF TREATMENT” below.

With whom is the information shared?

  • With external service providers: for example, payment methods and web hosting, in order to provide the services offered by Teachlabs.
  • With the parent or legal guardian, to track their children´s learning progress, while they are having fun using the Teachlabs Applications.

For the provision of its services, and specifically through their mobile applications (hereinafter, “Applications”), Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter Teachlabs) collect personal data, which are treated in accordance with current legislation: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of April 27th, 2016, concerning the protection of private individuals as regards the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (GRPD), as well as the Spanish regulations of application in force, in terms of data protection. Teachlabs S.L. also pay special attention to and strictly complies with the international regulations in force for the processing of personal data for children under 13 years of age, in their Applications and services aimed at said public.

By using the Teachlabs Applications, you accept our privacy policy. If you do not accept our Privacy Policy, please do not use our Applications.



  • Owner: Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, “Teachlabs”)
  • Registered office: Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga. Registration 760/2015.
  • CIF: B93399871
  • Phone: (+34) 684 11 70 49
  • Email: privacy@teachlabs.com



Teachlabs will treat the user data that they collect through their Applications manually and / or by automation, with the following purposes:

  • For children under 13 and over:
    • Provide support for the internal operations of our Applications, only and exclusively.
  • For adults:
    • Obtain anonymous statistical reports on access and use of Applications.
    • Obtain the payment of adults, who buy content within the Teachlabs Applications, for their children under age, or under 13, to be able to carry out the economic-administrative management corresponding to said purchases.
    • Develop statistical information corresponding to the learning progress of children, who learn while playing, so that their parents can consult it.

Teachlabs also collect non-personal data from users of their Applications. This information is used only to understand better the behaviour and preferences of our anonymous users, and thus improve our products and services.

The legal basis of the aforementioned data processing is based on the legitimate interest of Teachlabs in offering the services described, as well as in the acceptance of the conditions of use, with a contractual nature, previously accepted by users of the Teachlabs Applications.



Teachlabs take special precautions when it comes to protecting the online privacy of children under 13 years of age. In that sense, when Teachlabs refer to “children” in this privacy policy, they refer in all cases to children under 13 years of age. Please note that your child, under the age of 13, should not share your personal information (name, email address, postal address, telephone number, etc.) with any other person without your permission.

To guarantee the privacy and online protection of children, Teachlabs strictly comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA, in English, hereinafter) in all their applications aimed at children. This U.S. law, COPPA, was created to protect children’s online privacy. If you want to know more about COPPA, you can go to the online section of the US Federal Trade Commission.

As indicated below, in the “category of treated data” section, the only information collected from children is that corresponding to an identifier (alias or name on screen) in order to provide functionality and support for internal operations of our Applications, not representing in any case personal information of children. In summary, Teachlabs do not collect any personal information from children in their Applications, and only limit themselves to collect that information that is supposed to be an “exception” allowed by the COPPA law, to facilitate the provision of services to children in Applications. Such information, included in the “exceptions” of data that the COPPA law allows to compile on children, represents persistent identifiers. In any case, all the information that Teachlabs collect from children in their applications comes after obtaining parental consent through online payment made by the father/parent through the application. After this parental consent, Teachlabs collect information about the child, related to the progress the child makes while learning by playing. This progress information is shared with the parent through the application that you can download.

At present, the Teachlabs Applications do not contain advertisements. In addition, none of the third-party products that Teachlabs may use in their Applications allow advertisements targeting children, based on their behaviour.

If you believe that we are unintentionally collecting your child’s personal information without your prior consent, do not hesitate to contact the data processing head of Teachlabs through the following channels:

  • By email: Email: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • By postal mail:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers. 

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Malaga, Spain. Registration 760/2015



In keeping with the previous purposes, Teachlabs collect the following data:

In the case of children under 13 years of age, our applications only and exclusively collect the following data, which in no case represent the child’s personal information, and which does not allow to or is used to contact the child online:

  • Alias or username (nickname to be identified on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical detail to identify the device (device ID)
  • Information about the child’s learning progress, having fun while playing

When a user uses our Applications, we also collect non-personal information about the use of the Application, to help us improve our services. In this sense, the following data is collected, with the sole interest to improve our products and services, and to better understand the behaviour and preferences of our users:

  • Activities that the user can access
  • Number of accesses (logins) to the application
  • Time duration of the online session



The user of these Applications agrees that all the information provided is true, complete and updated. Failure to send the requested data as mandatory will prevent Teachlabs from providing the requested service.

The user will be solely responsible for any loss or damage that may be caused by the provision of false or inaccurate information, and for any damages or losses that this may cause to Teachlabs or to third parties.



The personal information of users that Teachlabs collect through their Applications will be kept for the time necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected, unless the user revokes the consent granted.

Teachlabs will subsequently eliminate said information, except in the cases stipulated by law, for the fulfillment of legal requirements, regulations, resolve disputes, or to guarantee compliance with the Conditions of Use, previously accepted by the user.



Teachlabs is a technology company that develops products based on the latest technologies. In their interest to protect the personal information of their users, Teachlabs use current and appropriate security measures for such purposes, avoiding the loss, alteration, unauthorized access or theft of said data. Among these measures are:

  • Communications based on secure protocols and data encryption between the user and the servers that provide the service.
  • Other measures that guarantee the security of information against current computer attacks.

Teachlabs implement the appropriate technical security measures to maintain the security, integrity, privacy and accuracy of the information you provide.



Teachlabs will not transfer to third parties – except in those cases stipulated in the current regulations about personal data protection, or in the occasional moments that are described below – the information and personal data of the users, collected through their Applications, being only treated with the purposes previously indicated.

Teachlabs will only share some of the information obtained in their Applications, punctually, with service providers that act on our behalf, whether they are providers of payment methods or hosting companies, for example, so that we may fulfill the purposes detailed in the corresponding previous section “Purpose of the treatment”.

Bearing in mind that some of our service providers may be located outside the European Union, therefore not having to comply with the legislation in force in Spain and the European Union, Teachlabs take the necessary measures and choose their external service providers to guarantee the Protection of information and all your data.

The data that reflect the progress of the child’s learning, while having fun playing, is shown in the application of the parent, who can then follow up on the study of their child.



The basis that legitimates the processing of personal data in our Applications is the consent of the interested user, who accepts such treatment when sending us their data.

The purpose of the data processing performed by Teachlabs will always be in accordance with the “purpose of the treatment” indicated in the section of the same name, in this Privacy Policy.

The user has the right to withdraw his consent, which will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out in advance.

In the case of the collection, storage or processing of personal data of a child under 13 years of age, if this were the case, it would always be the demonstrable consent of the legal guardian, unless such information is considered an exception to those permitted by the COPPA law.



The user can exercise the following rights listed below, in compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, through the following channels of information:

  • Sending an email to the email address: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • Sending a letter to the postal address:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers.

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB. Postcode: 29015. Málaga, Spain


The rights that any legitimate user can exercise in relation to the processing of personal data that Teachlabs are processing are:

  • Access your personal data
  • Request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete data
  • Revoke the consent granted
  • Obtain express confirmation of whether Teachlabs are treating your personal data, or not
  • Request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, your data is no longer necessary for the purposes they were collected for.
  • Request the limitation of the processing of your data in relation to the casuistry provided by the data protection regulations
  • Oppose the processing of your data, depending on certain circumstances or reasons related to your particular situation, leaving Teachlabs to process your data, except for legitimate reasons, or in the exercise or defense of possible claims.
  • Challenge the automated actions of data processing performed by Teachlabs
  • Carrying your data, requesting Teachlabs to provide them to the person responsible for the data processing that the user indicates.

If Teachlabs had unintentionally collected and stored personal data of children under 13 years of age, parents can request access to personal data at any time to review said information, request its deletion or oppose the processing or collection of such data. through the communication channels enabled at the beginning of this section.

In any case, the user of our Applications may complain to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (www.agpd.es) when it considers that Teachlabs have violated their rights in terms of data protection.



Teachlabs reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy, always respecting regulatory compliance and respecting the rights of the users of this Website. These changes will be notified through this website, which contains all aspects related to our Privacy Policy.

Date of last update: November 27, 2018.






The present conditions of use (hereinafter, “Conditions”) govern the provision of services (hereinafter, “Services”) of gamified training -learning while the child is having fun- of Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, Teachlabs), offered through their applications (hereinafter, Applications).

Teachlabs S.L. are a mercantile company, with a registered head office in Málaga, Spain, at Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga, and with registration number 760/22015, C.I.F B93399871. You can contact us at the email address hello@teachlabs.com or by phone (+34) 684 11 70 49.

Teachlabs offer gamified digital training services for children, in which the legal guardian (or his parent in possession of legal guardianship) -from now on, the “Tutor” – can contract for his children (hereinafter, “Students”) services in the form of applications (hereinafter, Applications).

The processing of data collected by Teachlabs through their Applications is based on the purposes and conditions detailed in the Privacy Policy.

The Tutor accepts these Terms of Use when contracting the services that Teachlabs offer through their Applications.

  1. Purpose of the Terms

Teachlabs offer Applications that the Tutors can hire to improve the degree of learning of their children in different subjects, while they have fun learning. The Teachlabs Applications are progressively adapted to the student’s development. You, the Tutor, can follow the Student’s interaction and progress through an application that you can also download.

These Terms will be valid as long as Teachlabs do not modify or delete them, which is the right Teachlabs reserve at all times. These Conditions apply to all Teachlabs Applications.

To use the services provided by Teachlabs through their Applications, the Tutor and the Students must have an Internet connection, and they must also have the appropriate terminal equipment to download and use these services. Under no circumstances will Teachlabs be responsible for the costs associated with these mentioned issues, nor for any other derived cost, apart from those that directly involve the hiring of our Applications.

Therefore, it is the Tutor’s exclusive responsibility to ensure that they have the appropriate means. The Tutor must also assume the associated costs already mentioned and verify the suitability of the services Teachlabs provide for you and your children. This is the step preliminary to the hiring of our services, offered through our Applications.

  1. Students’ Registration in Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor, who must be of legal age and who must have the capacity of representation of the under-age Students, will buy both his Application (Application of the Tutor), as well as the contents under payment that the Application of the child may contain.

With the payment to download and use the Tutor Application is done, the Tutor has granted parental consent so that the data collected through the Student Application, as described in our Privacy Policy, is shared with his Application, reflecting the progress of the Students supervised by the Tutor. In addition, when the Tutor makes the purchase of his App (Application of the Tutor), he receives a code that he must enter in the Student Application, to confirm that he has the full capacity of guardianship and representation of said Students. Both Tutor and Students are subject to all the Terms of Use and to the Privacy Policy described in the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor will, in any case, be responsible for the compliance of these Terms, and of the actions that the Students carry out through the use of the Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and updating of the data provided and introduced in each Application (Tutor and Student), as well as the consent granted for the Students, of whom he has full capacity of representation, to interact with the Teachlabs Applications in an appropriate way.

It is under the power of Teachlabs to suspend or revoke the relationship that the Tutor enters with Teachlabs and accepts, under the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, in the event that the Tutor provides false, inaccurate or incomplete information about him or the Students under his tutelage, or if Teachlabs suspect such a situation. In any case, the Tutor will be responsible for the damages that this may cause to Teachlabs.

The Tutor agrees:

  • Not to disclose nor share the data related to the learning progress of their children with third parties who do not have the legal guardianship of the Student.
  • That no other user accesses or uses the user account of the Students, or of the Tutor, except for the recipients and direct users for whom these accounts were created. Therefore, the Tutor will be responsible for the confidentiality of the access data to his account, and to the account of the Students he protects.
  • The Tutor will be responsible for the misuse of any user, whether it is himself, the Student he represents, or a third party that inappropriately accesses the data that allows the use of the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor is obliged to notify Teachlabs immediately if he detects any situation of misuse of their Applications.

Again, Teachlabs have the power to suspend or eliminate the accounts of the different users (Tutor and Students) of their Applications, when they detect their misuse, in breach of the current Terms of Use.

Since the Students Teachlabs Application does not store personal information, except for a persistent identifier, the Student can freely use his application (Student Application) at the beginning. In the Student Application, content under payment will be avilable.

The Tutor will be responsible for:

  • being directly responsible for the electronic purchase of said contents, through the Student Application,
  • buying directly the Application that, after online payment, he can acquire and download to receive statistical data corresponding to the learning progress of the children or Students over whom he has the capacity of guardianship and legal representation,
  • storing the code that the Tutor Application will provide, after payment and download, as well as entering such code in the Student Application, in order to give consent that the data generated by the student who is learning while playing, be shared with the Tutor Application.
  1. Contracting and use of Teachlabs’ Services

Teachlabs expressly prohibit the impersonation of users in the services offered through their Applications, whether in the Applications of Tutors or Students. Any misuse that may cause damage or harm to Teachlabs, or to third parties, due to the misuse of the Tutor or Student Applications, will enable Teachlabs to address this issue and resolve the provision of services.

3.1. Contracting Services offered by Teachlabs.

Students, initially, will be able to freely download and use the Teachlabs Student Application. Since the Student Application does not store personal information that identifies minors, nor children under 13, except for a persistent identifier, as detailed in our Privacy Policy, Teachlabs thus guarantee compliance with the laws of protection of data for children under 13 years of age.

When the Student wishes to access content prior to payment in the Student Application, the Tutor will have to hire those services through electronic payment, providing the necessary information for the payment methods available in our Applications. It is the responsibility of the Tutor not to share information about his means of payment, of which he is the owner, with students or with third parties.

On the other hand, the Tutor can, at any time, pay and download the Tutor Application, which will allow him to access the data of the Students that he identifies under his representation, assuming the responsibility and veracity of having the legal capacity over such Students. To do this, the tutor will pay and download the Tutor Application, which will generate a code that can be entered at any time in the Applications of the Students, thereby linking such Applications under the tutor-student relationship, from that time onwards. The Tutor will be responsible for keeping said code under his exclusive knowledge, not sharing it with any third party, nor with Students. The Tutor may re-generate said code in the Tutor Application at any time. The Tutor will be responsible for not facilitating access to his Tutor Application to any third party, nor to any Student.

Once the Tutor enters the code in a Student Application to link it to the aforementioned Tutor-Student relationship, the Tutor will be able to access the statistical data of the learning progress of those students that he is guardian of, since the Student Applications will share such data with the Tutor Application, from then on. The purpose of this relationship, as indicated in our Privacy Policy, is to facilitate the follow-up of the Student with the Tutors, to be aware of their learning progress, while they learn by playing with the Teachlabs Applications.

The purchases that the Tutor makes through the Student Application, or their own hired Tutor Application, have an unlimited validity and duration over time, and as long as Teachlabs keep these services operational.

3.2. Right of withdrawal.

The Tutors have the right to exercise the withdrawal that the regulation offers for the contracting of electronic services in general. Therefore, the withdrawal period of the service contracted will be 14 calendar days from the hiring of the service in question, provided by Teachlabs through the aforementioned Application. The Tutor accepts that, in any case, if he initiates the execution of the service prior to his exercise of withdrawal, he cannot exercise such right at all, because in this case it concerns the provision of an electronic service.

3.3. Price and payment of purchases offered through Teachlabs services.

The prices will be those that, prior to the purchase process, Teachlabs will show the Tutors responsible for the purchases to be made through each Application, either the Tutor’s Application to make their purchase, or of contents prior payment in the Application of each Student that he supervises.

Unless otherwise indicated through the Particular Conditions that may affect each Service, the prices will include indirect taxes that may be applicable in each case, to the respective Services.

The Tutor can make the payment of services that want to contract with Teachlabs through PayPal, or by credit or debit card. It is the sole responsibility of the Tutor to guarantee the adequate use and privacy of the means of payment used to contract the Services with Teachlabs. Likewise, the Tutor is exclusively responsible for using means of payment only accepted by Teachlabs, as well as for the veracity, accuracy and updating of the information of the payment methods that he uses, committing himself to the full payment of the price associated with the Service that he wishes to acquire, with associated taxes included.

Teachlabs have the right to modify at any time the price applicable to their Services. Their clients will be notified by the most effective means of such modification.

3.4. Cancellation of services.

The tutors, clients of Teachlabs, can at any time exercise their right to the cancellation and deletion of the data that Teachlabs may have stored about them and their tutored students, without affecting the previously made payments, not refunding therefore, the amounts already paid, except in cases stipulated by law, with regard to the right of withdrawal of customers of electronic services (see the previous section, Right of withdrawal).


  1. Rights on the Services and their contents.

The contents of the Teachlabs Services are their own contents, property of Teachlabs or, otherwise, contents licensed in favour of Teachlabs, protected and preserved by the laws of intellectual property.

The alteration, modification, reproduction, distribution, commercialization, public disclosure, reverse engineering for the extraction of the source code or internal functionalities of the Applications, disassembly, decompilation or use of any other technique with the purpose of obtaining the source code of the Applications with which Teachlabs provide their Services are expressly prohibited. Teachlabs reserve the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions when the intellectual or industrial property rights they hold over their Applications are violated, including the content and the source code that supports them.


By paying the corresponding price that enables the customers of Teachlabs to obtain the services provided by Teachlabs through the respective Tutor and Student applications, Teachlabs customers obtain a non-exclusive but non-transferable license to use the Applications and receive the deserved Services. Said license does not authorise in any case the clients, users of the Teachlabs Applications, whether they are Tutors or Students, to exploit them commercially, or to dispose of the information and contents of these Applications, since only Teachlabs hold the intellectual or industrial property rights of such content and information.


  1. Teachlabs’ Responsibility for their provision of Services.

Teachlabs make every effort to maintain the correctness, update and relevance of the contents and information they furnish through their Applications, by using the techniques, diligence and human resources necessary to procure high quality standards to their Services, according to the framework of their objectives.

However, Teachlabs cannot guarantee in all cases and under any circumstances the quality, reliability, correctness, accuracy or morality of the Applications, and the information, utilities and programs they contain. Therefore, Teachlabs is not responsible for any damage or prejudice of any kind that may arise from the use of their Applications to the clients of their Services, except in fraudulent actions or other circumstances that may explicitly be foreseen by the legislation that applies.

Therefore, the Tutor and the Students accept to use and access the provision of contracted services at their own risk and responsibility. In addition, Teachlabs inform their clients that they do not assume any responsibility nor guarantee that the services provided and the applications available to tutors and students can meet the requirements and expectations that they may have.

Teachlabs do not guarantee their users, tutors and students that their services cannot be interrupted for technical reasons or by Teachlabs’ decision.

Likewise, Teachlabs cannot guarantee the results in the learning progress of each individual student, nor that the contents accessed by the students, or the information received by the tutors, can be free of errors, be inaccurate or not updated.

The misuse by Tutors or Students of the Services and Applications with which Teachlabs provide their services, enables Teachlabs to cancel said service, eliminating the means of access with which the clients (tutors) and their tutored students, rely on to access the Services and Applications in question. The Tutors and Students acknowledge Teachlabs’ right and agree to indemnify and compensate Teachlabs and their staff, officers, agents, partners or shareholders, for any breach of these Terms of Use in relation to the provision of Service and the Applications used by Teachlabs for this Service, or for any damage or harm that this may cause.

Teachlabs reserve the right to modify the contents of their Applications and the functionality of their Services without prior notice to their users, Tutors or Students. Without assuming any liability, Teachlabs may freely use their power to interrupt the provision of any Services or to eliminate any information, including that which enables the users of the Applications to access the services provided by Teachlabs. However, Teachlabs will remain subject to the laws that require the preservation of user and client information during the appropriate legal deadlines.


  1. Termination of the Services provided by Teachlabs

Teachlabs reserves, unilaterally and expressly, the right to terminate the Services provided to their users, tutors and students, without prior notice. If the termination is motivated by the misuse or non-compliance of the user to these Conditions, Teachlabs will merely communicate their termination of Service to the Tutor.

The Tutor expressly accepts that Teachlabs will not assume any responsibility if the latter decide to terminate their provision of Services, following the terms expressed in the Terms of Use, and also that Teachlabs will not be obliged to refund any amount of money paid in the past.


  1. Jurisdiction and applicable laws in case of dispute

Teachlabs expressly submit themselves to Spanish courts and Spanish law in the event of a dispute motivated by the Terms of Use, except in those cases in which, imperatively, any other law or jurisdiction appropriate to users of the services operated by Teachlabs is applicable.




What information do we collect from children under 13?

  • Alias or username (or nickname to be identified with on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical data to identify the device (device ID)

For more information, consult the section “CATEGORY OF TREATED DATA” below.

Why do we collect the information?

  • For internal support and use of the application (for example, user analytics)
  • To offer parents or legal guardians the follow-up of the learning progress of their children

For more information, consult the section “PURPOSE OF TREATMENT” below.

With whom is the information shared?

  • With external service providers: for example, payment methods and web hosting, in order to provide the services offered by Teachlabs.
  • With the parent or legal guardian, to track their children´s learning progress, while they are having fun using the Teachlabs Applications.

For the provision of its services, and specifically through their mobile applications (hereinafter, “Applications”), Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter Teachlabs) collect personal data, which are treated in accordance with current legislation: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of April 27th, 2016, concerning the protection of private individuals as regards the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (GRPD), as well as the Spanish regulations of application in force, in terms of data protection. Teachlabs S.L. also pay special attention to and strictly complies with the international regulations in force for the processing of personal data for children under 13 years of age, in their Applications and services aimed at said public.

By using the Teachlabs Applications, you accept our privacy policy. If you do not accept our Privacy Policy, please do not use our Applications.



  • Owner: Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, “Teachlabs”)
  • Registered office: Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga. Registration 760/2015.
  • CIF: B93399871
  • Phone: (+34) 684 11 70 49
  • Email: privacy@teachlabs.com



Teachlabs will treat the user data that they collect through their Applications manually and / or by automation, with the following purposes:

  • For children under 13 and over:
    • Provide support for the internal operations of our Applications, only and exclusively.
  • For adults:
    • Obtain anonymous statistical reports on access and use of Applications.
    • Obtain the payment of adults, who buy content within the Teachlabs Applications, for their children under age, or under 13, to be able to carry out the economic-administrative management corresponding to said purchases.
    • Develop statistical information corresponding to the learning progress of children, who learn while playing, so that their parents can consult it.

Teachlabs also collect non-personal data from users of their Applications. This information is used only to understand better the behaviour and preferences of our anonymous users, and thus improve our products and services.

The legal basis of the aforementioned data processing is based on the legitimate interest of Teachlabs in offering the services described, as well as in the acceptance of the conditions of use, with a contractual nature, previously accepted by users of the Teachlabs Applications.



Teachlabs take special precautions when it comes to protecting the online privacy of children under 13 years of age. In that sense, when Teachlabs refer to “children” in this privacy policy, they refer in all cases to children under 13 years of age. Please note that your child, under the age of 13, should not share your personal information (name, email address, postal address, telephone number, etc.) with any other person without your permission.

To guarantee the privacy and online protection of children, Teachlabs strictly comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA, in English, hereinafter) in all their applications aimed at children. This U.S. law, COPPA, was created to protect children’s online privacy. If you want to know more about COPPA, you can go to the online section of the US Federal Trade Commission.

As indicated below, in the “category of treated data” section, the only information collected from children is that corresponding to an identifier (alias or name on screen) in order to provide functionality and support for internal operations of our Applications, not representing in any case personal information of children. In summary, Teachlabs do not collect any personal information from children in their Applications, and only limit themselves to collect that information that is supposed to be an “exception” allowed by the COPPA law, to facilitate the provision of services to children in Applications. Such information, included in the “exceptions” of data that the COPPA law allows to compile on children, represents persistent identifiers. In any case, all the information that Teachlabs collect from children in their applications comes after obtaining parental consent through online payment made by the father/parent through the application. After this parental consent, Teachlabs collect information about the child, related to the progress the child makes while learning by playing. This progress information is shared with the parent through the application that you can download.

At present, the Teachlabs Applications do not contain advertisements. In addition, none of the third-party products that Teachlabs may use in their Applications allow advertisements targeting children, based on their behaviour.

If you believe that we are unintentionally collecting your child’s personal information without your prior consent, do not hesitate to contact the data processing head of Teachlabs through the following channels:

  • By email: Email: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • By postal mail:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers. 

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Malaga, Spain. Registration 760/2015



In keeping with the previous purposes, Teachlabs collect the following data:

In the case of children under 13 years of age, our applications only and exclusively collect the following data, which in no case represent the child’s personal information, and which does not allow to or is used to contact the child online:

  • Alias or username (nickname to be identified on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical detail to identify the device (device ID)
  • Information about the child’s learning progress, having fun while playing

When a user uses our Applications, we also collect non-personal information about the use of the Application, to help us improve our services. In this sense, the following data is collected, with the sole interest to improve our products and services, and to better understand the behaviour and preferences of our users:

  • Activities that the user can access
  • Number of accesses (logins) to the application
  • Time duration of the online session



The user of these Applications agrees that all the information provided is true, complete and updated. Failure to send the requested data as mandatory will prevent Teachlabs from providing the requested service.

The user will be solely responsible for any loss or damage that may be caused by the provision of false or inaccurate information, and for any damages or losses that this may cause to Teachlabs or to third parties.



The personal information of users that Teachlabs collect through their Applications will be kept for the time necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected, unless the user revokes the consent granted.

Teachlabs will subsequently eliminate said information, except in the cases stipulated by law, for the fulfillment of legal requirements, regulations, resolve disputes, or to guarantee compliance with the Conditions of Use, previously accepted by the user.



Teachlabs is a technology company that develops products based on the latest technologies. In their interest to protect the personal information of their users, Teachlabs use current and appropriate security measures for such purposes, avoiding the loss, alteration, unauthorized access or theft of said data. Among these measures are:

  • Communications based on secure protocols and data encryption between the user and the servers that provide the service.
  • Other measures that guarantee the security of information against current computer attacks.

Teachlabs implement the appropriate technical security measures to maintain the security, integrity, privacy and accuracy of the information you provide.



Teachlabs will not transfer to third parties – except in those cases stipulated in the current regulations about personal data protection, or in the occasional moments that are described below – the information and personal data of the users, collected through their Applications, being only treated with the purposes previously indicated.

Teachlabs will only share some of the information obtained in their Applications, punctually, with service providers that act on our behalf, whether they are providers of payment methods or hosting companies, for example, so that we may fulfill the purposes detailed in the corresponding previous section “Purpose of the treatment”.

Bearing in mind that some of our service providers may be located outside the European Union, therefore not having to comply with the legislation in force in Spain and the European Union, Teachlabs take the necessary measures and choose their external service providers to guarantee the Protection of information and all your data.

The data that reflect the progress of the child’s learning, while having fun playing, is shown in the application of the parent, who can then follow up on the study of their child.



The basis that legitimates the processing of personal data in our Applications is the consent of the interested user, who accepts such treatment when sending us their data.

The purpose of the data processing performed by Teachlabs will always be in accordance with the “purpose of the treatment” indicated in the section of the same name, in this Privacy Policy.

The user has the right to withdraw his consent, which will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out in advance.

In the case of the collection, storage or processing of personal data of a child under 13 years of age, if this were the case, it would always be the demonstrable consent of the legal guardian, unless such information is considered an exception to those permitted by the COPPA law.



The user can exercise the following rights listed below, in compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, through the following channels of information:

  • Sending an email to the email address: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • Sending a letter to the postal address:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers.

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB. Postcode: 29015. Málaga, Spain


The rights that any legitimate user can exercise in relation to the processing of personal data that Teachlabs are processing are:

  • Access your personal data
  • Request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete data
  • Revoke the consent granted
  • Obtain express confirmation of whether Teachlabs are treating your personal data, or not
  • Request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, your data is no longer necessary for the purposes they were collected for.
  • Request the limitation of the processing of your data in relation to the casuistry provided by the data protection regulations
  • Oppose the processing of your data, depending on certain circumstances or reasons related to your particular situation, leaving Teachlabs to process your data, except for legitimate reasons, or in the exercise or defense of possible claims.
  • Challenge the automated actions of data processing performed by Teachlabs
  • Carrying your data, requesting Teachlabs to provide them to the person responsible for the data processing that the user indicates.

If Teachlabs had unintentionally collected and stored personal data of children under 13 years of age, parents can request access to personal data at any time to review said information, request its deletion or oppose the processing or collection of such data. through the communication channels enabled at the beginning of this section.

In any case, the user of our Applications may complain to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (www.agpd.es) when it considers that Teachlabs have violated their rights in terms of data protection.



Teachlabs reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy, always respecting regulatory compliance and respecting the rights of the users of this Website. These changes will be notified through this website, which contains all aspects related to our Privacy Policy.

Date of last update: November 27, 2018.






The present conditions of use (hereinafter, “Conditions”) govern the provision of services (hereinafter, “Services”) of gamified training -learning while the child is having fun- of Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, Teachlabs), offered through their applications (hereinafter, Applications).

Teachlabs S.L. are a mercantile company, with a registered head office in Málaga, Spain, at Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga, and with registration number 760/22015, C.I.F B93399871. You can contact us at the email address hello@teachlabs.com or by phone (+34) 684 11 70 49.

Teachlabs offer gamified digital training services for children, in which the legal guardian (or his parent in possession of legal guardianship) -from now on, the “Tutor” – can contract for his children (hereinafter, “Students”) services in the form of applications (hereinafter, Applications).

The processing of data collected by Teachlabs through their Applications is based on the purposes and conditions detailed in the Privacy Policy.

The Tutor accepts these Terms of Use when contracting the services that Teachlabs offer through their Applications.

  1. Purpose of the Terms

Teachlabs offer Applications that the Tutors can hire to improve the degree of learning of their children in different subjects, while they have fun learning. The Teachlabs Applications are progressively adapted to the student’s development. You, the Tutor, can follow the Student’s interaction and progress through an application that you can also download.

These Terms will be valid as long as Teachlabs do not modify or delete them, which is the right Teachlabs reserve at all times. These Conditions apply to all Teachlabs Applications.

To use the services provided by Teachlabs through their Applications, the Tutor and the Students must have an Internet connection, and they must also have the appropriate terminal equipment to download and use these services. Under no circumstances will Teachlabs be responsible for the costs associated with these mentioned issues, nor for any other derived cost, apart from those that directly involve the hiring of our Applications.

Therefore, it is the Tutor’s exclusive responsibility to ensure that they have the appropriate means. The Tutor must also assume the associated costs already mentioned and verify the suitability of the services Teachlabs provide for you and your children. This is the step preliminary to the hiring of our services, offered through our Applications.

  1. Students’ Registration in Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor, who must be of legal age and who must have the capacity of representation of the under-age Students, will buy both his Application (Application of the Tutor), as well as the contents under payment that the Application of the child may contain.

With the payment to download and use the Tutor Application is done, the Tutor has granted parental consent so that the data collected through the Student Application, as described in our Privacy Policy, is shared with his Application, reflecting the progress of the Students supervised by the Tutor. In addition, when the Tutor makes the purchase of his App (Application of the Tutor), he receives a code that he must enter in the Student Application, to confirm that he has the full capacity of guardianship and representation of said Students. Both Tutor and Students are subject to all the Terms of Use and to the Privacy Policy described in the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor will, in any case, be responsible for the compliance of these Terms, and of the actions that the Students carry out through the use of the Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and updating of the data provided and introduced in each Application (Tutor and Student), as well as the consent granted for the Students, of whom he has full capacity of representation, to interact with the Teachlabs Applications in an appropriate way.

It is under the power of Teachlabs to suspend or revoke the relationship that the Tutor enters with Teachlabs and accepts, under the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, in the event that the Tutor provides false, inaccurate or incomplete information about him or the Students under his tutelage, or if Teachlabs suspect such a situation. In any case, the Tutor will be responsible for the damages that this may cause to Teachlabs.

The Tutor agrees:

  • Not to disclose nor share the data related to the learning progress of their children with third parties who do not have the legal guardianship of the Student.
  • That no other user accesses or uses the user account of the Students, or of the Tutor, except for the recipients and direct users for whom these accounts were created. Therefore, the Tutor will be responsible for the confidentiality of the access data to his account, and to the account of the Students he protects.
  • The Tutor will be responsible for the misuse of any user, whether it is himself, the Student he represents, or a third party that inappropriately accesses the data that allows the use of the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor is obliged to notify Teachlabs immediately if he detects any situation of misuse of their Applications.

Again, Teachlabs have the power to suspend or eliminate the accounts of the different users (Tutor and Students) of their Applications, when they detect their misuse, in breach of the current Terms of Use.

Since the Students Teachlabs Application does not store personal information, except for a persistent identifier, the Student can freely use his application (Student Application) at the beginning. In the Student Application, content under payment will be avilable.

The Tutor will be responsible for:

  • being directly responsible for the electronic purchase of said contents, through the Student Application,
  • buying directly the Application that, after online payment, he can acquire and download to receive statistical data corresponding to the learning progress of the children or Students over whom he has the capacity of guardianship and legal representation,
  • storing the code that the Tutor Application will provide, after payment and download, as well as entering such code in the Student Application, in order to give consent that the data generated by the student who is learning while playing, be shared with the Tutor Application.
  1. Contracting and use of Teachlabs’ Services

Teachlabs expressly prohibit the impersonation of users in the services offered through their Applications, whether in the Applications of Tutors or Students. Any misuse that may cause damage or harm to Teachlabs, or to third parties, due to the misuse of the Tutor or Student Applications, will enable Teachlabs to address this issue and resolve the provision of services.

3.1. Contracting Services offered by Teachlabs.

Students, initially, will be able to freely download and use the Teachlabs Student Application. Since the Student Application does not store personal information that identifies minors, nor children under 13, except for a persistent identifier, as detailed in our Privacy Policy, Teachlabs thus guarantee compliance with the laws of protection of data for children under 13 years of age.

When the Student wishes to access content prior to payment in the Student Application, the Tutor will have to hire those services through electronic payment, providing the necessary information for the payment methods available in our Applications. It is the responsibility of the Tutor not to share information about his means of payment, of which he is the owner, with students or with third parties.

On the other hand, the Tutor can, at any time, pay and download the Tutor Application, which will allow him to access the data of the Students that he identifies under his representation, assuming the responsibility and veracity of having the legal capacity over such Students. To do this, the tutor will pay and download the Tutor Application, which will generate a code that can be entered at any time in the Applications of the Students, thereby linking such Applications under the tutor-student relationship, from that time onwards. The Tutor will be responsible for keeping said code under his exclusive knowledge, not sharing it with any third party, nor with Students. The Tutor may re-generate said code in the Tutor Application at any time. The Tutor will be responsible for not facilitating access to his Tutor Application to any third party, nor to any Student.

Once the Tutor enters the code in a Student Application to link it to the aforementioned Tutor-Student relationship, the Tutor will be able to access the statistical data of the learning progress of those students that he is guardian of, since the Student Applications will share such data with the Tutor Application, from then on. The purpose of this relationship, as indicated in our Privacy Policy, is to facilitate the follow-up of the Student with the Tutors, to be aware of their learning progress, while they learn by playing with the Teachlabs Applications.

The purchases that the Tutor makes through the Student Application, or their own hired Tutor Application, have an unlimited validity and duration over time, and as long as Teachlabs keep these services operational.

3.2. Right of withdrawal.

The Tutors have the right to exercise the withdrawal that the regulation offers for the contracting of electronic services in general. Therefore, the withdrawal period of the service contracted will be 14 calendar days from the hiring of the service in question, provided by Teachlabs through the aforementioned Application. The Tutor accepts that, in any case, if he initiates the execution of the service prior to his exercise of withdrawal, he cannot exercise such right at all, because in this case it concerns the provision of an electronic service.

3.3. Price and payment of purchases offered through Teachlabs services.

The prices will be those that, prior to the purchase process, Teachlabs will show the Tutors responsible for the purchases to be made through each Application, either the Tutor’s Application to make their purchase, or of contents prior payment in the Application of each Student that he supervises.

Unless otherwise indicated through the Particular Conditions that may affect each Service, the prices will include indirect taxes that may be applicable in each case, to the respective Services.

The Tutor can make the payment of services that want to contract with Teachlabs through PayPal, or by credit or debit card. It is the sole responsibility of the Tutor to guarantee the adequate use and privacy of the means of payment used to contract the Services with Teachlabs. Likewise, the Tutor is exclusively responsible for using means of payment only accepted by Teachlabs, as well as for the veracity, accuracy and updating of the information of the payment methods that he uses, committing himself to the full payment of the price associated with the Service that he wishes to acquire, with associated taxes included.

Teachlabs have the right to modify at any time the price applicable to their Services. Their clients will be notified by the most effective means of such modification.

3.4. Cancellation of services.

The tutors, clients of Teachlabs, can at any time exercise their right to the cancellation and deletion of the data that Teachlabs may have stored about them and their tutored students, without affecting the previously made payments, not refunding therefore, the amounts already paid, except in cases stipulated by law, with regard to the right of withdrawal of customers of electronic services (see the previous section, Right of withdrawal).


  1. Rights on the Services and their contents.

The contents of the Teachlabs Services are their own contents, property of Teachlabs or, otherwise, contents licensed in favour of Teachlabs, protected and preserved by the laws of intellectual property.

The alteration, modification, reproduction, distribution, commercialization, public disclosure, reverse engineering for the extraction of the source code or internal functionalities of the Applications, disassembly, decompilation or use of any other technique with the purpose of obtaining the source code of the Applications with which Teachlabs provide their Services are expressly prohibited. Teachlabs reserve the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions when the intellectual or industrial property rights they hold over their Applications are violated, including the content and the source code that supports them.


By paying the corresponding price that enables the customers of Teachlabs to obtain the services provided by Teachlabs through the respective Tutor and Student applications, Teachlabs customers obtain a non-exclusive but non-transferable license to use the Applications and receive the deserved Services. Said license does not authorise in any case the clients, users of the Teachlabs Applications, whether they are Tutors or Students, to exploit them commercially, or to dispose of the information and contents of these Applications, since only Teachlabs hold the intellectual or industrial property rights of such content and information.


  1. Teachlabs’ Responsibility for their provision of Services.

Teachlabs make every effort to maintain the correctness, update and relevance of the contents and information they furnish through their Applications, by using the techniques, diligence and human resources necessary to procure high quality standards to their Services, according to the framework of their objectives.

However, Teachlabs cannot guarantee in all cases and under any circumstances the quality, reliability, correctness, accuracy or morality of the Applications, and the information, utilities and programs they contain. Therefore, Teachlabs is not responsible for any damage or prejudice of any kind that may arise from the use of their Applications to the clients of their Services, except in fraudulent actions or other circumstances that may explicitly be foreseen by the legislation that applies.

Therefore, the Tutor and the Students accept to use and access the provision of contracted services at their own risk and responsibility. In addition, Teachlabs inform their clients that they do not assume any responsibility nor guarantee that the services provided and the applications available to tutors and students can meet the requirements and expectations that they may have.

Teachlabs do not guarantee their users, tutors and students that their services cannot be interrupted for technical reasons or by Teachlabs’ decision.

Likewise, Teachlabs cannot guarantee the results in the learning progress of each individual student, nor that the contents accessed by the students, or the information received by the tutors, can be free of errors, be inaccurate or not updated.

The misuse by Tutors or Students of the Services and Applications with which Teachlabs provide their services, enables Teachlabs to cancel said service, eliminating the means of access with which the clients (tutors) and their tutored students, rely on to access the Services and Applications in question. The Tutors and Students acknowledge Teachlabs’ right and agree to indemnify and compensate Teachlabs and their staff, officers, agents, partners or shareholders, for any breach of these Terms of Use in relation to the provision of Service and the Applications used by Teachlabs for this Service, or for any damage or harm that this may cause.

Teachlabs reserve the right to modify the contents of their Applications and the functionality of their Services without prior notice to their users, Tutors or Students. Without assuming any liability, Teachlabs may freely use their power to interrupt the provision of any Services or to eliminate any information, including that which enables the users of the Applications to access the services provided by Teachlabs. However, Teachlabs will remain subject to the laws that require the preservation of user and client information during the appropriate legal deadlines.


  1. Termination of the Services provided by Teachlabs

Teachlabs reserves, unilaterally and expressly, the right to terminate the Services provided to their users, tutors and students, without prior notice. If the termination is motivated by the misuse or non-compliance of the user to these Conditions, Teachlabs will merely communicate their termination of Service to the Tutor.

The Tutor expressly accepts that Teachlabs will not assume any responsibility if the latter decide to terminate their provision of Services, following the terms expressed in the Terms of Use, and also that Teachlabs will not be obliged to refund any amount of money paid in the past.


  1. Jurisdiction and applicable laws in case of dispute

Teachlabs expressly submit themselves to Spanish courts and Spanish law in the event of a dispute motivated by the Terms of Use, except in those cases in which, imperatively, any other law or jurisdiction appropriate to users of the services operated by Teachlabs is applicable.




What information do we collect from children under 13?

  • Alias or username (or nickname to be identified with on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical data to identify the device (device ID)

For more information, consult the section “CATEGORY OF TREATED DATA” below.

Why do we collect the information?

  • For internal support and use of the application (for example, user analytics)
  • To offer parents or legal guardians the follow-up of the learning progress of their children

For more information, consult the section “PURPOSE OF TREATMENT” below.

With whom is the information shared?

  • With external service providers: for example, payment methods and web hosting, in order to provide the services offered by Teachlabs.
  • With the parent or legal guardian, to track their children´s learning progress, while they are having fun using the Teachlabs Applications.

For the provision of its services, and specifically through their mobile applications (hereinafter, “Applications”), Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter Teachlabs) collect personal data, which are treated in accordance with current legislation: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of April 27th, 2016, concerning the protection of private individuals as regards the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (GRPD), as well as the Spanish regulations of application in force, in terms of data protection. Teachlabs S.L. also pay special attention to and strictly complies with the international regulations in force for the processing of personal data for children under 13 years of age, in their Applications and services aimed at said public.

By using the Teachlabs Applications, you accept our privacy policy. If you do not accept our Privacy Policy, please do not use our Applications.



  • Owner: Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, “Teachlabs”)
  • Registered office: Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga. Registration 760/2015.
  • CIF: B93399871
  • Phone: (+34) 684 11 70 49
  • Email: privacy@teachlabs.com



Teachlabs will treat the user data that they collect through their Applications manually and / or by automation, with the following purposes:

  • For children under 13 and over:
    • Provide support for the internal operations of our Applications, only and exclusively.
  • For adults:
    • Obtain anonymous statistical reports on access and use of Applications.
    • Obtain the payment of adults, who buy content within the Teachlabs Applications, for their children under age, or under 13, to be able to carry out the economic-administrative management corresponding to said purchases.
    • Develop statistical information corresponding to the learning progress of children, who learn while playing, so that their parents can consult it.

Teachlabs also collect non-personal data from users of their Applications. This information is used only to understand better the behaviour and preferences of our anonymous users, and thus improve our products and services.

The legal basis of the aforementioned data processing is based on the legitimate interest of Teachlabs in offering the services described, as well as in the acceptance of the conditions of use, with a contractual nature, previously accepted by users of the Teachlabs Applications.



Teachlabs take special precautions when it comes to protecting the online privacy of children under 13 years of age. In that sense, when Teachlabs refer to “children” in this privacy policy, they refer in all cases to children under 13 years of age. Please note that your child, under the age of 13, should not share your personal information (name, email address, postal address, telephone number, etc.) with any other person without your permission.

To guarantee the privacy and online protection of children, Teachlabs strictly comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA, in English, hereinafter) in all their applications aimed at children. This U.S. law, COPPA, was created to protect children’s online privacy. If you want to know more about COPPA, you can go to the online section of the US Federal Trade Commission.

As indicated below, in the “category of treated data” section, the only information collected from children is that corresponding to an identifier (alias or name on screen) in order to provide functionality and support for internal operations of our Applications, not representing in any case personal information of children. In summary, Teachlabs do not collect any personal information from children in their Applications, and only limit themselves to collect that information that is supposed to be an “exception” allowed by the COPPA law, to facilitate the provision of services to children in Applications. Such information, included in the “exceptions” of data that the COPPA law allows to compile on children, represents persistent identifiers. In any case, all the information that Teachlabs collect from children in their applications comes after obtaining parental consent through online payment made by the father/parent through the application. After this parental consent, Teachlabs collect information about the child, related to the progress the child makes while learning by playing. This progress information is shared with the parent through the application that you can download.

At present, the Teachlabs Applications do not contain advertisements. In addition, none of the third-party products that Teachlabs may use in their Applications allow advertisements targeting children, based on their behaviour.

If you believe that we are unintentionally collecting your child’s personal information without your prior consent, do not hesitate to contact the data processing head of Teachlabs through the following channels:

  • By email: Email: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • By postal mail:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers. 

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Malaga, Spain. Registration 760/2015



In keeping with the previous purposes, Teachlabs collect the following data:

In the case of children under 13 years of age, our applications only and exclusively collect the following data, which in no case represent the child’s personal information, and which does not allow to or is used to contact the child online:

  • Alias or username (nickname to be identified on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical detail to identify the device (device ID)
  • Information about the child’s learning progress, having fun while playing

When a user uses our Applications, we also collect non-personal information about the use of the Application, to help us improve our services. In this sense, the following data is collected, with the sole interest to improve our products and services, and to better understand the behaviour and preferences of our users:

  • Activities that the user can access
  • Number of accesses (logins) to the application
  • Time duration of the online session



The user of these Applications agrees that all the information provided is true, complete and updated. Failure to send the requested data as mandatory will prevent Teachlabs from providing the requested service.

The user will be solely responsible for any loss or damage that may be caused by the provision of false or inaccurate information, and for any damages or losses that this may cause to Teachlabs or to third parties.



The personal information of users that Teachlabs collect through their Applications will be kept for the time necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected, unless the user revokes the consent granted.

Teachlabs will subsequently eliminate said information, except in the cases stipulated by law, for the fulfillment of legal requirements, regulations, resolve disputes, or to guarantee compliance with the Conditions of Use, previously accepted by the user.



Teachlabs is a technology company that develops products based on the latest technologies. In their interest to protect the personal information of their users, Teachlabs use current and appropriate security measures for such purposes, avoiding the loss, alteration, unauthorized access or theft of said data. Among these measures are:

  • Communications based on secure protocols and data encryption between the user and the servers that provide the service.
  • Other measures that guarantee the security of information against current computer attacks.

Teachlabs implement the appropriate technical security measures to maintain the security, integrity, privacy and accuracy of the information you provide.



Teachlabs will not transfer to third parties – except in those cases stipulated in the current regulations about personal data protection, or in the occasional moments that are described below – the information and personal data of the users, collected through their Applications, being only treated with the purposes previously indicated.

Teachlabs will only share some of the information obtained in their Applications, punctually, with service providers that act on our behalf, whether they are providers of payment methods or hosting companies, for example, so that we may fulfill the purposes detailed in the corresponding previous section “Purpose of the treatment”.

Bearing in mind that some of our service providers may be located outside the European Union, therefore not having to comply with the legislation in force in Spain and the European Union, Teachlabs take the necessary measures and choose their external service providers to guarantee the Protection of information and all your data.

The data that reflect the progress of the child’s learning, while having fun playing, is shown in the application of the parent, who can then follow up on the study of their child.



The basis that legitimates the processing of personal data in our Applications is the consent of the interested user, who accepts such treatment when sending us their data.

The purpose of the data processing performed by Teachlabs will always be in accordance with the “purpose of the treatment” indicated in the section of the same name, in this Privacy Policy.

The user has the right to withdraw his consent, which will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out in advance.

In the case of the collection, storage or processing of personal data of a child under 13 years of age, if this were the case, it would always be the demonstrable consent of the legal guardian, unless such information is considered an exception to those permitted by the COPPA law.



The user can exercise the following rights listed below, in compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, through the following channels of information:

  • Sending an email to the email address: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • Sending a letter to the postal address:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers.

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB. Postcode: 29015. Málaga, Spain


The rights that any legitimate user can exercise in relation to the processing of personal data that Teachlabs are processing are:

  • Access your personal data
  • Request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete data
  • Revoke the consent granted
  • Obtain express confirmation of whether Teachlabs are treating your personal data, or not
  • Request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, your data is no longer necessary for the purposes they were collected for.
  • Request the limitation of the processing of your data in relation to the casuistry provided by the data protection regulations
  • Oppose the processing of your data, depending on certain circumstances or reasons related to your particular situation, leaving Teachlabs to process your data, except for legitimate reasons, or in the exercise or defense of possible claims.
  • Challenge the automated actions of data processing performed by Teachlabs
  • Carrying your data, requesting Teachlabs to provide them to the person responsible for the data processing that the user indicates.

If Teachlabs had unintentionally collected and stored personal data of children under 13 years of age, parents can request access to personal data at any time to review said information, request its deletion or oppose the processing or collection of such data. through the communication channels enabled at the beginning of this section.

In any case, the user of our Applications may complain to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (www.agpd.es) when it considers that Teachlabs have violated their rights in terms of data protection.



Teachlabs reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy, always respecting regulatory compliance and respecting the rights of the users of this Website. These changes will be notified through this website, which contains all aspects related to our Privacy Policy.

Date of last update: November 27, 2018.






The present conditions of use (hereinafter, “Conditions”) govern the provision of services (hereinafter, “Services”) of gamified training -learning while the child is having fun- of Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, Teachlabs), offered through their applications (hereinafter, Applications).

Teachlabs S.L. are a mercantile company, with a registered head office in Málaga, Spain, at Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga, and with registration number 760/22015, C.I.F B93399871. You can contact us at the email address hello@teachlabs.com or by phone (+34) 684 11 70 49.

Teachlabs offer gamified digital training services for children, in which the legal guardian (or his parent in possession of legal guardianship) -from now on, the “Tutor” – can contract for his children (hereinafter, “Students”) services in the form of applications (hereinafter, Applications).

The processing of data collected by Teachlabs through their Applications is based on the purposes and conditions detailed in the Privacy Policy.

The Tutor accepts these Terms of Use when contracting the services that Teachlabs offer through their Applications.

  1. Purpose of the Terms

Teachlabs offer Applications that the Tutors can hire to improve the degree of learning of their children in different subjects, while they have fun learning. The Teachlabs Applications are progressively adapted to the student’s development. You, the Tutor, can follow the Student’s interaction and progress through an application that you can also download.

These Terms will be valid as long as Teachlabs do not modify or delete them, which is the right Teachlabs reserve at all times. These Conditions apply to all Teachlabs Applications.

To use the services provided by Teachlabs through their Applications, the Tutor and the Students must have an Internet connection, and they must also have the appropriate terminal equipment to download and use these services. Under no circumstances will Teachlabs be responsible for the costs associated with these mentioned issues, nor for any other derived cost, apart from those that directly involve the hiring of our Applications.

Therefore, it is the Tutor’s exclusive responsibility to ensure that they have the appropriate means. The Tutor must also assume the associated costs already mentioned and verify the suitability of the services Teachlabs provide for you and your children. This is the step preliminary to the hiring of our services, offered through our Applications.

  1. Students’ Registration in Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor, who must be of legal age and who must have the capacity of representation of the under-age Students, will buy both his Application (Application of the Tutor), as well as the contents under payment that the Application of the child may contain.

With the payment to download and use the Tutor Application is done, the Tutor has granted parental consent so that the data collected through the Student Application, as described in our Privacy Policy, is shared with his Application, reflecting the progress of the Students supervised by the Tutor. In addition, when the Tutor makes the purchase of his App (Application of the Tutor), he receives a code that he must enter in the Student Application, to confirm that he has the full capacity of guardianship and representation of said Students. Both Tutor and Students are subject to all the Terms of Use and to the Privacy Policy described in the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor will, in any case, be responsible for the compliance of these Terms, and of the actions that the Students carry out through the use of the Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and updating of the data provided and introduced in each Application (Tutor and Student), as well as the consent granted for the Students, of whom he has full capacity of representation, to interact with the Teachlabs Applications in an appropriate way.

It is under the power of Teachlabs to suspend or revoke the relationship that the Tutor enters with Teachlabs and accepts, under the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, in the event that the Tutor provides false, inaccurate or incomplete information about him or the Students under his tutelage, or if Teachlabs suspect such a situation. In any case, the Tutor will be responsible for the damages that this may cause to Teachlabs.

The Tutor agrees:

  • Not to disclose nor share the data related to the learning progress of their children with third parties who do not have the legal guardianship of the Student.
  • That no other user accesses or uses the user account of the Students, or of the Tutor, except for the recipients and direct users for whom these accounts were created. Therefore, the Tutor will be responsible for the confidentiality of the access data to his account, and to the account of the Students he protects.
  • The Tutor will be responsible for the misuse of any user, whether it is himself, the Student he represents, or a third party that inappropriately accesses the data that allows the use of the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor is obliged to notify Teachlabs immediately if he detects any situation of misuse of their Applications.

Again, Teachlabs have the power to suspend or eliminate the accounts of the different users (Tutor and Students) of their Applications, when they detect their misuse, in breach of the current Terms of Use.

Since the Students Teachlabs Application does not store personal information, except for a persistent identifier, the Student can freely use his application (Student Application) at the beginning. In the Student Application, content under payment will be avilable.

The Tutor will be responsible for:

  • being directly responsible for the electronic purchase of said contents, through the Student Application,
  • buying directly the Application that, after online payment, he can acquire and download to receive statistical data corresponding to the learning progress of the children or Students over whom he has the capacity of guardianship and legal representation,
  • storing the code that the Tutor Application will provide, after payment and download, as well as entering such code in the Student Application, in order to give consent that the data generated by the student who is learning while playing, be shared with the Tutor Application.
  1. Contracting and use of Teachlabs’ Services

Teachlabs expressly prohibit the impersonation of users in the services offered through their Applications, whether in the Applications of Tutors or Students. Any misuse that may cause damage or harm to Teachlabs, or to third parties, due to the misuse of the Tutor or Student Applications, will enable Teachlabs to address this issue and resolve the provision of services.

3.1. Contracting Services offered by Teachlabs.

Students, initially, will be able to freely download and use the Teachlabs Student Application. Since the Student Application does not store personal information that identifies minors, nor children under 13, except for a persistent identifier, as detailed in our Privacy Policy, Teachlabs thus guarantee compliance with the laws of protection of data for children under 13 years of age.

When the Student wishes to access content prior to payment in the Student Application, the Tutor will have to hire those services through electronic payment, providing the necessary information for the payment methods available in our Applications. It is the responsibility of the Tutor not to share information about his means of payment, of which he is the owner, with students or with third parties.

On the other hand, the Tutor can, at any time, pay and download the Tutor Application, which will allow him to access the data of the Students that he identifies under his representation, assuming the responsibility and veracity of having the legal capacity over such Students. To do this, the tutor will pay and download the Tutor Application, which will generate a code that can be entered at any time in the Applications of the Students, thereby linking such Applications under the tutor-student relationship, from that time onwards. The Tutor will be responsible for keeping said code under his exclusive knowledge, not sharing it with any third party, nor with Students. The Tutor may re-generate said code in the Tutor Application at any time. The Tutor will be responsible for not facilitating access to his Tutor Application to any third party, nor to any Student.

Once the Tutor enters the code in a Student Application to link it to the aforementioned Tutor-Student relationship, the Tutor will be able to access the statistical data of the learning progress of those students that he is guardian of, since the Student Applications will share such data with the Tutor Application, from then on. The purpose of this relationship, as indicated in our Privacy Policy, is to facilitate the follow-up of the Student with the Tutors, to be aware of their learning progress, while they learn by playing with the Teachlabs Applications.

The purchases that the Tutor makes through the Student Application, or their own hired Tutor Application, have an unlimited validity and duration over time, and as long as Teachlabs keep these services operational.

3.2. Right of withdrawal.

The Tutors have the right to exercise the withdrawal that the regulation offers for the contracting of electronic services in general. Therefore, the withdrawal period of the service contracted will be 14 calendar days from the hiring of the service in question, provided by Teachlabs through the aforementioned Application. The Tutor accepts that, in any case, if he initiates the execution of the service prior to his exercise of withdrawal, he cannot exercise such right at all, because in this case it concerns the provision of an electronic service.

3.3. Price and payment of purchases offered through Teachlabs services.

The prices will be those that, prior to the purchase process, Teachlabs will show the Tutors responsible for the purchases to be made through each Application, either the Tutor’s Application to make their purchase, or of contents prior payment in the Application of each Student that he supervises.

Unless otherwise indicated through the Particular Conditions that may affect each Service, the prices will include indirect taxes that may be applicable in each case, to the respective Services.

The Tutor can make the payment of services that want to contract with Teachlabs through PayPal, or by credit or debit card. It is the sole responsibility of the Tutor to guarantee the adequate use and privacy of the means of payment used to contract the Services with Teachlabs. Likewise, the Tutor is exclusively responsible for using means of payment only accepted by Teachlabs, as well as for the veracity, accuracy and updating of the information of the payment methods that he uses, committing himself to the full payment of the price associated with the Service that he wishes to acquire, with associated taxes included.

Teachlabs have the right to modify at any time the price applicable to their Services. Their clients will be notified by the most effective means of such modification.

3.4. Cancellation of services.

The tutors, clients of Teachlabs, can at any time exercise their right to the cancellation and deletion of the data that Teachlabs may have stored about them and their tutored students, without affecting the previously made payments, not refunding therefore, the amounts already paid, except in cases stipulated by law, with regard to the right of withdrawal of customers of electronic services (see the previous section, Right of withdrawal).


  1. Rights on the Services and their contents.

The contents of the Teachlabs Services are their own contents, property of Teachlabs or, otherwise, contents licensed in favour of Teachlabs, protected and preserved by the laws of intellectual property.

The alteration, modification, reproduction, distribution, commercialization, public disclosure, reverse engineering for the extraction of the source code or internal functionalities of the Applications, disassembly, decompilation or use of any other technique with the purpose of obtaining the source code of the Applications with which Teachlabs provide their Services are expressly prohibited. Teachlabs reserve the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions when the intellectual or industrial property rights they hold over their Applications are violated, including the content and the source code that supports them.


By paying the corresponding price that enables the customers of Teachlabs to obtain the services provided by Teachlabs through the respective Tutor and Student applications, Teachlabs customers obtain a non-exclusive but non-transferable license to use the Applications and receive the deserved Services. Said license does not authorise in any case the clients, users of the Teachlabs Applications, whether they are Tutors or Students, to exploit them commercially, or to dispose of the information and contents of these Applications, since only Teachlabs hold the intellectual or industrial property rights of such content and information.


  1. Teachlabs’ Responsibility for their provision of Services.

Teachlabs make every effort to maintain the correctness, update and relevance of the contents and information they furnish through their Applications, by using the techniques, diligence and human resources necessary to procure high quality standards to their Services, according to the framework of their objectives.

However, Teachlabs cannot guarantee in all cases and under any circumstances the quality, reliability, correctness, accuracy or morality of the Applications, and the information, utilities and programs they contain. Therefore, Teachlabs is not responsible for any damage or prejudice of any kind that may arise from the use of their Applications to the clients of their Services, except in fraudulent actions or other circumstances that may explicitly be foreseen by the legislation that applies.

Therefore, the Tutor and the Students accept to use and access the provision of contracted services at their own risk and responsibility. In addition, Teachlabs inform their clients that they do not assume any responsibility nor guarantee that the services provided and the applications available to tutors and students can meet the requirements and expectations that they may have.

Teachlabs do not guarantee their users, tutors and students that their services cannot be interrupted for technical reasons or by Teachlabs’ decision.

Likewise, Teachlabs cannot guarantee the results in the learning progress of each individual student, nor that the contents accessed by the students, or the information received by the tutors, can be free of errors, be inaccurate or not updated.

The misuse by Tutors or Students of the Services and Applications with which Teachlabs provide their services, enables Teachlabs to cancel said service, eliminating the means of access with which the clients (tutors) and their tutored students, rely on to access the Services and Applications in question. The Tutors and Students acknowledge Teachlabs’ right and agree to indemnify and compensate Teachlabs and their staff, officers, agents, partners or shareholders, for any breach of these Terms of Use in relation to the provision of Service and the Applications used by Teachlabs for this Service, or for any damage or harm that this may cause.

Teachlabs reserve the right to modify the contents of their Applications and the functionality of their Services without prior notice to their users, Tutors or Students. Without assuming any liability, Teachlabs may freely use their power to interrupt the provision of any Services or to eliminate any information, including that which enables the users of the Applications to access the services provided by Teachlabs. However, Teachlabs will remain subject to the laws that require the preservation of user and client information during the appropriate legal deadlines.


  1. Termination of the Services provided by Teachlabs

Teachlabs reserves, unilaterally and expressly, the right to terminate the Services provided to their users, tutors and students, without prior notice. If the termination is motivated by the misuse or non-compliance of the user to these Conditions, Teachlabs will merely communicate their termination of Service to the Tutor.

The Tutor expressly accepts that Teachlabs will not assume any responsibility if the latter decide to terminate their provision of Services, following the terms expressed in the Terms of Use, and also that Teachlabs will not be obliged to refund any amount of money paid in the past.


  1. Jurisdiction and applicable laws in case of dispute

Teachlabs expressly submit themselves to Spanish courts and Spanish law in the event of a dispute motivated by the Terms of Use, except in those cases in which, imperatively, any other law or jurisdiction appropriate to users of the services operated by Teachlabs is applicable.




What information do we collect from children under 13?

  • Alias or username (or nickname to be identified with on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical data to identify the device (device ID)

For more information, consult the section “CATEGORY OF TREATED DATA” below.

Why do we collect the information?

  • For internal support and use of the application (for example, user analytics)
  • To offer parents or legal guardians the follow-up of the learning progress of their children

For more information, consult the section “PURPOSE OF TREATMENT” below.

With whom is the information shared?

  • With external service providers: for example, payment methods and web hosting, in order to provide the services offered by Teachlabs.
  • With the parent or legal guardian, to track their children´s learning progress, while they are having fun using the Teachlabs Applications.

For the provision of its services, and specifically through their mobile applications (hereinafter, “Applications”), Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter Teachlabs) collect personal data, which are treated in accordance with current legislation: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of April 27th, 2016, concerning the protection of private individuals as regards the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (GRPD), as well as the Spanish regulations of application in force, in terms of data protection. Teachlabs S.L. also pay special attention to and strictly complies with the international regulations in force for the processing of personal data for children under 13 years of age, in their Applications and services aimed at said public.

By using the Teachlabs Applications, you accept our privacy policy. If you do not accept our Privacy Policy, please do not use our Applications.



  • Owner: Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, “Teachlabs”)
  • Registered office: Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga. Registration 760/2015.
  • CIF: B93399871
  • Phone: (+34) 684 11 70 49
  • Email: privacy@teachlabs.com



Teachlabs will treat the user data that they collect through their Applications manually and / or by automation, with the following purposes:

  • For children under 13 and over:
    • Provide support for the internal operations of our Applications, only and exclusively.
  • For adults:
    • Obtain anonymous statistical reports on access and use of Applications.
    • Obtain the payment of adults, who buy content within the Teachlabs Applications, for their children under age, or under 13, to be able to carry out the economic-administrative management corresponding to said purchases.
    • Develop statistical information corresponding to the learning progress of children, who learn while playing, so that their parents can consult it.

Teachlabs also collect non-personal data from users of their Applications. This information is used only to understand better the behaviour and preferences of our anonymous users, and thus improve our products and services.

The legal basis of the aforementioned data processing is based on the legitimate interest of Teachlabs in offering the services described, as well as in the acceptance of the conditions of use, with a contractual nature, previously accepted by users of the Teachlabs Applications.



Teachlabs take special precautions when it comes to protecting the online privacy of children under 13 years of age. In that sense, when Teachlabs refer to “children” in this privacy policy, they refer in all cases to children under 13 years of age. Please note that your child, under the age of 13, should not share your personal information (name, email address, postal address, telephone number, etc.) with any other person without your permission.

To guarantee the privacy and online protection of children, Teachlabs strictly comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA, in English, hereinafter) in all their applications aimed at children. This U.S. law, COPPA, was created to protect children’s online privacy. If you want to know more about COPPA, you can go to the online section of the US Federal Trade Commission.

As indicated below, in the “category of treated data” section, the only information collected from children is that corresponding to an identifier (alias or name on screen) in order to provide functionality and support for internal operations of our Applications, not representing in any case personal information of children. In summary, Teachlabs do not collect any personal information from children in their Applications, and only limit themselves to collect that information that is supposed to be an “exception” allowed by the COPPA law, to facilitate the provision of services to children in Applications. Such information, included in the “exceptions” of data that the COPPA law allows to compile on children, represents persistent identifiers. In any case, all the information that Teachlabs collect from children in their applications comes after obtaining parental consent through online payment made by the father/parent through the application. After this parental consent, Teachlabs collect information about the child, related to the progress the child makes while learning by playing. This progress information is shared with the parent through the application that you can download.

At present, the Teachlabs Applications do not contain advertisements. In addition, none of the third-party products that Teachlabs may use in their Applications allow advertisements targeting children, based on their behaviour.

If you believe that we are unintentionally collecting your child’s personal information without your prior consent, do not hesitate to contact the data processing head of Teachlabs through the following channels:

  • By email: Email: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • By postal mail:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers. 

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Malaga, Spain. Registration 760/2015



In keeping with the previous purposes, Teachlabs collect the following data:

In the case of children under 13 years of age, our applications only and exclusively collect the following data, which in no case represent the child’s personal information, and which does not allow to or is used to contact the child online:

  • Alias or username (nickname to be identified on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical detail to identify the device (device ID)
  • Information about the child’s learning progress, having fun while playing

When a user uses our Applications, we also collect non-personal information about the use of the Application, to help us improve our services. In this sense, the following data is collected, with the sole interest to improve our products and services, and to better understand the behaviour and preferences of our users:

  • Activities that the user can access
  • Number of accesses (logins) to the application
  • Time duration of the online session



The user of these Applications agrees that all the information provided is true, complete and updated. Failure to send the requested data as mandatory will prevent Teachlabs from providing the requested service.

The user will be solely responsible for any loss or damage that may be caused by the provision of false or inaccurate information, and for any damages or losses that this may cause to Teachlabs or to third parties.



The personal information of users that Teachlabs collect through their Applications will be kept for the time necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected, unless the user revokes the consent granted.

Teachlabs will subsequently eliminate said information, except in the cases stipulated by law, for the fulfillment of legal requirements, regulations, resolve disputes, or to guarantee compliance with the Conditions of Use, previously accepted by the user.



Teachlabs is a technology company that develops products based on the latest technologies. In their interest to protect the personal information of their users, Teachlabs use current and appropriate security measures for such purposes, avoiding the loss, alteration, unauthorized access or theft of said data. Among these measures are:

  • Communications based on secure protocols and data encryption between the user and the servers that provide the service.
  • Other measures that guarantee the security of information against current computer attacks.

Teachlabs implement the appropriate technical security measures to maintain the security, integrity, privacy and accuracy of the information you provide.



Teachlabs will not transfer to third parties – except in those cases stipulated in the current regulations about personal data protection, or in the occasional moments that are described below – the information and personal data of the users, collected through their Applications, being only treated with the purposes previously indicated.

Teachlabs will only share some of the information obtained in their Applications, punctually, with service providers that act on our behalf, whether they are providers of payment methods or hosting companies, for example, so that we may fulfill the purposes detailed in the corresponding previous section “Purpose of the treatment”.

Bearing in mind that some of our service providers may be located outside the European Union, therefore not having to comply with the legislation in force in Spain and the European Union, Teachlabs take the necessary measures and choose their external service providers to guarantee the Protection of information and all your data.

The data that reflect the progress of the child’s learning, while having fun playing, is shown in the application of the parent, who can then follow up on the study of their child.



The basis that legitimates the processing of personal data in our Applications is the consent of the interested user, who accepts such treatment when sending us their data.

The purpose of the data processing performed by Teachlabs will always be in accordance with the “purpose of the treatment” indicated in the section of the same name, in this Privacy Policy.

The user has the right to withdraw his consent, which will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out in advance.

In the case of the collection, storage or processing of personal data of a child under 13 years of age, if this were the case, it would always be the demonstrable consent of the legal guardian, unless such information is considered an exception to those permitted by the COPPA law.



The user can exercise the following rights listed below, in compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, through the following channels of information:

  • Sending an email to the email address: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • Sending a letter to the postal address:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers.

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB. Postcode: 29015. Málaga, Spain


The rights that any legitimate user can exercise in relation to the processing of personal data that Teachlabs are processing are:

  • Access your personal data
  • Request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete data
  • Revoke the consent granted
  • Obtain express confirmation of whether Teachlabs are treating your personal data, or not
  • Request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, your data is no longer necessary for the purposes they were collected for.
  • Request the limitation of the processing of your data in relation to the casuistry provided by the data protection regulations
  • Oppose the processing of your data, depending on certain circumstances or reasons related to your particular situation, leaving Teachlabs to process your data, except for legitimate reasons, or in the exercise or defense of possible claims.
  • Challenge the automated actions of data processing performed by Teachlabs
  • Carrying your data, requesting Teachlabs to provide them to the person responsible for the data processing that the user indicates.

If Teachlabs had unintentionally collected and stored personal data of children under 13 years of age, parents can request access to personal data at any time to review said information, request its deletion or oppose the processing or collection of such data. through the communication channels enabled at the beginning of this section.

In any case, the user of our Applications may complain to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (www.agpd.es) when it considers that Teachlabs have violated their rights in terms of data protection.



Teachlabs reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy, always respecting regulatory compliance and respecting the rights of the users of this Website. These changes will be notified through this website, which contains all aspects related to our Privacy Policy.

Date of last update: November 27, 2018.






The present conditions of use (hereinafter, “Conditions”) govern the provision of services (hereinafter, “Services”) of gamified training -learning while the child is having fun- of Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, Teachlabs), offered through their applications (hereinafter, Applications).

Teachlabs S.L. are a mercantile company, with a registered head office in Málaga, Spain, at Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga, and with registration number 760/22015, C.I.F B93399871. You can contact us at the email address hello@teachlabs.com or by phone (+34) 684 11 70 49.

Teachlabs offer gamified digital training services for children, in which the legal guardian (or his parent in possession of legal guardianship) -from now on, the “Tutor” – can contract for his children (hereinafter, “Students”) services in the form of applications (hereinafter, Applications).

The processing of data collected by Teachlabs through their Applications is based on the purposes and conditions detailed in the Privacy Policy.

The Tutor accepts these Terms of Use when contracting the services that Teachlabs offer through their Applications.

  1. Purpose of the Terms

Teachlabs offer Applications that the Tutors can hire to improve the degree of learning of their children in different subjects, while they have fun learning. The Teachlabs Applications are progressively adapted to the student’s development. You, the Tutor, can follow the Student’s interaction and progress through an application that you can also download.

These Terms will be valid as long as Teachlabs do not modify or delete them, which is the right Teachlabs reserve at all times. These Conditions apply to all Teachlabs Applications.

To use the services provided by Teachlabs through their Applications, the Tutor and the Students must have an Internet connection, and they must also have the appropriate terminal equipment to download and use these services. Under no circumstances will Teachlabs be responsible for the costs associated with these mentioned issues, nor for any other derived cost, apart from those that directly involve the hiring of our Applications.

Therefore, it is the Tutor’s exclusive responsibility to ensure that they have the appropriate means. The Tutor must also assume the associated costs already mentioned and verify the suitability of the services Teachlabs provide for you and your children. This is the step preliminary to the hiring of our services, offered through our Applications.

  1. Students’ Registration in Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor, who must be of legal age and who must have the capacity of representation of the under-age Students, will buy both his Application (Application of the Tutor), as well as the contents under payment that the Application of the child may contain.

With the payment to download and use the Tutor Application is done, the Tutor has granted parental consent so that the data collected through the Student Application, as described in our Privacy Policy, is shared with his Application, reflecting the progress of the Students supervised by the Tutor. In addition, when the Tutor makes the purchase of his App (Application of the Tutor), he receives a code that he must enter in the Student Application, to confirm that he has the full capacity of guardianship and representation of said Students. Both Tutor and Students are subject to all the Terms of Use and to the Privacy Policy described in the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor will, in any case, be responsible for the compliance of these Terms, and of the actions that the Students carry out through the use of the Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and updating of the data provided and introduced in each Application (Tutor and Student), as well as the consent granted for the Students, of whom he has full capacity of representation, to interact with the Teachlabs Applications in an appropriate way.

It is under the power of Teachlabs to suspend or revoke the relationship that the Tutor enters with Teachlabs and accepts, under the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, in the event that the Tutor provides false, inaccurate or incomplete information about him or the Students under his tutelage, or if Teachlabs suspect such a situation. In any case, the Tutor will be responsible for the damages that this may cause to Teachlabs.

The Tutor agrees:

  • Not to disclose nor share the data related to the learning progress of their children with third parties who do not have the legal guardianship of the Student.
  • That no other user accesses or uses the user account of the Students, or of the Tutor, except for the recipients and direct users for whom these accounts were created. Therefore, the Tutor will be responsible for the confidentiality of the access data to his account, and to the account of the Students he protects.
  • The Tutor will be responsible for the misuse of any user, whether it is himself, the Student he represents, or a third party that inappropriately accesses the data that allows the use of the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor is obliged to notify Teachlabs immediately if he detects any situation of misuse of their Applications.

Again, Teachlabs have the power to suspend or eliminate the accounts of the different users (Tutor and Students) of their Applications, when they detect their misuse, in breach of the current Terms of Use.

Since the Students Teachlabs Application does not store personal information, except for a persistent identifier, the Student can freely use his application (Student Application) at the beginning. In the Student Application, content under payment will be avilable.

The Tutor will be responsible for:

  • being directly responsible for the electronic purchase of said contents, through the Student Application,
  • buying directly the Application that, after online payment, he can acquire and download to receive statistical data corresponding to the learning progress of the children or Students over whom he has the capacity of guardianship and legal representation,
  • storing the code that the Tutor Application will provide, after payment and download, as well as entering such code in the Student Application, in order to give consent that the data generated by the student who is learning while playing, be shared with the Tutor Application.
  1. Contracting and use of Teachlabs’ Services

Teachlabs expressly prohibit the impersonation of users in the services offered through their Applications, whether in the Applications of Tutors or Students. Any misuse that may cause damage or harm to Teachlabs, or to third parties, due to the misuse of the Tutor or Student Applications, will enable Teachlabs to address this issue and resolve the provision of services.

3.1. Contracting Services offered by Teachlabs.

Students, initially, will be able to freely download and use the Teachlabs Student Application. Since the Student Application does not store personal information that identifies minors, nor children under 13, except for a persistent identifier, as detailed in our Privacy Policy, Teachlabs thus guarantee compliance with the laws of protection of data for children under 13 years of age.

When the Student wishes to access content prior to payment in the Student Application, the Tutor will have to hire those services through electronic payment, providing the necessary information for the payment methods available in our Applications. It is the responsibility of the Tutor not to share information about his means of payment, of which he is the owner, with students or with third parties.

On the other hand, the Tutor can, at any time, pay and download the Tutor Application, which will allow him to access the data of the Students that he identifies under his representation, assuming the responsibility and veracity of having the legal capacity over such Students. To do this, the tutor will pay and download the Tutor Application, which will generate a code that can be entered at any time in the Applications of the Students, thereby linking such Applications under the tutor-student relationship, from that time onwards. The Tutor will be responsible for keeping said code under his exclusive knowledge, not sharing it with any third party, nor with Students. The Tutor may re-generate said code in the Tutor Application at any time. The Tutor will be responsible for not facilitating access to his Tutor Application to any third party, nor to any Student.

Once the Tutor enters the code in a Student Application to link it to the aforementioned Tutor-Student relationship, the Tutor will be able to access the statistical data of the learning progress of those students that he is guardian of, since the Student Applications will share such data with the Tutor Application, from then on. The purpose of this relationship, as indicated in our Privacy Policy, is to facilitate the follow-up of the Student with the Tutors, to be aware of their learning progress, while they learn by playing with the Teachlabs Applications.

The purchases that the Tutor makes through the Student Application, or their own hired Tutor Application, have an unlimited validity and duration over time, and as long as Teachlabs keep these services operational.

3.2. Right of withdrawal.

The Tutors have the right to exercise the withdrawal that the regulation offers for the contracting of electronic services in general. Therefore, the withdrawal period of the service contracted will be 14 calendar days from the hiring of the service in question, provided by Teachlabs through the aforementioned Application. The Tutor accepts that, in any case, if he initiates the execution of the service prior to his exercise of withdrawal, he cannot exercise such right at all, because in this case it concerns the provision of an electronic service.

3.3. Price and payment of purchases offered through Teachlabs services.

The prices will be those that, prior to the purchase process, Teachlabs will show the Tutors responsible for the purchases to be made through each Application, either the Tutor’s Application to make their purchase, or of contents prior payment in the Application of each Student that he supervises.

Unless otherwise indicated through the Particular Conditions that may affect each Service, the prices will include indirect taxes that may be applicable in each case, to the respective Services.

The Tutor can make the payment of services that want to contract with Teachlabs through PayPal, or by credit or debit card. It is the sole responsibility of the Tutor to guarantee the adequate use and privacy of the means of payment used to contract the Services with Teachlabs. Likewise, the Tutor is exclusively responsible for using means of payment only accepted by Teachlabs, as well as for the veracity, accuracy and updating of the information of the payment methods that he uses, committing himself to the full payment of the price associated with the Service that he wishes to acquire, with associated taxes included.

Teachlabs have the right to modify at any time the price applicable to their Services. Their clients will be notified by the most effective means of such modification.

3.4. Cancellation of services.

The tutors, clients of Teachlabs, can at any time exercise their right to the cancellation and deletion of the data that Teachlabs may have stored about them and their tutored students, without affecting the previously made payments, not refunding therefore, the amounts already paid, except in cases stipulated by law, with regard to the right of withdrawal of customers of electronic services (see the previous section, Right of withdrawal).


  1. Rights on the Services and their contents.

The contents of the Teachlabs Services are their own contents, property of Teachlabs or, otherwise, contents licensed in favour of Teachlabs, protected and preserved by the laws of intellectual property.

The alteration, modification, reproduction, distribution, commercialization, public disclosure, reverse engineering for the extraction of the source code or internal functionalities of the Applications, disassembly, decompilation or use of any other technique with the purpose of obtaining the source code of the Applications with which Teachlabs provide their Services are expressly prohibited. Teachlabs reserve the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions when the intellectual or industrial property rights they hold over their Applications are violated, including the content and the source code that supports them.


By paying the corresponding price that enables the customers of Teachlabs to obtain the services provided by Teachlabs through the respective Tutor and Student applications, Teachlabs customers obtain a non-exclusive but non-transferable license to use the Applications and receive the deserved Services. Said license does not authorise in any case the clients, users of the Teachlabs Applications, whether they are Tutors or Students, to exploit them commercially, or to dispose of the information and contents of these Applications, since only Teachlabs hold the intellectual or industrial property rights of such content and information.


  1. Teachlabs’ Responsibility for their provision of Services.

Teachlabs make every effort to maintain the correctness, update and relevance of the contents and information they furnish through their Applications, by using the techniques, diligence and human resources necessary to procure high quality standards to their Services, according to the framework of their objectives.

However, Teachlabs cannot guarantee in all cases and under any circumstances the quality, reliability, correctness, accuracy or morality of the Applications, and the information, utilities and programs they contain. Therefore, Teachlabs is not responsible for any damage or prejudice of any kind that may arise from the use of their Applications to the clients of their Services, except in fraudulent actions or other circumstances that may explicitly be foreseen by the legislation that applies.

Therefore, the Tutor and the Students accept to use and access the provision of contracted services at their own risk and responsibility. In addition, Teachlabs inform their clients that they do not assume any responsibility nor guarantee that the services provided and the applications available to tutors and students can meet the requirements and expectations that they may have.

Teachlabs do not guarantee their users, tutors and students that their services cannot be interrupted for technical reasons or by Teachlabs’ decision.

Likewise, Teachlabs cannot guarantee the results in the learning progress of each individual student, nor that the contents accessed by the students, or the information received by the tutors, can be free of errors, be inaccurate or not updated.

The misuse by Tutors or Students of the Services and Applications with which Teachlabs provide their services, enables Teachlabs to cancel said service, eliminating the means of access with which the clients (tutors) and their tutored students, rely on to access the Services and Applications in question. The Tutors and Students acknowledge Teachlabs’ right and agree to indemnify and compensate Teachlabs and their staff, officers, agents, partners or shareholders, for any breach of these Terms of Use in relation to the provision of Service and the Applications used by Teachlabs for this Service, or for any damage or harm that this may cause.

Teachlabs reserve the right to modify the contents of their Applications and the functionality of their Services without prior notice to their users, Tutors or Students. Without assuming any liability, Teachlabs may freely use their power to interrupt the provision of any Services or to eliminate any information, including that which enables the users of the Applications to access the services provided by Teachlabs. However, Teachlabs will remain subject to the laws that require the preservation of user and client information during the appropriate legal deadlines.


  1. Termination of the Services provided by Teachlabs

Teachlabs reserves, unilaterally and expressly, the right to terminate the Services provided to their users, tutors and students, without prior notice. If the termination is motivated by the misuse or non-compliance of the user to these Conditions, Teachlabs will merely communicate their termination of Service to the Tutor.

The Tutor expressly accepts that Teachlabs will not assume any responsibility if the latter decide to terminate their provision of Services, following the terms expressed in the Terms of Use, and also that Teachlabs will not be obliged to refund any amount of money paid in the past.


  1. Jurisdiction and applicable laws in case of dispute

Teachlabs expressly submit themselves to Spanish courts and Spanish law in the event of a dispute motivated by the Terms of Use, except in those cases in which, imperatively, any other law or jurisdiction appropriate to users of the services operated by Teachlabs is applicable.




What information do we collect from children under 13?

  • Alias or username (or nickname to be identified with on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical data to identify the device (device ID)

For more information, consult the section “CATEGORY OF TREATED DATA” below.

Why do we collect the information?

  • For internal support and use of the application (for example, user analytics)
  • To offer parents or legal guardians the follow-up of the learning progress of their children

For more information, consult the section “PURPOSE OF TREATMENT” below.

With whom is the information shared?

  • With external service providers: for example, payment methods and web hosting, in order to provide the services offered by Teachlabs.
  • With the parent or legal guardian, to track their children´s learning progress, while they are having fun using the Teachlabs Applications.

For the provision of its services, and specifically through their mobile applications (hereinafter, “Applications”), Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter Teachlabs) collect personal data, which are treated in accordance with current legislation: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of April 27th, 2016, concerning the protection of private individuals as regards the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (GRPD), as well as the Spanish regulations of application in force, in terms of data protection. Teachlabs S.L. also pay special attention to and strictly complies with the international regulations in force for the processing of personal data for children under 13 years of age, in their Applications and services aimed at said public.

By using the Teachlabs Applications, you accept our privacy policy. If you do not accept our Privacy Policy, please do not use our Applications.



  • Owner: Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, “Teachlabs”)
  • Registered office: Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga. Registration 760/2015.
  • CIF: B93399871
  • Phone: (+34) 684 11 70 49
  • Email: privacy@teachlabs.com



Teachlabs will treat the user data that they collect through their Applications manually and / or by automation, with the following purposes:

  • For children under 13 and over:
    • Provide support for the internal operations of our Applications, only and exclusively.
  • For adults:
    • Obtain anonymous statistical reports on access and use of Applications.
    • Obtain the payment of adults, who buy content within the Teachlabs Applications, for their children under age, or under 13, to be able to carry out the economic-administrative management corresponding to said purchases.
    • Develop statistical information corresponding to the learning progress of children, who learn while playing, so that their parents can consult it.

Teachlabs also collect non-personal data from users of their Applications. This information is used only to understand better the behaviour and preferences of our anonymous users, and thus improve our products and services.

The legal basis of the aforementioned data processing is based on the legitimate interest of Teachlabs in offering the services described, as well as in the acceptance of the conditions of use, with a contractual nature, previously accepted by users of the Teachlabs Applications.



Teachlabs take special precautions when it comes to protecting the online privacy of children under 13 years of age. In that sense, when Teachlabs refer to “children” in this privacy policy, they refer in all cases to children under 13 years of age. Please note that your child, under the age of 13, should not share your personal information (name, email address, postal address, telephone number, etc.) with any other person without your permission.

To guarantee the privacy and online protection of children, Teachlabs strictly comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA, in English, hereinafter) in all their applications aimed at children. This U.S. law, COPPA, was created to protect children’s online privacy. If you want to know more about COPPA, you can go to the online section of the US Federal Trade Commission.

As indicated below, in the “category of treated data” section, the only information collected from children is that corresponding to an identifier (alias or name on screen) in order to provide functionality and support for internal operations of our Applications, not representing in any case personal information of children. In summary, Teachlabs do not collect any personal information from children in their Applications, and only limit themselves to collect that information that is supposed to be an “exception” allowed by the COPPA law, to facilitate the provision of services to children in Applications. Such information, included in the “exceptions” of data that the COPPA law allows to compile on children, represents persistent identifiers. In any case, all the information that Teachlabs collect from children in their applications comes after obtaining parental consent through online payment made by the father/parent through the application. After this parental consent, Teachlabs collect information about the child, related to the progress the child makes while learning by playing. This progress information is shared with the parent through the application that you can download.

At present, the Teachlabs Applications do not contain advertisements. In addition, none of the third-party products that Teachlabs may use in their Applications allow advertisements targeting children, based on their behaviour.

If you believe that we are unintentionally collecting your child’s personal information without your prior consent, do not hesitate to contact the data processing head of Teachlabs through the following channels:

  • By email: Email: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • By postal mail:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers. 

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Malaga, Spain. Registration 760/2015



In keeping with the previous purposes, Teachlabs collect the following data:

In the case of children under 13 years of age, our applications only and exclusively collect the following data, which in no case represent the child’s personal information, and which does not allow to or is used to contact the child online:

  • Alias or username (nickname to be identified on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical detail to identify the device (device ID)
  • Information about the child’s learning progress, having fun while playing

When a user uses our Applications, we also collect non-personal information about the use of the Application, to help us improve our services. In this sense, the following data is collected, with the sole interest to improve our products and services, and to better understand the behaviour and preferences of our users:

  • Activities that the user can access
  • Number of accesses (logins) to the application
  • Time duration of the online session



The user of these Applications agrees that all the information provided is true, complete and updated. Failure to send the requested data as mandatory will prevent Teachlabs from providing the requested service.

The user will be solely responsible for any loss or damage that may be caused by the provision of false or inaccurate information, and for any damages or losses that this may cause to Teachlabs or to third parties.



The personal information of users that Teachlabs collect through their Applications will be kept for the time necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected, unless the user revokes the consent granted.

Teachlabs will subsequently eliminate said information, except in the cases stipulated by law, for the fulfillment of legal requirements, regulations, resolve disputes, or to guarantee compliance with the Conditions of Use, previously accepted by the user.



Teachlabs is a technology company that develops products based on the latest technologies. In their interest to protect the personal information of their users, Teachlabs use current and appropriate security measures for such purposes, avoiding the loss, alteration, unauthorized access or theft of said data. Among these measures are:

  • Communications based on secure protocols and data encryption between the user and the servers that provide the service.
  • Other measures that guarantee the security of information against current computer attacks.

Teachlabs implement the appropriate technical security measures to maintain the security, integrity, privacy and accuracy of the information you provide.



Teachlabs will not transfer to third parties – except in those cases stipulated in the current regulations about personal data protection, or in the occasional moments that are described below – the information and personal data of the users, collected through their Applications, being only treated with the purposes previously indicated.

Teachlabs will only share some of the information obtained in their Applications, punctually, with service providers that act on our behalf, whether they are providers of payment methods or hosting companies, for example, so that we may fulfill the purposes detailed in the corresponding previous section “Purpose of the treatment”.

Bearing in mind that some of our service providers may be located outside the European Union, therefore not having to comply with the legislation in force in Spain and the European Union, Teachlabs take the necessary measures and choose their external service providers to guarantee the Protection of information and all your data.

The data that reflect the progress of the child’s learning, while having fun playing, is shown in the application of the parent, who can then follow up on the study of their child.



The basis that legitimates the processing of personal data in our Applications is the consent of the interested user, who accepts such treatment when sending us their data.

The purpose of the data processing performed by Teachlabs will always be in accordance with the “purpose of the treatment” indicated in the section of the same name, in this Privacy Policy.

The user has the right to withdraw his consent, which will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out in advance.

In the case of the collection, storage or processing of personal data of a child under 13 years of age, if this were the case, it would always be the demonstrable consent of the legal guardian, unless such information is considered an exception to those permitted by the COPPA law.



The user can exercise the following rights listed below, in compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, through the following channels of information:

  • Sending an email to the email address: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • Sending a letter to the postal address:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers.

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB. Postcode: 29015. Málaga, Spain


The rights that any legitimate user can exercise in relation to the processing of personal data that Teachlabs are processing are:

  • Access your personal data
  • Request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete data
  • Revoke the consent granted
  • Obtain express confirmation of whether Teachlabs are treating your personal data, or not
  • Request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, your data is no longer necessary for the purposes they were collected for.
  • Request the limitation of the processing of your data in relation to the casuistry provided by the data protection regulations
  • Oppose the processing of your data, depending on certain circumstances or reasons related to your particular situation, leaving Teachlabs to process your data, except for legitimate reasons, or in the exercise or defense of possible claims.
  • Challenge the automated actions of data processing performed by Teachlabs
  • Carrying your data, requesting Teachlabs to provide them to the person responsible for the data processing that the user indicates.

If Teachlabs had unintentionally collected and stored personal data of children under 13 years of age, parents can request access to personal data at any time to review said information, request its deletion or oppose the processing or collection of such data. through the communication channels enabled at the beginning of this section.

In any case, the user of our Applications may complain to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (www.agpd.es) when it considers that Teachlabs have violated their rights in terms of data protection.



Teachlabs reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy, always respecting regulatory compliance and respecting the rights of the users of this Website. These changes will be notified through this website, which contains all aspects related to our Privacy Policy.

Date of last update: November 27, 2018.






The present conditions of use (hereinafter, “Conditions”) govern the provision of services (hereinafter, “Services”) of gamified training -learning while the child is having fun- of Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, Teachlabs), offered through their applications (hereinafter, Applications).

Teachlabs S.L. are a mercantile company, with a registered head office in Málaga, Spain, at Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga, and with registration number 760/22015, C.I.F B93399871. You can contact us at the email address hello@teachlabs.com or by phone (+34) 684 11 70 49.

Teachlabs offer gamified digital training services for children, in which the legal guardian (or his parent in possession of legal guardianship) -from now on, the “Tutor” – can contract for his children (hereinafter, “Students”) services in the form of applications (hereinafter, Applications).

The processing of data collected by Teachlabs through their Applications is based on the purposes and conditions detailed in the Privacy Policy.

The Tutor accepts these Terms of Use when contracting the services that Teachlabs offer through their Applications.

  1. Purpose of the Terms

Teachlabs offer Applications that the Tutors can hire to improve the degree of learning of their children in different subjects, while they have fun learning. The Teachlabs Applications are progressively adapted to the student’s development. You, the Tutor, can follow the Student’s interaction and progress through an application that you can also download.

These Terms will be valid as long as Teachlabs do not modify or delete them, which is the right Teachlabs reserve at all times. These Conditions apply to all Teachlabs Applications.

To use the services provided by Teachlabs through their Applications, the Tutor and the Students must have an Internet connection, and they must also have the appropriate terminal equipment to download and use these services. Under no circumstances will Teachlabs be responsible for the costs associated with these mentioned issues, nor for any other derived cost, apart from those that directly involve the hiring of our Applications.

Therefore, it is the Tutor’s exclusive responsibility to ensure that they have the appropriate means. The Tutor must also assume the associated costs already mentioned and verify the suitability of the services Teachlabs provide for you and your children. This is the step preliminary to the hiring of our services, offered through our Applications.

  1. Students’ Registration in Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor, who must be of legal age and who must have the capacity of representation of the under-age Students, will buy both his Application (Application of the Tutor), as well as the contents under payment that the Application of the child may contain.

With the payment to download and use the Tutor Application is done, the Tutor has granted parental consent so that the data collected through the Student Application, as described in our Privacy Policy, is shared with his Application, reflecting the progress of the Students supervised by the Tutor. In addition, when the Tutor makes the purchase of his App (Application of the Tutor), he receives a code that he must enter in the Student Application, to confirm that he has the full capacity of guardianship and representation of said Students. Both Tutor and Students are subject to all the Terms of Use and to the Privacy Policy described in the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor will, in any case, be responsible for the compliance of these Terms, and of the actions that the Students carry out through the use of the Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and updating of the data provided and introduced in each Application (Tutor and Student), as well as the consent granted for the Students, of whom he has full capacity of representation, to interact with the Teachlabs Applications in an appropriate way.

It is under the power of Teachlabs to suspend or revoke the relationship that the Tutor enters with Teachlabs and accepts, under the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, in the event that the Tutor provides false, inaccurate or incomplete information about him or the Students under his tutelage, or if Teachlabs suspect such a situation. In any case, the Tutor will be responsible for the damages that this may cause to Teachlabs.

The Tutor agrees:

  • Not to disclose nor share the data related to the learning progress of their children with third parties who do not have the legal guardianship of the Student.
  • That no other user accesses or uses the user account of the Students, or of the Tutor, except for the recipients and direct users for whom these accounts were created. Therefore, the Tutor will be responsible for the confidentiality of the access data to his account, and to the account of the Students he protects.
  • The Tutor will be responsible for the misuse of any user, whether it is himself, the Student he represents, or a third party that inappropriately accesses the data that allows the use of the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor is obliged to notify Teachlabs immediately if he detects any situation of misuse of their Applications.

Again, Teachlabs have the power to suspend or eliminate the accounts of the different users (Tutor and Students) of their Applications, when they detect their misuse, in breach of the current Terms of Use.

Since the Students Teachlabs Application does not store personal information, except for a persistent identifier, the Student can freely use his application (Student Application) at the beginning. In the Student Application, content under payment will be avilable.

The Tutor will be responsible for:

  • being directly responsible for the electronic purchase of said contents, through the Student Application,
  • buying directly the Application that, after online payment, he can acquire and download to receive statistical data corresponding to the learning progress of the children or Students over whom he has the capacity of guardianship and legal representation,
  • storing the code that the Tutor Application will provide, after payment and download, as well as entering such code in the Student Application, in order to give consent that the data generated by the student who is learning while playing, be shared with the Tutor Application.
  1. Contracting and use of Teachlabs’ Services

Teachlabs expressly prohibit the impersonation of users in the services offered through their Applications, whether in the Applications of Tutors or Students. Any misuse that may cause damage or harm to Teachlabs, or to third parties, due to the misuse of the Tutor or Student Applications, will enable Teachlabs to address this issue and resolve the provision of services.

3.1. Contracting Services offered by Teachlabs.

Students, initially, will be able to freely download and use the Teachlabs Student Application. Since the Student Application does not store personal information that identifies minors, nor children under 13, except for a persistent identifier, as detailed in our Privacy Policy, Teachlabs thus guarantee compliance with the laws of protection of data for children under 13 years of age.

When the Student wishes to access content prior to payment in the Student Application, the Tutor will have to hire those services through electronic payment, providing the necessary information for the payment methods available in our Applications. It is the responsibility of the Tutor not to share information about his means of payment, of which he is the owner, with students or with third parties.

On the other hand, the Tutor can, at any time, pay and download the Tutor Application, which will allow him to access the data of the Students that he identifies under his representation, assuming the responsibility and veracity of having the legal capacity over such Students. To do this, the tutor will pay and download the Tutor Application, which will generate a code that can be entered at any time in the Applications of the Students, thereby linking such Applications under the tutor-student relationship, from that time onwards. The Tutor will be responsible for keeping said code under his exclusive knowledge, not sharing it with any third party, nor with Students. The Tutor may re-generate said code in the Tutor Application at any time. The Tutor will be responsible for not facilitating access to his Tutor Application to any third party, nor to any Student.

Once the Tutor enters the code in a Student Application to link it to the aforementioned Tutor-Student relationship, the Tutor will be able to access the statistical data of the learning progress of those students that he is guardian of, since the Student Applications will share such data with the Tutor Application, from then on. The purpose of this relationship, as indicated in our Privacy Policy, is to facilitate the follow-up of the Student with the Tutors, to be aware of their learning progress, while they learn by playing with the Teachlabs Applications.

The purchases that the Tutor makes through the Student Application, or their own hired Tutor Application, have an unlimited validity and duration over time, and as long as Teachlabs keep these services operational.

3.2. Right of withdrawal.

The Tutors have the right to exercise the withdrawal that the regulation offers for the contracting of electronic services in general. Therefore, the withdrawal period of the service contracted will be 14 calendar days from the hiring of the service in question, provided by Teachlabs through the aforementioned Application. The Tutor accepts that, in any case, if he initiates the execution of the service prior to his exercise of withdrawal, he cannot exercise such right at all, because in this case it concerns the provision of an electronic service.

3.3. Price and payment of purchases offered through Teachlabs services.

The prices will be those that, prior to the purchase process, Teachlabs will show the Tutors responsible for the purchases to be made through each Application, either the Tutor’s Application to make their purchase, or of contents prior payment in the Application of each Student that he supervises.

Unless otherwise indicated through the Particular Conditions that may affect each Service, the prices will include indirect taxes that may be applicable in each case, to the respective Services.

The Tutor can make the payment of services that want to contract with Teachlabs through PayPal, or by credit or debit card. It is the sole responsibility of the Tutor to guarantee the adequate use and privacy of the means of payment used to contract the Services with Teachlabs. Likewise, the Tutor is exclusively responsible for using means of payment only accepted by Teachlabs, as well as for the veracity, accuracy and updating of the information of the payment methods that he uses, committing himself to the full payment of the price associated with the Service that he wishes to acquire, with associated taxes included.

Teachlabs have the right to modify at any time the price applicable to their Services. Their clients will be notified by the most effective means of such modification.

3.4. Cancellation of services.

The tutors, clients of Teachlabs, can at any time exercise their right to the cancellation and deletion of the data that Teachlabs may have stored about them and their tutored students, without affecting the previously made payments, not refunding therefore, the amounts already paid, except in cases stipulated by law, with regard to the right of withdrawal of customers of electronic services (see the previous section, Right of withdrawal).


  1. Rights on the Services and their contents.

The contents of the Teachlabs Services are their own contents, property of Teachlabs or, otherwise, contents licensed in favour of Teachlabs, protected and preserved by the laws of intellectual property.

The alteration, modification, reproduction, distribution, commercialization, public disclosure, reverse engineering for the extraction of the source code or internal functionalities of the Applications, disassembly, decompilation or use of any other technique with the purpose of obtaining the source code of the Applications with which Teachlabs provide their Services are expressly prohibited. Teachlabs reserve the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions when the intellectual or industrial property rights they hold over their Applications are violated, including the content and the source code that supports them.


By paying the corresponding price that enables the customers of Teachlabs to obtain the services provided by Teachlabs through the respective Tutor and Student applications, Teachlabs customers obtain a non-exclusive but non-transferable license to use the Applications and receive the deserved Services. Said license does not authorise in any case the clients, users of the Teachlabs Applications, whether they are Tutors or Students, to exploit them commercially, or to dispose of the information and contents of these Applications, since only Teachlabs hold the intellectual or industrial property rights of such content and information.


  1. Teachlabs’ Responsibility for their provision of Services.

Teachlabs make every effort to maintain the correctness, update and relevance of the contents and information they furnish through their Applications, by using the techniques, diligence and human resources necessary to procure high quality standards to their Services, according to the framework of their objectives.

However, Teachlabs cannot guarantee in all cases and under any circumstances the quality, reliability, correctness, accuracy or morality of the Applications, and the information, utilities and programs they contain. Therefore, Teachlabs is not responsible for any damage or prejudice of any kind that may arise from the use of their Applications to the clients of their Services, except in fraudulent actions or other circumstances that may explicitly be foreseen by the legislation that applies.

Therefore, the Tutor and the Students accept to use and access the provision of contracted services at their own risk and responsibility. In addition, Teachlabs inform their clients that they do not assume any responsibility nor guarantee that the services provided and the applications available to tutors and students can meet the requirements and expectations that they may have.

Teachlabs do not guarantee their users, tutors and students that their services cannot be interrupted for technical reasons or by Teachlabs’ decision.

Likewise, Teachlabs cannot guarantee the results in the learning progress of each individual student, nor that the contents accessed by the students, or the information received by the tutors, can be free of errors, be inaccurate or not updated.

The misuse by Tutors or Students of the Services and Applications with which Teachlabs provide their services, enables Teachlabs to cancel said service, eliminating the means of access with which the clients (tutors) and their tutored students, rely on to access the Services and Applications in question. The Tutors and Students acknowledge Teachlabs’ right and agree to indemnify and compensate Teachlabs and their staff, officers, agents, partners or shareholders, for any breach of these Terms of Use in relation to the provision of Service and the Applications used by Teachlabs for this Service, or for any damage or harm that this may cause.

Teachlabs reserve the right to modify the contents of their Applications and the functionality of their Services without prior notice to their users, Tutors or Students. Without assuming any liability, Teachlabs may freely use their power to interrupt the provision of any Services or to eliminate any information, including that which enables the users of the Applications to access the services provided by Teachlabs. However, Teachlabs will remain subject to the laws that require the preservation of user and client information during the appropriate legal deadlines.


  1. Termination of the Services provided by Teachlabs

Teachlabs reserves, unilaterally and expressly, the right to terminate the Services provided to their users, tutors and students, without prior notice. If the termination is motivated by the misuse or non-compliance of the user to these Conditions, Teachlabs will merely communicate their termination of Service to the Tutor.

The Tutor expressly accepts that Teachlabs will not assume any responsibility if the latter decide to terminate their provision of Services, following the terms expressed in the Terms of Use, and also that Teachlabs will not be obliged to refund any amount of money paid in the past.


  1. Jurisdiction and applicable laws in case of dispute

Teachlabs expressly submit themselves to Spanish courts and Spanish law in the event of a dispute motivated by the Terms of Use, except in those cases in which, imperatively, any other law or jurisdiction appropriate to users of the services operated by Teachlabs is applicable.




What information do we collect from children under 13?

  • Alias or username (or nickname to be identified with on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical data to identify the device (device ID)

For more information, consult the section “CATEGORY OF TREATED DATA” below.

Why do we collect the information?

  • For internal support and use of the application (for example, user analytics)
  • To offer parents or legal guardians the follow-up of the learning progress of their children

For more information, consult the section “PURPOSE OF TREATMENT” below.

With whom is the information shared?

  • With external service providers: for example, payment methods and web hosting, in order to provide the services offered by Teachlabs.
  • With the parent or legal guardian, to track their children´s learning progress, while they are having fun using the Teachlabs Applications.

For the provision of its services, and specifically through their mobile applications (hereinafter, “Applications”), Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter Teachlabs) collect personal data, which are treated in accordance with current legislation: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of April 27th, 2016, concerning the protection of private individuals as regards the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (GRPD), as well as the Spanish regulations of application in force, in terms of data protection. Teachlabs S.L. also pay special attention to and strictly complies with the international regulations in force for the processing of personal data for children under 13 years of age, in their Applications and services aimed at said public.

By using the Teachlabs Applications, you accept our privacy policy. If you do not accept our Privacy Policy, please do not use our Applications.



  • Owner: Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, “Teachlabs”)
  • Registered office: Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga. Registration 760/2015.
  • CIF: B93399871
  • Phone: (+34) 684 11 70 49
  • Email: privacy@teachlabs.com



Teachlabs will treat the user data that they collect through their Applications manually and / or by automation, with the following purposes:

  • For children under 13 and over:
    • Provide support for the internal operations of our Applications, only and exclusively.
  • For adults:
    • Obtain anonymous statistical reports on access and use of Applications.
    • Obtain the payment of adults, who buy content within the Teachlabs Applications, for their children under age, or under 13, to be able to carry out the economic-administrative management corresponding to said purchases.
    • Develop statistical information corresponding to the learning progress of children, who learn while playing, so that their parents can consult it.

Teachlabs also collect non-personal data from users of their Applications. This information is used only to understand better the behaviour and preferences of our anonymous users, and thus improve our products and services.

The legal basis of the aforementioned data processing is based on the legitimate interest of Teachlabs in offering the services described, as well as in the acceptance of the conditions of use, with a contractual nature, previously accepted by users of the Teachlabs Applications.



Teachlabs take special precautions when it comes to protecting the online privacy of children under 13 years of age. In that sense, when Teachlabs refer to “children” in this privacy policy, they refer in all cases to children under 13 years of age. Please note that your child, under the age of 13, should not share your personal information (name, email address, postal address, telephone number, etc.) with any other person without your permission.

To guarantee the privacy and online protection of children, Teachlabs strictly comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA, in English, hereinafter) in all their applications aimed at children. This U.S. law, COPPA, was created to protect children’s online privacy. If you want to know more about COPPA, you can go to the online section of the US Federal Trade Commission.

As indicated below, in the “category of treated data” section, the only information collected from children is that corresponding to an identifier (alias or name on screen) in order to provide functionality and support for internal operations of our Applications, not representing in any case personal information of children. In summary, Teachlabs do not collect any personal information from children in their Applications, and only limit themselves to collect that information that is supposed to be an “exception” allowed by the COPPA law, to facilitate the provision of services to children in Applications. Such information, included in the “exceptions” of data that the COPPA law allows to compile on children, represents persistent identifiers. In any case, all the information that Teachlabs collect from children in their applications comes after obtaining parental consent through online payment made by the father/parent through the application. After this parental consent, Teachlabs collect information about the child, related to the progress the child makes while learning by playing. This progress information is shared with the parent through the application that you can download.

At present, the Teachlabs Applications do not contain advertisements. In addition, none of the third-party products that Teachlabs may use in their Applications allow advertisements targeting children, based on their behaviour.

If you believe that we are unintentionally collecting your child’s personal information without your prior consent, do not hesitate to contact the data processing head of Teachlabs through the following channels:

  • By email: Email: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • By postal mail:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers. 

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Malaga, Spain. Registration 760/2015



In keeping with the previous purposes, Teachlabs collect the following data:

In the case of children under 13 years of age, our applications only and exclusively collect the following data, which in no case represent the child’s personal information, and which does not allow to or is used to contact the child online:

  • Alias or username (nickname to be identified on the platform) that does not serve or is used as online contact information or, otherwise,
  • Technical detail to identify the device (device ID)
  • Information about the child’s learning progress, having fun while playing

When a user uses our Applications, we also collect non-personal information about the use of the Application, to help us improve our services. In this sense, the following data is collected, with the sole interest to improve our products and services, and to better understand the behaviour and preferences of our users:

  • Activities that the user can access
  • Number of accesses (logins) to the application
  • Time duration of the online session



The user of these Applications agrees that all the information provided is true, complete and updated. Failure to send the requested data as mandatory will prevent Teachlabs from providing the requested service.

The user will be solely responsible for any loss or damage that may be caused by the provision of false or inaccurate information, and for any damages or losses that this may cause to Teachlabs or to third parties.



The personal information of users that Teachlabs collect through their Applications will be kept for the time necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected, unless the user revokes the consent granted.

Teachlabs will subsequently eliminate said information, except in the cases stipulated by law, for the fulfillment of legal requirements, regulations, resolve disputes, or to guarantee compliance with the Conditions of Use, previously accepted by the user.



Teachlabs is a technology company that develops products based on the latest technologies. In their interest to protect the personal information of their users, Teachlabs use current and appropriate security measures for such purposes, avoiding the loss, alteration, unauthorized access or theft of said data. Among these measures are:

  • Communications based on secure protocols and data encryption between the user and the servers that provide the service.
  • Other measures that guarantee the security of information against current computer attacks.

Teachlabs implement the appropriate technical security measures to maintain the security, integrity, privacy and accuracy of the information you provide.



Teachlabs will not transfer to third parties – except in those cases stipulated in the current regulations about personal data protection, or in the occasional moments that are described below – the information and personal data of the users, collected through their Applications, being only treated with the purposes previously indicated.

Teachlabs will only share some of the information obtained in their Applications, punctually, with service providers that act on our behalf, whether they are providers of payment methods or hosting companies, for example, so that we may fulfill the purposes detailed in the corresponding previous section “Purpose of the treatment”.

Bearing in mind that some of our service providers may be located outside the European Union, therefore not having to comply with the legislation in force in Spain and the European Union, Teachlabs take the necessary measures and choose their external service providers to guarantee the Protection of information and all your data.

The data that reflect the progress of the child’s learning, while having fun playing, is shown in the application of the parent, who can then follow up on the study of their child.



The basis that legitimates the processing of personal data in our Applications is the consent of the interested user, who accepts such treatment when sending us their data.

The purpose of the data processing performed by Teachlabs will always be in accordance with the “purpose of the treatment” indicated in the section of the same name, in this Privacy Policy.

The user has the right to withdraw his consent, which will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out in advance.

In the case of the collection, storage or processing of personal data of a child under 13 years of age, if this were the case, it would always be the demonstrable consent of the legal guardian, unless such information is considered an exception to those permitted by the COPPA law.



The user can exercise the following rights listed below, in compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, through the following channels of information:

  • Sending an email to the email address: privacy@teachlabs.com
  • Sending a letter to the postal address:

Pérez Parras Economists and Lawyers.

Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB. Postcode: 29015. Málaga, Spain


The rights that any legitimate user can exercise in relation to the processing of personal data that Teachlabs are processing are:

  • Access your personal data
  • Request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete data
  • Revoke the consent granted
  • Obtain express confirmation of whether Teachlabs are treating your personal data, or not
  • Request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, your data is no longer necessary for the purposes they were collected for.
  • Request the limitation of the processing of your data in relation to the casuistry provided by the data protection regulations
  • Oppose the processing of your data, depending on certain circumstances or reasons related to your particular situation, leaving Teachlabs to process your data, except for legitimate reasons, or in the exercise or defense of possible claims.
  • Challenge the automated actions of data processing performed by Teachlabs
  • Carrying your data, requesting Teachlabs to provide them to the person responsible for the data processing that the user indicates.

If Teachlabs had unintentionally collected and stored personal data of children under 13 years of age, parents can request access to personal data at any time to review said information, request its deletion or oppose the processing or collection of such data. through the communication channels enabled at the beginning of this section.

In any case, the user of our Applications may complain to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (www.agpd.es) when it considers that Teachlabs have violated their rights in terms of data protection.



Teachlabs reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy, always respecting regulatory compliance and respecting the rights of the users of this Website. These changes will be notified through this website, which contains all aspects related to our Privacy Policy.

Date of last update: November 27, 2018.






The present conditions of use (hereinafter, “Conditions”) govern the provision of services (hereinafter, “Services”) of gamified training -learning while the child is having fun- of Teachlabs S.L. (hereinafter, Teachlabs), offered through their applications (hereinafter, Applications).

Teachlabs S.L. are a mercantile company, with a registered head office in Málaga, Spain, at Calle Cortina del Muelle, 21, 3ºB, 29015 – Málaga, and with registration number 760/22015, C.I.F B93399871. You can contact us at the email address hello@teachlabs.com or by phone (+34) 684 11 70 49.

Teachlabs offer gamified digital training services for children, in which the legal guardian (or his parent in possession of legal guardianship) -from now on, the “Tutor” – can contract for his children (hereinafter, “Students”) services in the form of applications (hereinafter, Applications).

The processing of data collected by Teachlabs through their Applications is based on the purposes and conditions detailed in the Privacy Policy.

The Tutor accepts these Terms of Use when contracting the services that Teachlabs offer through their Applications.

  1. Purpose of the Terms

Teachlabs offer Applications that the Tutors can hire to improve the degree of learning of their children in different subjects, while they have fun learning. The Teachlabs Applications are progressively adapted to the student’s development. You, the Tutor, can follow the Student’s interaction and progress through an application that you can also download.

These Terms will be valid as long as Teachlabs do not modify or delete them, which is the right Teachlabs reserve at all times. These Conditions apply to all Teachlabs Applications.

To use the services provided by Teachlabs through their Applications, the Tutor and the Students must have an Internet connection, and they must also have the appropriate terminal equipment to download and use these services. Under no circumstances will Teachlabs be responsible for the costs associated with these mentioned issues, nor for any other derived cost, apart from those that directly involve the hiring of our Applications.

Therefore, it is the Tutor’s exclusive responsibility to ensure that they have the appropriate means. The Tutor must also assume the associated costs already mentioned and verify the suitability of the services Teachlabs provide for you and your children. This is the step preliminary to the hiring of our services, offered through our Applications.

  1. Students’ Registration in Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor, who must be of legal age and who must have the capacity of representation of the under-age Students, will buy both his Application (Application of the Tutor), as well as the contents under payment that the Application of the child may contain.

With the payment to download and use the Tutor Application is done, the Tutor has granted parental consent so that the data collected through the Student Application, as described in our Privacy Policy, is shared with his Application, reflecting the progress of the Students supervised by the Tutor. In addition, when the Tutor makes the purchase of his App (Application of the Tutor), he receives a code that he must enter in the Student Application, to confirm that he has the full capacity of guardianship and representation of said Students. Both Tutor and Students are subject to all the Terms of Use and to the Privacy Policy described in the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor will, in any case, be responsible for the compliance of these Terms, and of the actions that the Students carry out through the use of the Teachlabs Applications.

The Tutor is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and updating of the data provided and introduced in each Application (Tutor and Student), as well as the consent granted for the Students, of whom he has full capacity of representation, to interact with the Teachlabs Applications in an appropriate way.

It is under the power of Teachlabs to suspend or revoke the relationship that the Tutor enters with Teachlabs and accepts, under the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, in the event that the Tutor provides false, inaccurate or incomplete information about him or the Students under his tutelage, or if Teachlabs suspect such a situation. In any case, the Tutor will be responsible for the damages that this may cause to Teachlabs.

The Tutor agrees:

  • Not to disclose nor share the data related to the learning progress of their children with third parties who do not have the legal guardianship of the Student.
  • That no other user accesses or uses the user account of the Students, or of the Tutor, except for the recipients and direct users for whom these accounts were created. Therefore, the Tutor will be responsible for the confidentiality of the access data to his account, and to the account of the Students he protects.
  • The Tutor will be responsible for the misuse of any user, whether it is himself, the Student he represents, or a third party that inappropriately accesses the data that allows the use of the Teachlabs Applications. The Tutor is obliged to notify Teachlabs immediately if he detects any situation of misuse of their Applications.

Again, Teachlabs have the power to suspend or eliminate the accounts of the different users (Tutor and Students) of their Applications, when they detect their misuse, in breach of the current Terms of Use.

Since the Students Teachlabs Application does not store personal information, except for a persistent identifier, the Student can freely use his application (Student Application) at the beginning. In the Student Application, content under payment will be avilable.

The Tutor will be responsible for:

  • being directly responsible for the electronic purchase of said contents, through the Student Application,
  • buying directly the Application that, after online payment, he can acquire and download to receive statistical data corresponding to the learning progress of the children or Students over whom he has the capacity of guardianship and legal representation,
  • storing the code that the Tutor Application will provide, after payment and download, as well as entering such code in the Student Application, in order to give consent that the data generated by the student who is learning while playing, be shared with the Tutor Application.
  1. Contracting and use of Teachlabs’ Services

Teachlabs expressly prohibit the impersonation of users in the services offered through their Applications, whether in the Applications of Tutors or Students. Any misuse that may cause damage or harm to Teachlabs, or to third parties, due to the misuse of the Tutor or Student Applications, will enable Teachlabs to address this issue and resolve the provision of services.

3.1. Contracting Services offered by Teachlabs.

Students, initially, will be able to freely download and use the Teachlabs Student Application. Since the Student Application does not store personal information that identifies minors, nor children under 13, except for a persistent identifier, as detailed in our Privacy Policy, Teachlabs thus guarantee compliance with the laws of protection of data for children under 13 years of age.

When the Student wishes to access content prior to payment in the Student Application, the Tutor will have to hire those services through electronic payment, providing the necessary information for the payment methods available in our Applications. It is the responsibility of the Tutor not to share information about his means of payment, of which he is the owner, with students or with third parties.

On the other hand, the Tutor can, at any time, pay and download the Tutor Application, which will allow him to access the data of the Students that he identifies under his representation, assuming the responsibility and veracity of having the legal capacity over such Students. To do this, the tutor will pay and download the Tutor Application, which will generate a code that can be entered at any time in the Applications of the Students, thereby linking such Applications under the tutor-student relationship, from that time onwards. The Tutor will be responsible for keeping said code under his exclusive knowledge, not sharing it with any third party, nor with Students. The Tutor may re-generate said code in the Tutor Application at any time. The Tutor will be responsible for not facilitating access to his Tutor Application to any third party, nor to any Student.

Once the Tutor enters the code in a Student Application to link it to the aforementioned Tutor-Student relationship, the Tutor will be able to access the statistical data of the learning progress of those students that he is guardian of, since the Student Applications will share such data with the Tutor Application, from then on. The purpose of this relationship, as indicated in our Privacy Policy, is to facilitate the follow-up of the Student with the Tutors, to be aware of their learning progress, while they learn by playing with the Teachlabs Applications.

The purchases that the Tutor makes through the Student Application, or their own hired Tutor Application, have an unlimited validity and duration over time, and as long as Teachlabs keep these services operational.

3.2. Right of withdrawal.

The Tutors have the right to exercise the withdrawal that the regulation offers for the contracting of electronic services in general. Therefore, the withdrawal period of the service contracted will be 14 calendar days from the hiring of the service in question, provided by Teachlabs through the aforementioned Application. The Tutor accepts that, in any case, if he initiates the execution of the service prior to his exercise of withdrawal, he cannot exercise such right at all, because in this case it concerns the provision of an electronic service.

3.3. Price and payment of purchases offered through Teachlabs services.

The prices will be those that, prior to the purchase process, Teachlabs will show the Tutors responsible for the purchases to be made through each Application, either the Tutor’s Application to make their purchase, or of contents prior payment in the Application of each Student that he supervises.

Unless otherwise indicated through the Particular Conditions that may affect each Service, the prices will include indirect taxes that may be applicable in each case, to the respective Services.

The Tutor can make the payment of services that want to contract with Teachlabs through PayPal, or by credit or debit card. It is the sole responsibility of the Tutor to guarantee the adequate use and privacy of the means of payment used to contract the Services with Teachlabs. Likewise, the Tutor is exclusively responsible for using means of payment only accepted by Teachlabs, as well as for the veracity, accuracy and updating of the information of the payment methods that he uses, committing himself to the full payment of the price associated with the Service that he wishes to acquire, with associated taxes included.

Teachlabs have the right to modify at any time the price applicable to their Services. Their clients will be notified by the most effective means of such modification.

3.4. Cancellation of services.

The tutors, clients of Teachlabs, can at any time exercise their right to the cancellation and deletion of the data that Teachlabs may have stored about them and their tutored students, without affecting the previously made payments, not refunding therefore, the amounts already paid, except in cases stipulated by law, with regard to the right of withdrawal of customers of electronic services (see the previous section, Right of withdrawal).


  1. Rights on the Services and their contents.

The contents of the Teachlabs Services are their own contents, property of Teachlabs or, otherwise, contents licensed in favour of Teachlabs, protected and preserved by the laws of intellectual property.

The alteration, modification, reproduction, distribution, commercialization, public disclosure, reverse engineering for the extraction of the source code or internal functionalities of the Applications, disassembly, decompilation or use of any other technique with the purpose of obtaining the source code of the Applications with which Teachlabs provide their Services are expressly prohibited. Teachlabs reserve the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions when the intellectual or industrial property rights they hold over their Applications are violated, including the content and the source code that supports them.


By paying the corresponding price that enables the customers of Teachlabs to obtain the services provided by Teachlabs through the respective Tutor and Student applications, Teachlabs customers obtain a non-exclusive but non-transferable license to use the Applications and receive the deserved Services. Said license does not authorise in any case the clients, users of the Teachlabs Applications, whether they are Tutors or Students, to exploit them commercially, or to dispose of the information and contents of these Applications, since only Teachlabs hold the intellectual or industrial property rights of such content and information.


  1. Teachlabs’ Responsibility for their provision of Services.

Teachlabs make every effort to maintain the correctness, update and relevance of the contents and information they furnish through their Applications, by using the techniques, diligence and human resources necessary to procure high quality standards to their Services, according to the framework of their objectives.

However, Teachlabs cannot guarantee in all cases and under any circumstances the quality, reliability, correctness, accuracy or morality of the Applications, and the information, utilities and programs they contain. Therefore, Teachlabs is not responsible for any damage or prejudice of any kind that may arise from the use of their Applications to the clients of their Services, except in fraudulent actions or other circumstances that may explicitly be foreseen by the legislation that applies.

Therefore, the Tutor and the Students accept to use and access the provision of contracted services at their own risk and responsibility. In addition, Teachlabs inform their clients that they do not assume any responsibility nor guarantee that the services provided and the applications available to tutors and students can meet the requirements and expectations that they may have.

Teachlabs do not guarantee their users, tutors and students that their services cannot be interrupted for technical reasons or by Teachlabs’ decision.

Likewise, Teachlabs cannot guarantee the results in the learning progress of each individual student, nor that the contents accessed by the students, or the information received by the tutors, can be free of errors, be inaccurate or not updated.

The misuse by Tutors or Students of the Services and Applications with which Teachlabs provide their services, enables Teachlabs to cancel said service, eliminating the means of access with which the clients (tutors) and their tutored students, rely on to access the Services and Applications in question. The Tutors and Students acknowledge Teachlabs’ right and agree to indemnify and compensate Teachlabs and their staff, officers, agents, partners or shareholders, for any breach of these Terms of Use in relation to the provision of Service and the Applications used by Teachlabs for this Service, or for any damage or harm that this may cause.

Teachlabs reserve the right to modify the contents of their Applications and the functionality of their Services without prior notice to their users, Tutors or Students. Without assuming any liability, Teachlabs may freely use their power to interrupt the provision of any Services or to eliminate any information, including that which enables the users of the Applications to access the services provided by Teachlabs. However, Teachlabs will remain subject to the laws that require the preservation of user and client information during the appropriate legal deadlines.


  1. Termination of the Services provided by Teachlabs

Teachlabs reserves, unilaterally and expressly, the right to terminate the Services provided to their users, tutors and students, without prior notice. If the termination is motivated by the misuse or non-compliance of the user to these Conditions, Teachlabs will merely communicate their termination of Service to the Tutor.

The Tutor expressly accepts that Teachlabs will not assume any responsibility if the latter decide to terminate their provision of Services, following the terms expressed in the Terms of Use, and also that Teachlabs will not be obliged to refund any amount of money paid in the past.


  1. Jurisdiction and applicable laws in case of dispute

Teachlabs expressly submit themselves to Spanish courts and Spanish law in the event of a dispute motivated by the Terms of Use, except in those cases in which, imperatively, any other law or jurisdiction appropriate to users of the services operated by Teachlabs is applicable.
